
Sunset Beach Jump anyone?

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Flip, dontcha have to make 25 jumps in a row and land within 2 meters of a USPA BOD member?

Actaully, they changed it to land within 2 meters in front of the President of USPA and the director of TSA.

yep... done that too

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Hey Peter

How many people do we need for the ground crew?
What exactly do we need to do?
How early/late do we have to be there?

Is there going to be naked guys running on the beach playing with the waves again>:(? (mmm I wonder who that was?:ph34r:)


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>How many people do we need for the ground crew?
As many as it takes to man the radio, signals, set up any markers or boundary, and keep any spectators out of the landing area.

>What exactly do we need to do?
The above.

>How early/late do we have to be there?
Early enough to establish and clear the landing area and establish the communication or whatever with the aircraft.

> Is there going to be naked guys running on the
> beach playing with the waves again?
There were a bunch of those a couple years ago. Steph almost landed on them. Eww! My chick landing on fat naked fags! (Copyright Survivor 1)


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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I guess I'm gonna be ground crew then :P
It sucks... but I won't jump [:/]

Thanks for taking one for the team, Flip. I'm working on getting the Swedish Bikini Team to help you out.
Looks like we might be able to get everyone on the load who wants to go, now.

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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I was curious if anyone would be interested in meeting for a couple of drinks Friday evening at Seascape for a couple of drinks and leaving a bunch of cars there? We could carpool back to Hollister after a few and sleep at the DZ for an early start on Saturday? Taht way after we land bada boom ~ Cras are there for a quick exit:ph34r: Yeah I've done this a couple of times... so..

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

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I was curious if anyone would be interested in meeting for a couple of drinks Friday evening at Seascape for a couple of drinks and leaving a bunch of cars there? We could carpool back to Hollister after a few and sleep at the DZ for an early start on Saturday? Taht way after we land bada boom ~ Cras are there for a quick exit:ph34r: Yeah I've done this a couple of times... so..

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

We can also bring some food in the van so we can do a picnic or bbq on the beach after the jump... B|

Renaud SMA #9
"Mind is like parachute. It only functions when it's open."

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I was curious if anyone would be interested in meeting for a couple of drinks Friday evening at Seascape and leaving a bunch of cars there?

If this comes to pass, Sarema and I might swing by seascape with the RV on the way to the DZ friday evening. That way we could check out the LZ and ferry a bunch of people (like 6 or 7) to Hollister so they can leave their cars at seascape.
Seb, let us know if you want to do this.

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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I'm in because I need to leave immediately after the jump unfortunately...[:/] So leaving my car at the Landing Zone would be key for me. Friday night at Seascape let's meet. Send me a PM if anyone is interested...

Ok back to work, check back with ya'll later.

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Alright, Sarema and I will be at the seascape tonite (friday) from around 7pm until 9 or 10. we'll give anyone that shows up a nice, comfy ride in the RV back to hollister. that way you can leave your cars for driving back on saturday. if you talk to us real nice, we might even let you rack out tonite in the the extra bed up front!
hope to see a bunch of you there.
hey seb, pm me with your phone number, please
-rob and sarema

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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Hey Peter

How many people do we need for the ground crew?
What exactly do we need to do?
How early/late do we have to be there?

Is there going to be naked guys running on the beach playing with the waves again>:(? (mmm I wonder who that was?:ph34r:)


I'll be there for GC. I will also be out at Hollister tomorrow and then take off at 6 or whatever to make it over to the beach. Peter, let me know what needs to be done, or whoever is organizing this GC. If possible, let Phlip jump and I'll take his place with GC.

I can also offer a ride back to Hollister for a few (3) peeps (minus the GC coming with me) after the partying on Saturday night.

-- The GREAT Cornholio!!

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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hey, Seb ust called me and said that he won't be at the seascape tonite. since no on else has said anything, sarema and i won't be there, either. we'll just go straight to the DZ tonite.
see you there.
rob and sarema

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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So how did the demo go??? I had to leave early :(. And I'm still stuck doing the family thing. Only 3 jups between Friday and Tueasday. >:( It's like it's winter all ready.

The least you can do is allow me to live vicariously.
T.S.S # 5
To dream great dreams is itself an act of daring. -Eric Shipton & Bill Tilman

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welll.. it was a no-go on the demo.. the dreaded norcal FOG [:/].. Holiister was fun on Saturday anyway, though..

I just wanted to point something out.. I think there are more Hollister people on this site than from any other single dropzone.. and certainly Hollister has the highest percentage of dz.commers jumping there.. I think there is a spot on their waiver now where you have to put in your dz.com name... right next to your USPA number. So.. the big question is.. how many Hollister peeps aren't on dropzone.com?
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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I think there are more Hollister people on this site than from any other single dropzone

:) ~ Vierd aint it...

Hmmm.. me thinks I've found the ringleader..


Nice Hybrid BTW ~ B|

Yeah, that was f**king cool.. hangin with Seabass... ;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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I mean look at the list of Hollycoaster jumpers on dz.com.

I am sure there are more but that's probably at least as many as Perris or Eloy has on this site and Hollister only has a king Air.. :S
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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