
Dz.com Hybrid Record

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Uh, I know for a FACT that I ended up sitting in something on the Van floor.

A very nasty clown told me so.

I bet, however, if we got one of those CSI biological fluid lights, that a single square inch of that plane would not illuminate.:P

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We're "on like Donkey Kong" as a famous SkyMonkey would say!

A 10 way with the Byron crew is No Problemo! We could even have 10 docked stingers.

I think the records should only count the base and the hangers, though.

The other stuff is Hybrid RW, and that gets really confusing. But it sure looks super-cool.

Love Shack!:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:Beauty!:P;)

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Yep.. there are some awesome fliers at Byron.. the only problem is most of them aren't on dz.com.. but I am sure we can make something pretty big.. Don't we have an earlier shot at th NorCal Freefly Festival, though? ;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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just don't be packing as much shit as skymama brought!

I was on vacation for 2 weeks and the temperature highs varied by 60 degrees, give me a break! :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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she brought more stuff than I own...

she arrived via Southwest Airlines but there was a FedEx plane right behind her with her stuff.. Thank God for the 3 Ryder rental trucks I had hired to pick her up from the airport.. ;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Ok, since no one else has mentioned it, I'm going to do it. If we can have RW records, we can have dz.com freefly and hybrid records. So, I'm here to claim the first dz.com hybrid record done at the American Boogie. Woohoo! So, find a new spot in The Pub for this, HH, I want it listed. :)
As you can see, in the following attachment (thanks Deuce!), we have a 6-way, with Deuce on camera. The participants were:

Base: Cornholio, Ladyskydiver, Bigben, Skymama
Hangers: Chopchop, Freeflyz

Yeah, us! B|

now are links are forever linked! PLPLPL:P
real record:D
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JT, honey....it's ok. We'll let you in on the next DZ.com Hybrid Record if you want to play with us, k?

There....there....hon, all better now? :P:D
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Applications for vSCR awards can be made thru www.scr-awards.com

During Skyfest next week at Skydive Dallas, Bill Newell will be present (SCR Awards HMFIC). And, we are going to attempt an NvSCR (Night vSCR).

At last year's Skyfest, we had 31 SCR recipients. About the largest SCR ceremony I've ever seen. If you can make it, look me up.

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