
Dropzone.com's youngest post whore!

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I attached a picture ("Robby6") of my nephew Robby (or as he says, "Bodday") playing on dropzone.com! Okay, so he's actually playing Peak-a-Boo with Elmo, but isn't he cute?

Robby, for those of you who haven't met him, is incredibly fun, and he turns two today! He is all ready for his birthday party this Sunday, since now he can say something that resembles, "Happy Birthday!" It actually sounds like, "Oppy Bur Ay."

Oh! And he has learned how to arch! :D No joke! He loves being thrown up in the air! The only time this kid isn't smiling or having fun is when he's scared of you or mad at you! (Don't piss him off...he'll stare you down and give you the evil eye...that can't come from my side of the family :))

I could sit here and babble all day about how cool he is, but I'll just post a few pictures instead.

"Robby3" shows him just playing...which he does alot of! I'm also shocked by how much he's starting to look like my brother in "Robby4."

It's also another dz.commer's nephew's birthday, too! Happy Birthday, Joshua!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning




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He is a cutie!

Hmm, two year's old today, hmmm, I'm sure I can get Mininac to play this game.....He played along with the 'I'm watching the Flyboyz' thing a while back.....
And its only a Matter of time before Justin jumps in too.....


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson


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He played along with the 'I'm watching the Flyboyz' thing a while back.....

:D I'm trying to get my nephew into the sport (I'm thinking personal packer here in a few years! Oh! And I get another niece/nephew in a few more weeks...good thing I have two rigs! :D) I tried teaching him the word, "skydive," but he stared blankly. He likes looking at the Parachutist...maybe I'll try to use video next time to get his interest....
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Awwww! Val, your nephew is sooooo cute! Being an aunt is cool!

I would post more pictures of my niece, but my brother-in-law has been majorly slacking off on taking/sending new pictures. He even has a digital camera. For shame, new parents with a digital camera, and my email is devoid of baby pictures. :P


"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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