
How the hell do I get credit?

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Crap that's a lot of brew...

This weekend will be our 10th consecutive rainy weekend. I have to do something to pass the time when I can't jump. So I brew, drink, brew, drink....


For how long do you ferment your meads?

[looks both ways for skydivers then whispers] I don't know yet. This is the first one. [/skydiver check]

I think I'll probably rack them over numerous times over the course of about 4 months, then bottle and let it age another 8 months or so. I've heard that they really don't get good for a year or so. I'll let you know.

There are ingredients for a batch of hazelnut brown ale in my basement, but they yeast pack was dead. When I put in another order and get the replacement, I have that to make also.

The current stock of fermenting or finished homebrew is:

1) raspberry ginger wheat beer
2) creamy oatmeal stout
3) chocolate berry porter
4) raspberry lemon ale
5) spiced clover mead

and by this weekend

6) orange blossom mead
7) altbier

And though not homebrew, I have stored/aging in my basement:

Sam Adams Triple Bock
Harpoon Winter
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine
Lindemans Lambics (case of 750 ml bottles)

I'm trying to convince my wife that I really do need the old full-sized refridgerator some at work is giving away, so I can convert it into a lagering fridge. :P

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If you have a checking account, a savings account (even if it only has a couple hundred bucks in it) and a record of paying your utility bills on time you should be able to get a card from Providian without a problem - maybe even without a security deposit.

Agreed. Co-signer works, or if you can get into a Credit Union (through work or something), they are wonderful at giving you secured low limit credit cards. That's how I started my credit. If you have bought a cell phone/pager that helps build credit as well. Just keep everything paid off. No credit is almost always better then bad credit. I don't quite understand why they won't work with you unless you have bad marks on your credit. But I'm in Cali. Don't know how much a diff. that makes. And whatever you do, don't apply for something where they run your credit unless you plan to buy it. That just puts bad points on your credit. You don't legally have to give out your social security # to any company. Unless of course you plan to borrow money from them. Just my 2 cents... B|
Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.

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The current stock of fermenting or finished homebrew is:

1) raspberry ginger wheat beer
2) creamy oatmeal stout
3) chocolate berry porter
4) raspberry lemon ale
5) spiced clover mead

and by this weekend

6) orange blossom mead
7) altbier

Umm, let me know when you start drinking -- I think I need to make a road trip :)
Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Umm, that sounded really bad

No it didn't :)

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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According to Fair Issac (the company that produces the FICO score), its not always everytime time you get your credit check they take points off - you are allowed to shop around within a certain period of time for mortgage lenders and car lenders Say you want to buy a house, and you check out a couple of different banks WITHIN A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME - you're score will drop a couple of points once and appear as a single credit inquery. Though, I think, when you shop around for credit cards, several inqueries appear on our credit report. Also, some think that if you check your own credit that counts as an inquery too - according to Fair Issac, that's not true either. They run a really good site for info and checking your score (for a fee) - myfico.com

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LOL...that's the problem I have with homebrewing. I enjoy brewing even more than I enjoy drinking the brew. This leads to lots o' beer in my closet conditioning...none of which is getting drank.

BTW, Harpoon Winter Warmer is da farging bomb! I still have two bottles left sitting in my fridge just waiting for a good occasion.
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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Perhaps the path to your goal would be to find out how to become responsible....

So far you've demonstrated all the possibilities that do not work........how long do you think it will take to change the way you look at things?

Good fortune, good hunting........there is no such thing as luck..only circumstances that you create will change the outcometo a desireable one......



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I am looking at my report and I have only one inquiry on it and it went down 15 points . I guess it's time to have the lawyer send another letter to get these points against me removed . My lawyer says the dealer inquired as if I was financing the car . There is also 8 other companies that have looked at it without my permission in the last three months . I guess I will be getting more stinking cards in the mail .

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How the hell do I get credit?
Get a divorce, crash a Harley (not paid for), be out of work for a long time.......Oh, I'll bet that you want GOOD credit----sorry, disregard [:/]
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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Get a department store credit card...they'd give those to a wino. make one purchase, pay it off, boom...you got credit.

Or just make a loan from your own bank, make a few monthly payments on it, then pay it all off. hey presto. a credit history. Now you can buy a house. Then the credit card companies will never leave you alone.
Speed Racer

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wow this is a lot to go through. And to think they sent me one like 4 years ago and I cut it up because I wanted nothing to do with credit cards. Ive had a few apartments (all illegal). I've been at my job for over 2 years and the previous one for 5 (both off the books, im on for $75 a week now.) I do pay my insurance but have no utilities (I will never own a cell phone, hopefully) I am applying for a gas card when I get home from the gym in a little bit. I guess I will start with that. Thanks to everyone for their input. Continue all you want with the hijacking.

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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How the hell can I get a credit card when they deny me for no credit history? . . . Any Ideas?

Buy a car. Seriously!

1st time buyers are a favorite of the auto makers. They don't like to see bad credit, but no credit is no problem.

Buy something cheap, but with a good warranty. Kia Rio comes to mind. Good fuel economy (26 city, 33 hwy-not great, but better than most newer cars out there). Excellent warranty (10 years, 100,000 miles). LOW price (under 8 grand here, with deal set up all the time for $99 a month payments).

Easy, low payments, and a great credit builder. A big plus is when it's payed for, it actually still has a warranty.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Get a department store credit card...they'd give those to a wino. make one purchase, pay it off, boom...you got credit.

Am I the only person in history to have been refused a Sears card?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Get a department store credit card...they'd give those to a wino. make one purchase, pay it off, boom...you got credit.

Am I the only person in history to have been refused a Sears card?

Me too.

I have to add though, when I applied, my credit was seriously fucked up.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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