
Uni club...

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GGRrrrrrrrrr >:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(

Just got an email from the student union saying they won't let us statr a skydiving club. Apparently, skydiving is "an activity in pursuit of danger" and as such is not covered by their insurance policy. Funny though, the cavers can go do THEIR thing, the OTC can go shoot guns at stuff, and what if a member of the Uni Air Squadron had to bail out? Its so UNFAIR!

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That's not cool. I'm a caver (and skydiver), caving came first. I would definitly say that caving is definitly much more dangerous than skydiving is. I'm really sorry that they won't let you start a club. It's not right.
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
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get the statistics on caving, scuba, shooting, etc, and re-petition to the next person in the chain of command.

Approximately 30 skydivers die each year compared to 105 people who died while scuba diving, 856 bicycling, 7,000 drowned (365 in bath tubs), 1154 died of bee stings, 60 snowmobiling, 47 water skiing, and 300 died after being hit by lighting! Then of course there are highway fatalities which number upwards of 50,000. **

There are over 5 million skydives each year as reported by the U.S. Parachute Association. Out of the 30 or so annual skydiving deaths, most are due to a few common and avoidable errors: low turns, improper gear and failure to pull. Using some common sense and maintaining your gear reduces the odds much further. Automatic Activation Devices (AAD's) and Reserve Static Lines (RSL's) could probably have prevented many of those deaths. But not all skydivers have those optional features on their equipment.

About 5 deaths every year are due to rare double malfunctions (both main and reserve) or other "freak accidents" that training and caution can't prevent. Whittling the odds of death down to nearly 1 in 1,000,000 puts skydiving on par with someone in the general population (including skydivers) getting hit by lightning.

**you and I know these are apples/oranges comparisons, but they'll help your case**

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at my university (illinois @ champaign) we're a "student interest club" which means we're allowed to have a website, mailing list, and grab a room to have a meeting every once in a while.

We don't get any funding, and injuries certainly wouldn't be covered under student insurance.

We work much more closely with the dropzone (archway) to keep the club going than we do with the university.

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Hi I'm the president of the Clemson Skydiving club. We have to sign a release of liability waiver with our Club Sports dept. before members can join. It may also help if you tell them that when members join USPA they get the 3rd party insurance policy. If you have friends in the administration contact them and see if they can help. Also, alumni leverage can be very helpful and a source of funding as well. So if you know any alums or anyone who is thinking of joining the club does exploit that. Also, if you exist as a non-university recognized entity for a year or two without any problems they may be more inclined to recognize/fund you.

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do you have to make it an official club?

why not just have meetings in someone's dorm room? universities can't control what students do in their own free time... just because members of a club happen to go to the same university, it doesn't necessiarily follow that the club has to be associated with that university...

just walk around wearing skydiving t-shirts, and people will walk up to you and ask. easy way to recruit! I've worn my "If you want to fly, get out of the plane!" shirt around campus, and I get a ton of people walking up to me to ask about it, and I'm not even an undergrad!

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Sounds like a good idea! The only problem would then be costs. As a uni club the DZ gives us a discount, and we get a grant from the union, as well as transport. If these were removed it'd be doubtful that most of those who expressed interest before would still want to take it up (I've got over 50 people who want to join as soon as we get going). But if all else fails, I guess it'd be the best way to salvage the situation... Thanks

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yeah, 50 is quite a few people. if you have that much interest then like I said, work with the dropzone as well as the university, I'm sure they'll be willing to give you a hand.

regarding transportation, that's probably 90% of my job: getting everyone to and from the dropzone to their liking every weekend. you just have to be nice to those with cars.

It helps to have a car yourself I suppose, I can always drive at least 3 people down each day, and it gives me an excuse to go to the dropzone more often

"I have to go skydiving, the students are depending on me!"

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Sam, what uni, which DZ are you going to?

Can you set up club subs? get members to chip in so it covers transports?

iirc each student can only get £50 from a uni bursa, which is not many sudent jumps :(
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I'm at Aberystwyth university, and we'll be jumping at Langar. The good news is that Langar have said they'll give us the discount regardless of union affiliation (yay!), and the union are reviewing the case at their next health and safety meeting, due to the fact that the BPA gives insurance, and the DZ have a reasonable personal accident policy available. Fingers crossed, and thanks for all the help! If anyone has any more advice PLEASE let me know, cos I'm out on a limb a bit here!

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Hey Sam,

Drop the BCPA a line - that's what they're there for. We've got loads of clubs that have started up recently at unis across britain as well as loads of contacts with people who have done it successfully at big places like Leeds, Manchester and UWE...
We working on BUSA affiliation at the moment which will (hopefully) make it loads easier to start up a club at uni.

Feel free to drop me a PM, or contact Iain from the bcpa website.



British Collegiate Parachute Association Website

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not 100% sure, but according to my memory of all the drival I read in the sports union handbook when I got onto our committee(Edinburgh) - all our club members are automatically fully covered by their insurance. Said insurance is only valid if two members of the committee are present at the DZ, and anyone not a member of our uni who wants to join the club - has to fill out a special pink form in order to come under the uni insurance policy.
and the sports union gives us money :)

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I am treasurer of the University of Kent skydiving club, our uni does get a little concerned sometimes but we have a good safety record etc. I would mention to them that there is a national association for universitys British Collegiate Parachute Association and that BUSA may soon be awarding league points for skydiving. Also remember to get it as a sports club not society as they are covered by BUSA insurance then. If there is anything i cna help you with then send me an e-mail [email protected] and ill be happy to offer any advice i can, we also have a website http://www.su.ukc.ac.uk/societies/skydive/index.php

Good luck and hope to hear from you


"All men can fly, but sadly, only in one direction"

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