
Re: [mr2mk1g] Legal issue on reserve pack job

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If you ask me this is a lot better than the US system as DZ's are protected from the accidents that are just "shit happens

---> here in america a loser can sue for being stupid enough to place a extra hot cup of coffee between her legs in her car and squeezing.....knowing full well that its a styrophome cup with a plastic lid, both of which become mallable when hot..........she won the lawsuit against mcdonalds.............
common sense has no place in our judicial system anymore.
I know one rigger who is no longer packing student rigs because he isnt going to take the chance of getting sued.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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It is a sad state of affairs in the US when people's stupididy gives them the right to sue.

Example: Two years ago a 16yr kid decided to go play on the Raised train tracks of the Long Island railroad (an electric train) The tracks are surrounded by fences at all places. Signs telling everyone to avoid the tracks they are electric ETC...

So, the kid found a hole in the fence, tripped, and sure enough died from electricution(sp?). Guess what, the parents sued the state and won.

Why???? Because their Highschool son is too much of a fucking idiot to know better, and they deserve $$$ for their loss.

I CALL IT DARWINISM ... Stupid people eliminate themselves.

It is just a sad sad world.

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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here in america a loser can sue for being stupid enough to place a extra hot cup of coffee between her legs in her car and squeezing.....knowing full well that its a styrophome cup with a plastic lid, both of which become mallable when hot..........she won the lawsuit against mcdonalds.............

well the point of the lawsuit was that the coffee did not need to be that hot and only did it to reduce the costs on refills. People would wait till it cooled while eating reducing the number of refills. In other words they knew that the coffee was so hot it would burn.

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well the point of the lawsuit was that the coffee did not need to be that hot and only did it to reduce the costs on refills. People would wait till it cooled while eating reducing the number of refills. In other words they knew that the coffee was so hot it would burn.

---> my point is that the heat transfers through styrofoam, its not like she wouldnt have noticed that it was hot.........nobody forced her to place it between her legs and squeeze, when someone does something stupid they should be accountable for their stupidity, but in this country there is a distinct lack of personal responsibility.........NO ONE should be rewarded for being stupid!!!

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Yup, there's a lot of good examples of a legal system gone wonky... the McDonalds coffee case is not one of them. There just isn't any good reason for coffee to be over 200 degrees. Drinking a fresh McDonalds coffee would give 3rd degree burns to lips and mouth.

At the time, Burger King server 120 degree coffee, for example, Starbucks was just barely over 100.

Why is this related to skydiving? There's risk that we all assume when we perform certain activities. We can only manage that risk when we understand what it is. Receiving 3rd degree burns is NOT a risk I assume when I buy a coffee. Had it not been for this case, none of us would even consider spilling a coffee to require skin grafts(sp?).

Risks need to be understood before they can be managed. That's precicely why that woman was awarded a big settlement, because she had no reason to think spilling a coffee would be that dangerous.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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