
See my NEW Skydiving STUFF.. Yippeeeee

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I have a couple of new additions but I will post them all.

*Pay particular attention to the Second Gypsy Moth poster I have. Check out the extremely early version of the BirdMan suit...

Skydiving Movie Poster Collection
1963 The Skydivers
Summary: A woman seeks revenge on her former lover, who owns a skydiving business. -Black and white, reportedly 1300 skydives were made during the filming of this movie. Extremely bizzare plot.

… Then there is the sinister plot of the acid in the parachute! This movie is a must see for all skydivers who own a small airport and are cheating on their wives.” (Mysterio-6, Ontario, CA)

Mystery Science Theater 3000:
Review: Men Jumping Out Of Perfectly Good Planes And Into An Absolutely Awful Movie. The Skydivers is, and always will be, one of the worst films ever made.

“…and Steve, the creepy, stubbly Skydiver who falls to his death after yelling that skydiving is "FUN"! ” (Cherokee Z)

1967 Fathom
Raquel Welch plays Fathom Harvill, a voluptuous dental hygienist who spends her free time parachuting out of airplanes…. Fathom is recruited by a super-secret spy agency, one that needs her help locating a deadly explosives detonator. The slinky spy is asked to simply parachute into Spain and activate a bugging device near the alleged villain’s lair.

1969 Gypsy Moths
Burt Lancaster, Gene Hackman, Scott Wilson as a cocky young skydiver
Tagline: When you turn on by falling free... when jumping is not only a way to live, but a way to die, too... you're a Gypsy Moth.

Three barnstorming skydivers come to a small Midwestern town to put on a show. "The Gypsy Moths" has great skydiving stunts that were actually performed by a real skydiving stunt team; and the movie is so much more than just an action film. … "When the ground comes up at you like a sledgehammer, and the sweat freezes on your brow; when jumping isn't only a way to live, but a way to die, too... you're a Gypsy Moth." The ending makes this movie an existential masterpiece! (Moviefan9, Boston)

1994 Terminal Velocity
Charlie Sheen plays Brodie, a flying and parachute instructor one of whose pupils is presumed killed while on her first parachute lesson. He is suspicious and discovers that his pupil is not only very much alive but is involved in a plot to prevent the Russian Mafia getting their hands on a gold shipment.

2000 Cutaway
US Customs Agent Vic Cooper (Stephen Baldwin) goes undercover to infiltrate a ring of skydiving drug peddlers. New to the sport, Cooper is quickly infatuated with all of the perilous adrenaline highs it offers. Will Cooper ignore the siren song of the parachute and return to his duties as an officer of the law? You'll find out here, but make sure to keep your hand on the ripcord.

I await the perfect Drop Zone, 1999, poster. My problem with that poster is that the skydivers look like ants on my ART. So, that poster for me, needs a lttle kick up. (I am on a mission, if it works, I will post it later)

Fandango, 1985, is another deal... As far as I know, no poster for this film was made with skydivers on the it.

THE one that is totally un-ownable, RARE.
Parachute Jumper, 1933. Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Bette Davis. Reportedly Davis's worst film. I have only seen a still and its no skydiver.

Regarding 1963 The Skydivers- This rates right there with
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians It came out in 1964, before special effects, SO… those are Real Martians and Real Robots. That robot is not a cardboard box. For me this is a real Christmas tradition.

Interesting other notes Notes-
Terminal Velocity Quote:
Chris Morrow: I'd be stupid to trust my life to a walking penis.
Richard "Ditch" Brodie: I'm much more than a walking penis, I'm a flying penis!


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Well, maybe I could start an ebay deal of my own..?
Or even better a Certificate of Jumping Appreciation....
(see other poster's thread- funny ebay auction)

I am super proud of my awesome posters..... They are on double secret lock down till the proper frames are obtained that will preserve them. Not the new movie crap, but the very rather old ones. The frames will all match. Cutaway is framed already. Obviously, some of these are not of real concern for some years.

BTW, Fathom is a numbered & original lobby card. I am working on the poster.

In the 3-way picture of the poster for Gypsy Moths, the creases look real obvious, but that is a camera flash and then Photoshop enhancement. My poster isnt like that. I did want to make clear the wording on the posters as -its just unbelieveable. I actually like having some authentic wear on my stuff. That way the look -real-. There are reproductions for sale out there.

There is a Polish version of the Gypsy Moths that I would die for. (Christmas anyone)

Polish poster - Gypsy Moths

Nobody buy this unless it is for ME.


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"Those Pilots have abandoned the plane - Something must have happened".... Do ya think...:P

I do love the posters... very cool collection...

Ann, give your pets a Halloween hug from California;)

Once the plane takes off, you're gonna have to land - Might as well jump out!!

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I do love the posters... very cool collection...

Thanks. You gotta love it tho... its ok about the historical value but the hysterical value is even better.

You know, today we bitch / laugh about Dropzone and Cutaway.

The Tommy Tailspin 1936 Cartoon is interesting.
Chief is going to go over the side and make the repairs to the retractable landing gear? Not on that plane, kids. Then we have the idea that they can send up a repair ship... Repair ship?

And what is up with the 1963 The Skydivers poster?
"The first feature length motion picture showing the daredevils of the sky who fall free from heights of 20,000 feet with only a ripcoard between life and death."

What kinda plane is that? a Cub? About how much time would it take to get to 20k in that?? Hypoxia, anyone? Dad had a Cub seems like it took days to get anywhere. I was a kid sitting on big coats and I could never see out anyway.

Rachel Welch has those handles just dangling there?
That helmet from the movie Space Balls is killing me.

I just have a big question mark in my head about that camera suit / BirdMan thing.

When I first tried looking for a Gypsy Moths poster, one place had it for over $425 framed. Some have it for $65. right now, maybe Mint condition. I paid $20 each for mine and they are in Good+ condition.


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Yeah... Seriously interesting stuff in these posters, I think.

Rachel Welch's rig actually stops just below her hip. Her rig is open and her lines are precisely placed after that.

"The slinky spy is asked to simply parachute into Spain and activate a bugging device."

I am thinking her jumpsuit could be seen on radar.


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