
calling all atlanta skydivers

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:):ph34r::D I learned a very importnant lesson a while back.............before one should attempt swooping, one should understand the necessity to actuate both toggles down simultaneously in order to cause the diving canopy to plane out (I'm not up to rears yet). Failure to do so will cause the pilot of said canopy to collide with the earth at a rate much higher than desired.......ever. Doing so will cause your back and ass to hurt for a looooooooong time. I did regain some cool points for skipping of the ground and then landing of the accuracy target where I was unceromoniuosly swooped by V and Kenny.

The lesson can be taken from history.... out of all the battles between falling objects, and the earth, the earth remains undefeated.:ph34r::DB|;):)
It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

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As far as I know, this is also the only swoop pond in Georgia that has a fatality to its credit. I've heard more than one pilot confused about the big puddle next to the runway.

no i dont think there has been any deaths at asc swoop pond....

You might want to do some research before you say that. All of the Georgia DZ's have had fatalities. ASC has had the most, and the most recent to my knowledge.

I've have worked at ASC since its first day of operation in 1997. There has never been a death associated with the swoop pond. In fact, there has only been one fatality in 6 years...as Mark Shimell noted. Other area drop zones have had more and more recent, not that it makes them more unsafe...you just have your facts wrong. :)
Hope to see you all at ASC's Christmas Party Saturday, Dec. 6...the White Elephant Gift Exchange will be in full effect.

Later skaters,
Mike to the G

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I fully agree with Mike here! ASC is a great place to jump. They are extreamly safety conscience in all aspects of skydiving! You have your facts wrong! The staff is outstanding, everyone is friendly, more like family!

The Christmas party next week is going to be a blast! Come on out and join us ;)
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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I hate to get into political bullshit but I REFUSE (Even at the urging and deal making of Ben the last time I was there) to jump at ASC. I'll be honest. I jumped there when I first moved back to Atlanta. Did so for several months. Then on a Memorial day weekend I went to SD Atlanta. I have never gone back to ASC even though it was 45 miles and SD ATL was 91. In fact.....I know a TM that lives LITERALLY off the side of ASC'S runway that drives to SD ATL to go to work. Last time I was there one of there LONG TIME packers had even made the move. ASC blows.......it's just that obvious. SD ATL is where it's at............B| To be fair....Monroe is nice and Rome ain't bad either!!! Just differen't flavors of DZ's.

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I hate to get into political bullshit but I REFUSE (Even at the urging and deal making of Ben the last time I was there) to jump at ASC. I'll be honest. I jumped there when I first moved back to Atlanta. Did so for several months. Then on a Memorial day weekend I went to SD Atlanta. I have never gone back to ASC even though it was 45 miles and SD ATL was 91. In fact.....I know a TM that lives LITERALLY off the side of ASC'S runway that drives to SD ATL to go to work. Last time I was there one of there LONG TIME packers had even made the move. ASC blows.......it's just that obvious. SD ATL is where it's at............B| To be fair....Monroe is nice and Rome ain't bad either!!! Just differen't flavors of DZ's.

Clay Fowler...your facts are a little off...there is not a tandem instructor who lives off the runway and drives to skydive atlanta to jump every weekend. But sure, there are skydivers and instructors who live closer to Monroe or Thomaston and drive to Cedartown to jump at ASC as there are the other way around. We have former Thomaston and Monroe staff members now at ASC just as there are probably instances the other way around. Every DZ has its loyal following. I'm not sure what part of "ASC Blows" though:

Is it the student/rental Mirage containers with PD reserves and Cypres II's and PD Navigator, Sabre2 and Spectre mains?
Is it the Super Twin Otter flying every day?
Is it the air-conditioned/heated carpeted packing area with free lockers for experienced jumpers?
Is it the experienced staff of freefliers and RW competitors?
Is it the AFF instructors who now wear video cameras during AFF jumps for video debriefing?
Is it the swoop pond with recently reseeded banks?
Is is the couches, TVs, deck, team rooms and full-time cafe'?
Is it the family vibe and largest fulltime staff in Georgia eager to help young jumpers?
Is it our great mix of newbies, freefliers, bellyfliers and swoopers?
Is it the great service from the only fulltime rigging loft in Georgia?
Is it the gear store with the best service and prices on Mirage and PD products in Georgia?
I'm just curious why this makes "ASC Blow."

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I hate to get into political bullshit but I REFUSE (Even at the urging and deal making of Ben the last time I was there) to jump at ASC. I'll be honest. I jumped there when I first moved back to Atlanta. Did so for several months. Then on a Memorial day weekend I went to SD Atlanta. I have never gone back to ASC even though it was 45 miles and SD ATL was 91. In fact.....I know a TM that lives LITERALLY off the side of ASC'S runway that drives to SD ATL to go to work. Last time I was there one of there LONG TIME packers had even made the move. ASC blows.......it's just that obvious. SD ATL is where it's at............B| To be fair....Monroe is nice and Rome ain't bad either!!! Just differen't flavors of DZ's.

Clay Fowler...your facts are a little off...there is not a tandem instructor who lives off the runway and drives to skydive atlanta to jump every weekend. But sure, there are skydivers and instructors who live closer to Monroe or Thomaston and drive to Cedartown to jump at ASC as there are the other way around. We have former Thomaston and Monroe staff members now at ASC just as there are probably instances the other way around. Every DZ has its loyal following. I'm not sure what part of "ASC Blows" though:

Mike, Clay doesn't own a business that is associated with ASC and that makes him considerably more objective than you. I have personal knowledge of at leat two deaths at ASC. I have spoken to several individuals that have worked at ASC and would never go back. I have jumped at ASC once, and will never go back. I certainly didn't get this warm family vibe when they demanded that I leave a credit card with them before I could jump, was charged more than their advertised rate, and never got full altitude on any jump.

I don't have the time to discuss their business practices and I think you are too close to the problem to see any of this either.

If a great DZ were nothing more than having great facilities, than SD ATL has everything ASC has, plus a much larger landing area. A DZ is much more than just facilities, which is why I'm just as happy to jump at Georgia Skydiving Center in Rome as to jump at Skydive ATL.

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I have personal knowledge of at leat two deaths at ASC. I have spoken to several individuals that have worked at ASC and would never go back. I have jumped at ASC once, and will never go back. I certainly didn't get this warm family vibe when they demanded that I leave a credit card with them before I could jump, was charged more than their advertised rate, and never got full altitude on any jump.

There has only been one death at ASC...you can ask all the current and former staff members you like. Your number is incorrect.

I'm sorry if you didn't feel welcome when you made your few jumps at ASC and they made you pay beforehand as most large DZs do. I don't know how you supposedly know so much about ASC and have only jumped at the DZ once.

ASC is one of the few DZs that doesn't skimp on altitude. Hop n Pops are routinely from 5-7 grand and the Super Twin Otter nearly always lets jumpers out at 14,000 feet unless there are cloud issues.

We also have staff members that have worked at Monroe and/or Thomaston and would never go back. Whoopdeedoo...you can always find people like that for any place.

My issue is that you continue to spread incorrect information about deaths at ASC, lower altitudes and are just plain ignorant about what goes on at ASC since you haven't jumped here on a regular basis whatsoever.

Yes I own a business associated with ASC and I also have the majority of skydivers in the Georgia and Alabama area trusting my loft with their rigging work...even if they choose to jump more at other area DZs. There is a reason for that...the quality of work at Chuting Star Rigging Loft is one of numerous reasons that ASC is a safe, fun DZ to jump at...come join us sometime again.

See ya,

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Yes I own a business associated with ASC and I also have the majority of skydivers in the Georgia and Alabama area trusting my loft with their rigging work...even if they choose to jump more at other area DZs. There is a reason for that...the quality of work at Chuting Star Rigging Loft is one of numerous reasons that ASC is a safe, fun DZ to jump at...come join us sometime again

saved my ass a couple of times...;)

asc is a great drop zone.. no need to be jealous.
also i go to thomaston on a not so regular basis but im known down there by name... it is also an awesome drop zone.....

looks like i might be paying a visit to monroe soon... have heard a few good things but has been a few years since ive been there....

and rome.... well it is rome.... havent been for years to rome either....

i call asc my home drop zone but i could just as easily call thomaston my home....

maybe you should come by asc sometime with a positive attitude and see how that gets you along there then...

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Again, I'll ditto what Mike said. ASC is my home DZ! I have no business interest there. What I have there is a great group of friends. Mike personally helped me get through Levels V, VI and VII of AFF. He took a personal intrest in seeing that I passed. Without his help, I might not have made it. His professionalism was and is surperb, but he did this because he took a personal intrest in helping someone learn to skydive! And, every other member of the staff at ASC is exactly the same way, professional, but more so because they do it because they love it, because they give a DAMN about what they are doing.. they want you to succeed and they rejoice and celebrate with every success you have and work with you when you are having trouble! This is something that cannot be faked! They treat me just like I was family, and I have seen that they treat everybody else the same way! I've never had to leave a credit card at the window and it has always been just a simple walk up to the window and get on either the next load or the one after it, if they are busy. On the day I started AFF, I was originally supposed to have jumped at another DZ. I won't say the name, because I am not going to say anything bad about another DZ on the net. We (there were three of us) were there earlier than our start time but the people that ran the DZ didn't show. We waited around.. Another group that had scheduled tandems showed up. still no one from the dropzone! We waited for a good while and no one showed. We called ASC to see if there was time to go there and jump. We told them our situation and they said no problem.. come on over! It was after 1:00 when we got there. They had a CASA there that day so it was extra busy. The AFF classes had been started for a good while but they started another class for us. I doubt very many other DZ's would have done that, they would have probably told us to come back another day! When i first started jumping, I ask the question how many have been killed here. everyone on the staff that I ask told me one, and recounted the details! There would be no reason for them to lie about it, say that there had only been one if there were in reality two! So I don't know where you come up with the idea that there have been two deaths at ASC! You say that you will never jump at ASC again, well I say that, that is your loss! Your loss because ASC has a great bunch of people, a great staff and is a great place to jump! There gear is top notch, Mike Keeps everything in top shape! You can purchase any kind of skydiving gear that you need there, if they don't have it, they will get it for you! The Super Twin Otter carries a good load of jumpers and gets to altitude quickly,a nd they don't skimp, every jump i have made has been from 14,000 to 14,500 ft, and the Otter flies every day of the week! Perhaps, as a couple of others have suggested, you should give ASC another try. Come with a positive attitude and you just might find that you have a good time!
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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