
thanks again to my boobie supporters!

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hey party peeps!

the LA avon walk for breast cancer was this past weekend and it was amazing. jake and i successfully walked all 40 miles together in honor of the over $4,000 in donations that our supporters sent with us to help this very important cause.

my super cool dz.com supporters were:

thanks guys for helping me to be a part of something so special!

this was a life-changing experience for both of us. we will continue to support this cause, and i hope you do to. stay educated, stay healthy, and keep fighting for a cure. breast cancer takes another life every 14 minutes…but we can change that. WE CAN FIND A CURE!

to find out more about the fight against breast cancer, or about participating in a future walk, you can clicky here.

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it was really neat because at the closing ceremonies, they had a woman speak who was diagnosed, treated and SAVED with money from the avon events. so we got to put a face with the cause.

then they gave a ONE MILLION DOLLAR check to the local treatment group where she had been treated. that money came directly from LA donations alone. they won't be able to give us the total money raised until the final walk (NYC 9/20-21) is completed, but i'm sure it will blow everyone away.

we also heard from a woman in her sixties who has walked with the Avon Crusade since they started the walks 5 years ago, and has raised over $200,000 for the cause over that time. amazing!

it's some crazy stuff to wrap your head around. again...a life-changing event.

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When Cora and I were getting gas on Saturday, there was a ton of pinkshirted women walking around. I tooted my horn at them, waved, hollerd "GOOOOOOOOOOOO", and was pleased that I had contributed to one beautiful lady's successful participation.

Lara, you and Jake are amazing, and inspiring. Thanks so very much. You both RAWK!!!!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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now you definitely motivate me to go keep on training for my 1/2 mar, you make my measly 13 miles seem like nutthin

are you nuts? :o you run those things...this, i walked. and looky here miss triathalon, you were part of the reason i actually thought i could undertake this challenge. :)

can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!!!!!!! is it boogie time yet!?? :P

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