
Powerpoint etc.

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Got a friend thats gonna **** me a disk to install powerpoint on my computer. Is it easy to install/learn that crap if you've never used it ? Is there somewhere I can print out instructions for a computer newbie like myself ?

The Dude Abides.

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uhh...i have a computer school and could slot you a spot in our next session for cheap, but it would be a yuckie drive from bakersfield down to OC.

PP is pretty simple and entertaining to learn. i was self taught in college and got by pretty easily. it's way more entertaining to try and learn on your own than something like access or excel.

good luck! ;)

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Powerpoint for Dummies is great with lots of neat tricks and shortcuts. Check it out of the library at no cost to you! :)http://www.fgcu.edu/support/office2000/ppt/index.html But it's actually really easy to learn on your own as well. Good luck!

Fall in dove.

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lol i've got an ASI (additional skill identifier) in PowerPoint..

not a real one :P but i was doing SOOOO many PPs for work my Col had a certificate made just for S&G's.

Its one of the only certificates i still put up on my office walls..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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