
Sunshine ate my Burrito!

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You're the one that didn't wanna drive 5 hours to come eat it yourself. I wasn't about to let a poor innocent burrito sit there and not eat it!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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You should eat her taco to pay her back ...

Hmm, do i get in an insult battle with wildblue and make him cry like a baby, or do i be nice and just let it go....hummmm


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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You should eat her taco to pay her back ...

Hmm, do i get in an insult battle with wildblue and make him cry like a baby, or do i be nice and just let it go....hummmm

Nah... don't bother... you're not really any fun in insult battles. Mainly because you suck at them. If any crying would be done on my part, it'd be because of the fits of laughter.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Nah... don't bother... you're not really any fun in insult battles. Mainly because you suck at them. If any crying would be done on my part, it'd be because of the fits of laughter.

And the war begins :D

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Nah... don't bother... you're not really any fun in insult battles. Mainly because you suck at them. If any crying would be done on my part, it'd be because of the fits of laughter.

Giving up cause you know you can't win? Tis ok, you really belong in the birth control thread anyway. Lord knows a picture of you is the best birth control out there.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Mainly because you suck at them. If any crying would be done on my part, it'd be because of the fits of laughter.

Better than sucking at EVERYTHING mate >:(

Keep working on that... you'll be good at something one day.
You have my sincere sympathy.


Giving up cause you know you can't win? Tis ok, you really belong in the birth control thread anyway. Lord knows a picture of you is the best birth control out there.

See, this is what I"m talking about. First of all it's not that funny. Second of all, it's been popular among Jr High students for years now. And lastly, if you try to sell that comment as sincere - there's many people on here who know you just seriously insulted yourself!
sigh.... keep practicing though....
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Childern... Don't me have the pilot turn this Otter around.

I do find it highly ironic that most people don't understand a thing about why this is so funny even though it all happened over DZ.com :D

Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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I do find it highly ironic that most people don't understand a thing about why this is so funny even though it all happened over DZ.com

Are you sure it's funny? Wildblue said it wasn't funny and we all know he's always right!! :P


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I think you can quit trying to defend Sunny's honor. We all know that you have to have honor to have it defended.

I've heard of this thing called honor...i wonder where i can get some....:)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Main Entry: 1hon·or
Pronunciation: 'ä-n&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French honor, from Latin honos, honor
Date: 13th century
1 a : good name or public esteem : REPUTATION b : a showing of usually merited respect : RECOGNITION
3 : a person of superior standing -- now used especially as a title for a holder of high office
4 : one whose worth brings respect or fame : CREDIT
5 : the center point of the upper half of an armorial escutcheon
6 : an evidence or symbol of distinction: as a : an exalted title or rank b (1) : BADGE, DECORATION (2) : a ceremonial rite or observance c : an award in a contest or field of competition d archaic : a gesture of deference : BOW e plural (1) : an academic distinction conferred on a superior student (2) : a course of study for superior students supplementing or replacing a regular course
8 a : a keen sense of ethical conduct : INTEGRITY b : one's word given as a guarantee of performance
9 plural : social courtesies or civilities extended by a host
10 a (1) : an ace, king, queen, jack, or ten especially of the trump suit in bridge (2) : the scoring value of honors held in bridge -- usually used in plural b : the privilege of playing first from the tee in golf
synonyms HONOR, HOMAGE, REVERENCE, DEFERENCE mean respect and esteem shown to another. HONOR may apply to the recognition of one's right to great respect or to any expression of such recognition . HOMAGE adds the implication of accompanying praise . REVERENCE implies profound respect mingled with love, devotion, or awe . DEFERENCE implies a yielding or submitting to another's judgment or preference out of respect or reverence . synonym see in addition HONESTY

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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