
New Airline Regulations (my recent trip to texas..)

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m18 ? Whats that?

I've already been called gullable:$ so i'll answer. Smoke?

yep it's smoke.. military grade smoke, same stuff the golden knights use and a lot of demo teams use.

Bahhh... thats nothing then...

I had been covered head to toe with emulsion doing some underground trials... my work coveralls were soaked, dried up emaultions everywhere... quite messy.... and had to fly back home after that... though I'm glad them sniffers hadent appeared back then! lmao

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I know it looks for ammonium perchlorate, because my bag has tripped it before when I packed after handling AP model rocket motors.

There was also a sign at the Baltimore airport this weekend telling people not to use hand lotion before handling their baggage, because the chemicals in some hand lotions (probably glycerine) might scare the equipment.



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The TSA regulations ref: transportation of parachute rigs were issued to the TSA Airport Directors for each airport a couple of weeks ago. This was what the USPA and TSA and others have worked on over the past year or so. Happy to see it finally making it to the screeners. Which airport were you flying out of Hobby or IAH? I flew out of Hobby to the WFFC with no problems and also out of Bloomington-Normal returning with no Problems. When I got back there was a message on my answering machine to call the Asst. TSA Director at PSP (where I had a problem last Jan.) I called and he gave me the scoop on the new procedures which were posted in this forum several weeks ago a part of which you encountered at one of our Houston airports when the TSA employees followed the correct procedure with no hassles.

I might ad, Cypres has a new card that is issued with the Cypres2 that shows exactly in living color what a rig and Cypres looks like through the X-ray machines. The card explains each part of the AAD.

Another part of the cooperation that has been going on between them, The USPA and TSA to make our flights a little more hassle free.


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