
So Rodney King was a victim right?

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RIALTO, California (AP) -- Rodney King, whose videotaped beating led to the deadly 1992 riots in Los Angeles, was hospitalized with a broken pelvis after he lost control of his sport utility vehicle while weaving through traffic at 100 mph and crashed into a house, police said.

King, 39, was spotted Sunday by a police officer who said King was speeding and weaving through traffic in his 2003 Ford Expedition when he slammed into a utility pole, a chain-link fence and then the home, police said. No one in the home was injured.

King was in fair condition Monday afternoon, hospital spokesman Jorge Valencia said. His condition was not available Tuesday as hospital officials did not answer phone calls.

Police said they suspect that King was intoxicated, and a blood sample was drawn to determine his blood-alcohol level. Test results have not yet been released.

King was not arrested, but a report detailing the crash circumstances will be submitted to prosecutors, police Lt. Kathy Thompson said.

King, who is black, was chased by police through the San Fernando Valley in 1991 and was captured on videotape being beaten by four white officers.

After their acquittal, riots broke out and lasted for four days, leaving 55 dead and more than 2,000 injured. The mayhem caused $1 billion in property damage.

King later received a $3.8 million settlement from the city of Los Angeles in 1994.

He was convicted of spouse abuse in 1999 in San Bernardino County and was sentenced to 90 days in jail and four years' probation.

King pleaded no contest to three counts of being under the influence of PCP and a count of indecent exposure in October 2001.

A judge gave King a year in a drug treatment center even though a prosecutor argued King should spend a year in county jail.

Rialto, where King lives, is 53 miles east of Los Angeles.

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Yes, he was - at least that is the role he is most famous for. He was also a perpetrator. He is currently a perpetrator. IIRC, he has been a perpetrator a number of times.



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Yes, he was - .... He was also a perpetrator

Pretty much the way it is. What happened to him was abuse, no question. The fact that he's not an angel doesn't excuse it. And the fact that he was victimized doesn't make any later crimes OK.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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An archnemesis is defined as a "formidable and potent rival or opponent." Now let's presume my distaste for conventions of my 'society,' and think that the ideal folks to cozy up to and evolve the ol' dendrites with are in and of themselves rivals, because the truly good and dear people in our lives (and the relative strangers they once were) are there because, ideally, they present obstacles and watch out, opposing us in positive, productive ways. They help us grow.

Ever notice that thumbless monkeys tend to flock towards carbon copies of themselves, due to its safety and relative level of lack of Awareness (the same sort of lack it takes to go blindly forward, choosing a system of morals over the more enduring and attainable, easier kept, and less apt to be self-depricating ethics, settling down, popping out some rugrats to let the television an dschool systems attempt to rear, and joining the PTA [not to say that this is inherently a bad choice of life -- just do it because it's chosen, not because it's supposedly the only options])?

Your average thumbed monkey, however, the geeky kids and jocks alike, the Buntu buhman and Dutch brothel sprout, tend to get whatever friends they can compete with, healthily, and challenge.

Go into any gamer store. Lookit the back room where they're playing? They're ranting, raving, cutting down, acting up, an din general presenting healthy, non-goal-oriented competition on an intellectual (and often physical) level that inspires even more formation of good old dendrites and globular proteins.

I hereby nominate Kevin922 to be my archnemesis.

And I also nominate Kevin922, if yer out there, babe, to come do some arching for me, too.

The flowing wave returns not, nor does the passing hour.

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An archnemesis is defined as a "formidable and potent rival or opponent." Now let's presume my distaste for conventions of my 'society,' and think that the ideal folks to cozy up to and evolve the ol' dendrites with are in and of themselves rivals, because the truly good and dear people in our lives (and the relative strangers they once were) are there because, ideally, they present obstacles and watch out, opposing us in positive, productive ways. They help us grow.

Ever notice that thumbless monkeys tend to flock towards carbon copies of themselves, due to its safety and relative level of lack of Awareness (the same sort of lack it takes to go blindly forward, choosing a system of morals over the more enduring and attainable, easier kept, and less apt to be self-depricating ethics, settling down, popping out some rugrats to let the television an dschool systems attempt to rear, and joining the PTA [not to say that this is inherently a bad choice of life -- just do it because it's chosen, not because it's supposedly the only options])?

Your average thumbed monkey, however, the geeky kids and jocks alike, the Buntu buhman and Dutch brothel sprout, tend to get whatever friends they can compete with, healthily, and challenge.

Go into any gamer store. Lookit the back room where they're playing? They're ranting, raving, cutting down, acting up, an din general presenting healthy, non-goal-oriented competition on an intellectual (and often physical) level that inspires even more formation of good old dendrites and globular proteins.

I hereby nominate Kevin922 to be my archnemesis.

And I also nominate Kevin922, if yer out there, babe, to come do some arching for me, too.

Can you share whatever you are taking??:P:oB|

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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An archnemesis is defined as a "formidable and potent rival or opponent." Now let's presume my distaste for conventions of my 'society,' and think that the ideal folks to cozy up to and evolve the ol' dendrites with are in and of themselves rivals, because the truly good and dear people in our lives (and the relative strangers they once were) are there because, ideally, they present obstacles and watch out, opposing us in positive, productive ways. They help us grow.

Ever notice that thumbless monkeys tend to flock towards carbon copies of themselves, due to its safety and relative level of lack of Awareness (the same sort of lack it takes to go blindly forward, choosing a system of morals over the more enduring and attainable, easier kept, and less apt to be self-depricating ethics, settling down, popping out some rugrats to let the television an dschool systems attempt to rear, and joining the PTA [not to say that this is inherently a bad choice of life -- just do it because it's chosen, not because it's supposedly the only options])?

Your average thumbed monkey, however, the geeky kids and jocks alike, the Buntu buhman and Dutch brothel sprout, tend to get whatever friends they can compete with, healthily, and challenge.

Go into any gamer store. Lookit the back room where they're playing? They're ranting, raving, cutting down, acting up, an din general presenting healthy, non-goal-oriented competition on an intellectual (and often physical) level that inspires even more formation of good old dendrites and globular proteins.

I hereby nominate Kevin922 to be my archnemesis.

And I also nominate Kevin922, if yer out there, babe, to come do some arching for me, too.

you'r not perhaps related to bill von?????:S:S:S
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
my site

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Way too deep this early in the morning.
Do all the folks in Maryland talk like that, i'll have to go back to college to figure out what you mean B|B|

No, I've just been doing waaaay too much thinking and I often find the subject of tribal societies coming to my mind, truly. The idiocy of hegemonic, largely patriarchal society (which is what the Borg-like United States [neeRome] is, at its core) is inherent in a system that is based on creating lines, distinctions, and appalling atrocities and vagarities of what it is to be human.

So you saved a whale. Big fucking deal. Try saving a human - they fight back, resist, and have thumbs, too. And like any panicked animal, they run. Or try to. The whale probably might need saving from a whaling ship, but trying yourself to it, while the big Greenpeace boat dumps noxious gasses out into the air and the latrines have to empty somewhere, don't they? So you air lifted Meals on Wheels ("Courtesy of the people of the United States of America," according to the label) by the thousands to Pakistan and the hills of Afghanistan. That feeds 'em today, but what about tomorrow, hero?

Ah, the damage we do in the name of nobility. Always searching for some new way to placate ourselves into thinking we're not monsters, but fine and good, upstanding members of the human global society.

As rebuttal, I would like to touch on my theory of menninism...

You take a tribal society, and evolve it. Give it houses, no need to hunt, no need to exercise to stay alive, and no need for that greater upper body strength, faster healing time, increased sexual potency (in that it doesn't wean nor become impregnated; it can seed more eggs faster than an overy can pop 'em out once fertilized), and no need for a clan-like structure.

In other words, evolve. Grow societies. Raise crops. Grow new blood lines, new blood types. Shift the genetics of the majority of your species, even developing different skin tones, builds, et cetera, and as you shape the land, watch it shape you.

Now circumcise it in the name of hygiene. In other words, tell your little boy from the time he's four that he was born 'dirty,' he's not supposed to feel all of those agressive insincts, and beat the tar out of him (emotionally, physicaly, spiritually, or psychologically) and prove your dominance.

Now, Theoretic Dad of Today, fast-forward twenty years. Junior's rebelling. In the ages-old struggle for territory, which he feels, let me tell you, as surely as he feels some urban renewal going on in his BVDs when Mary Lou Crotchrocket bends over the water fountain. Now tell him to be nice. Cordial. Civilize the ape.

In his mind, he's noble and good. He goes to church. He pays his taxes. He says away from girlie bars, and only watches porn and action movies to be 'one of the guys.'

Yet he has no gender-specific identity. He has no one taking on his metaphoric first hunt. He has no one indoctrinating him into the cult of manhood, and explaining that "Yes, there's alpha males, betas, and even gamas and secondary eschelons of these. But that's okay, son. You're a healher, not a warrior. You don't have to attach the actions of other members of your species (because 'tribe' is never mentioned; we grew out of that looong time ago) to your own identity. The alpha needs the beta and gammas, and you'e a gamma. Just as important, even if you are smaller, weaker, slower, or less inteligent (and the reverse is surely true for the alpha, indeed)".

You take away his identity, and tell him to find it by denying his instincts rather than working around them. You tell him to grow up, get married, have children, and become a productive member of hs society at a vocation he's good at and finds rewards in. But like the courtly love of the Middle Ages, in practical terms, this does not happen save on the glossy shell of God Bless Mom and Apple Pie and Baseball Goodness.

Beaver Cleaver and Wally are feeling each other up in the dark of night. Ward is dominating June in the bedroom, because he feels empowered there, and if June grits her teeth and bears it (or even, by virtue of what said society has done to her gender, believes she deserves it or even likes it... which are infinitely more self-depricating and damaging to herself, as well as any young females she may encounter and influnce), Ward feels good, and doesn't, for just a moment, let his upbringing (or lack thereof) make him feel guilty for some good old fashioned bumpin' and grindin'. Which is what he's calling dominance via his penis...which is really kind of sad, folks.

A star halfback shoots the prom queen when she gets pregnant (as opposed to not going for the NCAA slot, and accepting responsibility and perhaps making a decent living as a carpenter, playing football on weekends and raising four beautiful children who find that their father is, indeed, a man to respect when they hear about what happened when the rabbit dies). A leader spaks out about unity and is shot, remembered well and revenged (as opposed to finding a new one with all of that sorrow-fueled rage). A building is blown to pieces, killing thousands, and an entire planet reacts as Rome is dealt a blow, while the metaphoric Goths and Vandals are hunted (as opposed to revealing that Rome trained the dog, knowing its rapaciousness, and tried to set it out on the side of the road when they were done with it, rather than admitting their erroneous judgement and ending a few political careers). In the midst of the most fucked-up, perverse period of their racial and societal collective conscience, humankind sits rabidly praying for someone to save them (as opposed to saving themselves).

We often say not to bottle things up, to our children. We say to take pain and turn it into a strength, Oprah. We say tribal systems don't work (but we haven't yet moved post-tribal). We tell 'em to always try to be better people, better souls than those that would opress them.

We give our boys, in particular, a suit of armor. Then we tell them that yes, the chinks are weak spots, but if they just try and use what's inside the armor, the chinks can allow free movement, ventilation, and versatility... becoming a strength.

But we never look inside the visor, and like Mad Max in Beyond Thunderdome, see the little boy inside the great big strong man's body.

Authentic male emowerment. That's our problem; and I hypothesise, a great part of the origin of the world and our own households' animosities.

Women, I salute each and every one of you (and me) for having it. You earned it, after what the other gender, by the large, did, way back when the Aryans started esteeming cows and daughters became valuable property (the word actually stems down to, entymologically, 'cow herd').

Men? It's your turn. So the next time you feel angry and want to punch someone, why not use that rage to reason with them? It's all a matter of choice.

And I assure you, your penis is not dirty, nor is it your enemy. Any more than it defines you as more than biologically male. So yer an outie. Deal with it. Now try and find what makes up your masculinity. I guarantee it ain't between your legs.

And go give Dad a hug. No matter what kind of father he is or was. If he's the worst, give him a huge hug. He may not get any benefit, but I guaranfuckingtee you will.

And ya gotta start somewhere.

And, whew! I'm done for the day:P

The flowing wave returns not, nor does the passing hour.

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And lucky fer me I have a talk-type program and cut and paste can be done quite easily

cut and past i can see but as for the talk type program.....CHEATER!!!!!!
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
my site

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And lucky fer me I have a talk-type program and cut and paste can be done quite easily

cut and past i can see but as for the talk type program.....CHEATER!!!!!!

I gotta do what I gotta do with this disability...:P

The flowing wave returns not, nor does the passing hour.

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And lucky fer me I have a talk-type program and cut and paste can be done quite easily

cut and past i can see but as for the talk type program.....CHEATER!!!!!!

I gotta do what I gotta do with this disability...:P

Jesus.. how much are you gonna write when your arm is normal? :)

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And lucky fer me I have a talk-type program and cut and paste can be done quite easily

cut and past i can see but as for the talk type program.....CHEATER!!!!!!

I gotta do what I gotta do with this disability...:P

Jesus.. how much are you gonna write when your arm is normal? :)

Darlin', when my arm is normal, you are in a weebit-'o trouble!!:ph34r:

The flowing wave returns not, nor does the passing hour.

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And lucky fer me I have a talk-type program and cut and paste can be done quite easily

cut and past i can see but as for the talk type program.....CHEATER!!!!!!

I gotta do what I gotta do with this disability...:P

Jesus.. how much are you gonna write when your arm is normal? :)

Darlin', when my arm is normal, you are in a weebit-'o trouble!!:ph34r:

I think you're all talk and no play :D

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Quite a good read: Well articulated with passion and a bit of animosity. You broke humanity and "mankind" down to basic elements and showed it's sociological evolution into modern day. I liked it.

Btw, it's Mary Lou Rottencrotch, and he's got a crotchrocket in his BVDs.:ph34r:


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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that was the longest post i have read all the way through

you should have written a book and had characters and what not, it may have been a good yarn.

that was just a tease, but it was aaigght.

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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Nope, I'm in Maryland and I have no idea what she's talking about either. But then again, I don't, and don't particularly want to, understand most people in Maryland.

So let's says lots of people in Maryland talk like that. But not as many as in California.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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