
Intelligence: Hollywood vs Bush Administration

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Other than the anecdotal evidence you supplied, do you have proof that this was the case with GWB or are you just speculating?

Something to do with walking like a duck and quacking like a duck. The evidence is far better than the evidence that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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"President George W. Bush: Received a Bachelors Degree from Yale
University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He served as an
F-102 pilot for the Texas Air National Guard."

In my job I meet a fair number of very intelligent and accomplished people - 9 Nobel Laureates over the years, the directors of 3 National Labs, several US Senators, state governors, CEOs of major corporations (such as Motorola), university presidents, famous architects (and even movie and rock stars...) I know the provosts and deans of engineering and science at dozens of universities, and I know dozens of members of the National Academies of Science and Engineering. I have met over 30 Generals in the US Army, Marines and Air Force, and more than a dozen Admirals in the US Navy.

I have yet to meet a person as inarticulate as GWB among these people.

Mayor Daley of Chicago is about as inarticulate as GWB. He also got his job through family connections.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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That's right; GWB is my president. Just as Bill Clinton was yours. But this is my country too, and I have a duty to do what I can to make it as good a country as I think it can be.

I don't think that blind agreement with the President is always the best way to do that. If it were, then why do we have elections?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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We have talking heads calling war protesters traitors and even suggesting the same of Tom Daschle.

Tom Daschle is living proof that traitorous commentary and excersising your 1st amend rights are not mutually exclusive. Welcome to America. Burn a flag for me.


I thought the whole point of this asinine war was to "preserve our freedom":S.

No, it's all about the oil and a chance to slaughter innocent arabs.


So tell me, oh great "patriots" out there, why the terrorists haven't already won, since we've sunk to the new low of calling 1st Amendment protesters "traitors" for daring to question this illegal war, as well as creating the rather Orwellian "Patriot Act" and "Homeland Security Agency"?

The "terrorists" haven't won at all -- unless they consider committing collective suicide "winning". They met their match on 9/11/2002.

. . =(_8^(1)

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Dear DR.

You never responded to my post about you maybe being smarter than GB.....But not having the same information as GB....And so not being as qualified as him to make these calls.

Does this mean I win this one?

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I have a duty to do what I can to make it as good a country as I think it can be.



I don't think that blind agreement with the President is always the best way to do that. If it were, then why do we have elections?


One doesn't have to agree with the President. The president has made a decision. All the disagreeing with him in the world won't change the fact that our men and women are fighting for our freedom and DEMAND our respect and support. For one to do ANYTHING but support our troops now that the decision has been made would be shamefull.


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"President George W. Bush: Received a Bachelors Degree from Yale
University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He served as an
F-102 pilot for the Texas Air National Guard."

In my job I meet a fair number of very intelligent and accomplished people - 9 Nobel Laureates over the years, the directors of 3 National Labs, several US Senators, state governors, CEOs of major corporations (such as Motorola), university presidents, famous architects (and even movie and rock stars...) I know the provosts and deans of engineering and science at dozens of universities, and I know dozens of members of the National Academies of Science and Engineering. I have met over 30 Generals in the US Army, Marines and Air Force, and more than a dozen Admirals in the US Navy.

I have yet to meet a person as inarticulate as GWB among these people.

Mayor Daley of Chicago is about as inarticulate as GWB. He also got his job through family connections.

But you don't know GWB. All you know is what you see on T.V. good evidence Kallend, you think it will hold up in court?

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Sadham is using women and children as human shields.. What a man...

I saw some of the live video of the Marines in firefights.. Those boys are pretty amazing! They are machines!! Bas Ass MF's!! Some of them even looked like they were enjoying themselves..

I am impressed with the professionalism, confidence and precision of our soldiers..

God bless the USA!!


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Actually, since during the 2000 election I read articles in Newsweek, Time and The Economist that alluded to some of these things, there is at least some evidence.

Here is a pointer to a website with photocopies of a number of documents relating to his military career particularly. Obviously it's not pro-Bush -- people who are pro-Bush believe in him and don't need to see the proof.


Here's a well-written article in the Boston Globe from election time, too:
Boston Globe Article

There are others, too -- these are just a couple. The Boston Globe is reasonably well thought of (I'm sure that there are those among you who will say it's a veritable hotbed of vicious liberalism). The other site is significant mainly because of the photocopies.
Again, I'm sure some are colored. But that doesn't mean there's no truth to them. After considering them, you can decide they're not important. But that's different from simply pretending they don't exist.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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The Talion web page was so over the top and slanted that I couldn't get past the first 5 paragraphs without scanning down the page and looking at some of the other articles before catagorizing it with Salon Magazine. As I started to read the Boston Globe article, I thought "the thread is being highjacked AGAIN by anti-Bush people".

The thread is about the GWB ADMINISTRATION and their proven degree of intelligence which is demonstrated by College Degrees, not GWB personally. It's also about how the Hollywood Left is so easy to spew out hatred by calling the GWB "stupid, a moron etc when the truth is most of them have very little education. Certainly not as much as The GWB ADMINISTRATION. I have presented "FACTS" to back up that point.

All I get in return is more "Bush is this, and Bush did that, and Bush isn't even an elected President yadda yadda yadda etc".

Perhaps the reason the thread is being highjacked is those who are doing so have no arguement left. If thats the case, why don't you just let the thread die instead of continuing the Bush bashing. It really does diminish you in my eyes.

Like any good Executive, Bush has surrounded himself with some of the most educated and experienced people in the areas of Foreign Policy etc to make up for whatever short comings he may or may not have. That is the sign of a good manager in the business world.

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> As I started to read the Boston Globe article, I thought "the thread
> is being highjacked AGAIN by anti-Bush people".

I think that approach can be counterproductive. Imagine an anti-war poster who replies to any pro-war post with "as soon as I saw the thread hijacked by the people who just want to murder Iraqis, I stopped reading." He can do that; that's his right. But to disregard anything written by someone who disagrees with one's point of view can lead one to have a narrow viewpoint - whether that viewpoint is pro-war or pro-Bush.

Sometimes you can get valuable information from a viewpoint that differs from yours. I got a lot of good info from K Pollock's book, even though he's "just another warmonger" to someone who is rabidly anti-war. I learned something from Gawain even though I disagree with much of what he posts. I think that can work no matter which side you're on.

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> As I started to read the Boston Globe article, I thought "the thread
> is being highjacked AGAIN by anti-Bush people".

I think that approach can be counterproductive. Imagine an anti-war poster who replies to any pro-war post with "as soon as I saw the thread hijacked by the people who just want to murder Iraqis, I stopped reading." He can do that; that's his right. But to disregard anything written by someone who disagrees with one's point of view can lead one to have a narrow viewpoint - whether that viewpoint is pro-war or pro-Bush.


You apparently missed my point. My point was the thread was being highjacked and the Bush Bashing Article had nothing to do with the subject. By the way I've read many Anti-Bush Web Pages and they are pretty much mirrors of each other. Much like the Clinton Bashing Web Pages.

Sometimes you can get valuable information from a viewpoint that differs from yours. I got a lot of good info from K Pollock's book, even though he's "just another warmonger" to someone who is rabidly anti-war. I learned something from Gawain even though I disagree with much of what he posts. I think that can work no matter which side you're on.

Agreed and as long as I find it interesting, I read it and although I may disagree with it I try to see and understand another point of view. When it comes to the same old tired out Bush Bashing, I ignore it just like I do some on this forum. You too are off the topic. This isn't another War Thread or Bush Bashing Thread. But thank-you for your input.

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