Any Suggestions?

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Here's the deal. I've been skydiving for about a year now and I've yet to tell my family. Since I'm going for a visit this weekend I thought I'd break it to them then. Any ideas on how to let them know I flinging myself out of planes in a way that will ease their concerns??:S

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. -Oliver Wendel Holmes

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You won't be able to ease their concerns much regardless of how you tell them - 13 years later my mother still worries about me jumping. What you can do is emphasize how much fun you're having and the positive ways jumping is changing your life, minimize talk of injury and death, and let them know that you know and accept the risks you're taking.

I like the video idea for breaking the subject - "Hey, check this out!" :ph34r:

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I like the video idea for breaking the subject - "Hey, check this out!"

That's what I did when I did my first tandem. I didn't tell anyone I went to do it, I just said, "watch this video I made over the weekend". It made for some interesting conversations, that's for sure. :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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minimize talk of injury and death

Yea. I wasn't going to start the conversation with statistics!:o
I do have some footage on video. Not sure that'll make them feel any better but I'll give it a shot! Then I'll tell them what a safe and conservative skydiver I am! (Those terms don't go together for my poor wuffo parents!)

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. -Oliver Wendel Holmes

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If your mother is anything like mine, use video, talk about it, and get ready for, "My God, what the hell is the matter with you??!!" and "Why the *#&@ do you feel the need to do that??!!"

My mom doesn't ask those questions anymore, but she still sighs at the thought. My sister thinks it's okay but she's scared sh*tless. My dad thinks it's great and so does his wife. Go figure... :S

So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I like the video idea. Get someone to shoot you during freefall. Then, take it home and show it to your family. say something like, "Gee, that looks fun, maybe I'll try it"...something to that effect.
Then, break it to them that it's you in the video.

Lots of fun. B|

Que sera sera

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Hum... i can't believe you've hid it from them for a year! After I bought a motorcycle for my 18th birthday without telling my parents and bringing it home ON my birthday (telling them I had a new girlfriend I wanted them to meet) my mom didn't talk to me for a week.. after that she pretty much gave up on things I do :) So when i started skydiving she didn't even say anything.. (my dad used to skydive, but before he had me).

When they came down this past weekend and I was talking about my reserve ride I had the day before (the backwards stiletto 120) my mother was not impressed.

My dad was laughing though :)

Have fun! Let me know how it goes.

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