
Who has inspired you the most in Skydiving?

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Who has inspired you the most in skydiving?

For me it is the following 5 people.

John Jordan: For flying around me with the thumbs up on my AFF 4 jump while I was doing my 90 degree turns. That got me over the hump of AFF.

Hans Paulsen: For always looking out for me. And for farting on me on AFF 1 thus making me laugh.

Jen Key: For making me smile so much on two coach jumps that I will never forget!

Steve-O Utter: For making me step back and think about what I did wrong and not to do it again.

Last and not Least....

T.J. Landgren: For telling me I can get out of any situation. T.J. you are human flight.

Let us know who has inspired you.

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Mike Maguire at Skydive Space Center in Titusville, Fl. He was my tandem master twice and also was my instructor at Skyventure when I went down for tunnel training. Very cool person and a good friend. We still keep in touch regularly.



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Who has inspired you the most in skydiving?

For me it is the following 5 people.

John Jordan: For flying around me with the thumbs up on my AFF 4 jump while I was doing my 90 degree turns. That got me over the hump of AFF.

Hans Paulsen: For always looking out for me. And for farting on me on AFF 1 thus making me laugh.

Jen Key: For making me smile so much on two coach jumps that I will never forget!

Steve-O Utter: For making me step back and think about what I did wrong and not to do it again.

Last and not Least....

T.J. Landgren: For telling me I can get out of any situation. T.J. you are human flight.

Let us know who has inspired you.

what about me dude!!!

cmon show some love!

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I've been really fortunate to be able to jump and hang around with some of the greatest people. Some are very well known, some are barely known at all but still have inspiring stories to tell -- even if they hardly ever tell them. The list is huge and I'd truly be afraid to even attempt to list them all for fear of leaving one out. I am inspired and feel fortunate to know them all.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The list of skydivers who have inspired me is way too long but here's a few...

Jay Moledzki - was my tandem instructor and is still a good friend. It's been great to see him start to realize his dreams.

Heath Richardson - Amazing freeflier and canopy pilot. I miss jumping with him. He's so incredibly laid back, smooth and fun to jump with. He makes everything seem so easy. One of the best people I know.

JC Colclasure - I've never been on a jump with him but he has such a big heart and goes out of his way for everyone. He helped me several times and I will never forget that.

Clint Clawson because he's such a damn swooping machine. If I can only become half as good as he is I'll be happy. But if he brands me with a hot fork again I will have to remove him from this list.

John Eddowes - great to work for, fun to work for and runs one hell of dropzone. I miss being there.

Rook Nelson - Amazing flier and just an all around sweet person. Stay that way, please. So much fun to jump with - another one that makes you seem so much better than you are because no matter what you do there they are.

Thomas Hughes for all his freefly jumps with me because he constantly would yell at me and get me to do things that I didn't think I could possibly do. Making me realize that it is only my head that holds me back. Whenever I jump with someone who makes me push the envelope I rise to meet the challange. Of course, like Rook and Heath he's so damn good - they make you look good.

Stuey Newman - major pain in my ass but definitely has had some small part in inspiring me here and there. Made some trips and events possible for me that without his input wouldn't have been panned out.

Marianne Kramer because she competes alongside the big boys in swooping and holds her own and gives me hope that I can get there too.

And finally Gillian Parker because she's gotten so good in such a short period of time that it gives me hope that if I ever find someone at the same DZ as me who will just buckle down and pound out a bunch of jumps that I can grow in leaps in bounds as well. If you don't know who she is, you will someday soon because she's bound to make a name for herself.

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For me, it's Bertrand Cloutier.

"Bert" is truly in love with skydiving, and he's also an outstanding base jumper. He teached me FJC, and also thought me most of what I know in the sport.

"Bert" can be seen in action in the IMAX movie "Adrenaline Rush, The Science of Risk", where he was a participant in most of the base jumping scenes in the movie. A truly dedicated guy. He's my mentor.:)



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Maybe you will inspire me in the future. I've not jumped with you, nor seen you jump, nor seen you swoop nor even really talked skydiving with you so you aren't it yet.

But now your DJ abilities are fine, fine, fine and I would like to hear more than an hour of it someday!

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you didnt watch me swoop manifest at the keys boogie?

you didnt see me swoop the entire landing area on the beach at the keys boogie..

:(im sad now.. i thought you were watching///.,..

ok im kidding.... but it was fun... i had a blast ... and if it wasnt for you i wouldnt have been there...


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Ronnie Allie : Put me out on my first static line.

Adam Baier: Great guy, ran the skydiving club here before me and taught (is teaching still) me alot about skydiving.

Gene Stuart: Didn't know how great of a guy he was till he was gone, hopefully he will be back soon. Awesome flier, inspires me to be better.

Rastas! : My Coach's Course instructor, showed me what real flying was and gave me confidence to teach my students.

Too many more to list...

HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
"Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

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Maybe you will inspire me in the future. I've not jumped with you, nor seen you jump, nor seen you swoop nor even really talked skydiving with you so you aren't it yet.

But now your DJ abilities are fine, fine, fine and I would like to hear more than an hour of it someday!

well i can take that and play all night long... as long as peeps are dancin.......

so i see to impress the skydiving chicks.. you got to bee a badass swooper or freeflier huh?

what about being just a good guy?

ok well i will work a little more on that and be a bad ass swooper and freeflyer and a good guy all wrapped up in one.....

every girls dream.....

ok am i dreaming now?B|

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Greg Schaffer, Sam Schaffer, Kurt Mitchell, and Shaun Wenzel. But most of all, Greg Schafer. He passed away due to a heart attac last fall while only in his fourties. I/We miss ya! Love ya man!!![:/]

Don't tell me I can't! I already know that! Haven't you seen my x-rays?

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