
Hollister Field Trip to Eloy / DZ.com Hoiday Boogie

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Hey, who from the hollicoaster crowd is going to Eloy and when are you going? Sarema and I are looking at taking off on 27 DEC and staying until 2 or 3 JAN. wanna ride or covoy with us in the bestest RV ever made? ;)

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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now this is a very tempting idea....

we'll talk soon...are you guys going to be in H-town this weekend?

how's you heel?

Can we make this a NorCal field trip?
Between airfare and a rental car it might be just as cheap to drive out there if people can carpool.

I am not 100% sure I am going yet, but looking at the other threads going on about this, I might just have to :P


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Hey Rob, it's Ronnie's girlfriend, the one with the greyhound and the little terrior that likes to try and beat up Bear! I don't post on dz.com ever, but saw this one and couldn't resist...I don't know if you heard, but Ronnie and I are moving to Phoenix. Well, Ronnie's already there, and I'll be heading out in two weeks for good. We're gonna miss our new Hollister buddies (we just all met:(), but anyway, if a group of ya'll come out for the holiday boogies, or any other time, make sure to contact us, cause we'll arrange to be at Eloy on the same days!!! Same goes for all you Hollister peeps! It was nice getting to know you all, just too bad it was short lived...but hey, we'll always have Eloy;) And why aren't you guys... AND you too, Lizzie, going to Chicks Rock?????

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how did I know Liz would be the first one to respond to this post at 8:30am? ;)

Sarema and I are staying home for this weekend to rest and recuperate. We'd like to get up there next weekend, but it will be hard. October is pretty chock full for us (Sarema's taking a 7 day cruise to Mexico next weekend with her girlfriends), but we're saving $$ for Eloy, anyhow.

Thanks for asking about my heel. It's still tender and I can't put weight on it. [:/] the sides of my foot are all black and blue from bruising. I can get around, but i have to tippy-toe everywhere. ;)

If you can go with us to Eloy, that would be great. we have an extra bed or two in the RV that is always available for our skydiving buddies...

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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Hey Rob.. If I go to the boogie, I'd love to caravan or ride with you guys.. Looks like I may do my 1,000th around New Years.. Might be kinda cool to do it out of the DC-3 at midnight.. B|
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Caravan it is. obviously the caravan that I go on will have to be after Xmas (27th is the plan so far), but others might want to go down before Xmas (separate caravans?)
The quickest route is down 5, past Bob and Deb Lanteri's house, though LA on the 10 to Phoenix and down to Eloy.
we're talking 12 hours from hollister (according to mapquest)

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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Hey Rob, it's Ronnie's girlfriend, the one with the greyhound and the little terrior that likes to try and beat up Bear!

Hi Haley. Hopefully we'll run into you (and your mean dog ;)) at Eloy, then. sorry you gotta move...

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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H-town on the road. Let's just snag some creepers..

60mph creeper races. Just what the doctor ordered.

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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I am more and more into that idea of going. I had so much fun last week-end that I can't wait to go to my next REAL boogie.
So now I have a 75% chance of going B|

Would be great if we could carpool :)

You can't determine the length of your life
- but you can control its height and depth.

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Rob... how's your liver?

I missed the first four hours of the conference the next day after we partied in San Fran. I was so hung over. by the way, you're a horrible influence.
on the bright side, it made a good train-up for my trip to germany a week later. Prost!

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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I am definitely into bummin it with you in the RV or a Hollicoaster carpool! As soon as I start my new job next week I can schedule my vacation time to narrow down the dates I can make it!

BTW: anyone know what the distance record is for creeper races? Your RV and some heavy duty wheels on the creeps we can get the whole H-town crew down there. That is if Andy doesn't find another fire extinguisher...
T.S.S # 5
To dream great dreams is itself an act of daring. -Eric Shipton & Bill Tilman

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HA! Right as I'm reading your post Andy, Louie starts to barkB|. He's one mean mutha. I wish I had gotten a picture of you holding him like a baby. Suddenly things seemed so serene with Lou in your arms...well, if you come to Eloy for the holidays, maybe I'll snap a shot then. Keep in touch and let us know if ya'll come on over to Eloy!

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Ok, so do we need to start a list and see who's driving? are we to that point of committing, yet, or should I wait a month?

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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If you are considering the trek please send me a PM and I will include you on the "trying" list.
When you know for sure one way or the other you can let me know and I will adjust the lists accordingly. Please review all of the information in the PUB.

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Okily dokily-
here's the latest scoop:
Zack (batwing150) and lizzieB are seriously considering taking Zack's 5th wheel trailer down to eloy for the event.
I just talked to Bob Lantieri on the phone and he is probably in.
Now we need to start a tentative list (subject to mucho change, but a changing list is better than no list)
We need to start looking at driving arrangements and GAS MONEY, too... [;-)]
So far, it looks like

Skyshark6 (Rob) and ilv2ffly's (sarema) RV-->
skydivexxl (andy)
room for 2 or so more passengers, but Andy's claimed the bed

Bob Lantieri (not a dz.commer)
Bob's wife, Deb
room for 2-4 passengers on the trip, but they only have one extra bed in their RV

Batwing150's 5th wheel

skypup (Brian)
Kermor (Gwen)
chopchop (roy) ?
theAnvil (Super Vinnie) ?
vdschoor (iwan) ?

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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what about seb? are you in, Sebazz1????
what about Iceman? Mike, wanna go to eloy?
how about everyone else???
Let's bring the entire hollister crew down there and freakin' take over!!!!

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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