
Eloy Boogie Info

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Most days the landings here are rather fast. I have several folks that have asked me to jump with them on their first jump here, would be happy to do the same with you. So glad that you will be able to join us.

Aggie~ Hon you know I only drink juice, soda or water so any beer firsts well....you'll just have to get secure those on your own;)

* also if you intend to do the night jump here on Dec 31 you must be "B" license qualified.

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Most days the landings here are rather fast

Yes, yes they are (*huge shit eat'n grin*)B|

Follow BB on landing briefing:

BB: "Ok, when you see me rip the 270 left hand hook, just follow, pray and flare, you'll be fine..."

us: "but, but, the DZ is 1200 feet higher then we're used to..."

BB: "shut up and do it, you want to look like a seasoned Eloy hardcore freeflier, right?"

:P (bb, sorry, I think its funny, I guess I'm in a weird humor right now:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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This will be the almost-second time I've jumped at Eloy:$.

So B-squared, if you crew the balloon jumps, do you get to jump from 1000 feet higher when all the ballast jumps out?

Need some help?:)
High-desert night jumps? Can you say DARK?

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Aggie I'm laughing my as off!! Wait until you see the briefing......you're gonna wanna put cement shoes on me and take me down to the salt river!!
"No you may not.....sorry but no...geez wish you could but um no.....and don't tell me ya didn't understand the n or the o either!!" No Fear? Well ok!! Just remember that there are NO excuses and...I ain't calling a whaaaaaaaambulance for anybody:P:P

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I will make a solemn promise to NOT hook it in while at Eloy.

Good job Clay cuz your sheep would be mighty lonely without ewe;)

Just an FYI and this will be covered in the briefing. We strongly discourage turns over 180 degrees. If you like to do bigger turns....you better be there all by yourself!! Turns over 90 degrees in the alternate area are prohibited.:)

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All will be explained later, just keep in mind folks that there are dozens of world class swoopers here. You aren't going to make a big impression no matter what you do (at least not a good impression!) so you might as well go safe instead of big. I would rather walk a mile than have to crawl 5 feet;)

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You could go BIG and leave an impression in the main landing area...

A guy I jump with was talking about doing that when he was there about 8 years ago or so. He did a hook and glanced off the top of the main building's roof, denting it. He broke himself up a bit, but is fine now...
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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hehe...good thing all hook does is a 180. btw...BB can you please brief the local video guys to not bother running out to the landing area when he lands, it really is rather unentertaining. :D

Although it is really nice knowing who will be the first one down setting the pattern.

Fly it like you stole it!

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Eloy is something like 1507ft msl...

Soooo....that's like 500ft or so difference. Not a big deal for me.


inquire with management about whether your technique is considered acceptable prior to any agressive maneuvers

I'll see if I can bring a goat along in my bag to saccrifice to the Skygods....;)

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