
Why being an instructor/videographer is GREAT!!!

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I’ve seen like 5 threads now on why people burn out, quit the sport or hate getting their instructional ratings. Well, I’m here to tell you that getting your Instructional rating or working at a DZ is an awesome experience and some tips on how not to burn out.

Why it’s great!

1. The moment you get to a new DZ, you’re in the system. You don’t have to feel out the vibe; don’t have to worry about clicks or bad attitudes from fun jumpers.

2. At boogies, you can definitely share the cost by doing some working jumps. And if you run out of money, you don’t have to run out of jumping.

3. Your jump numbers increase exponentially.

4. Your teaching and technique become second nature. If you compared my first 50 tandems from my last 50 (500 so far), the talk got smaller, the students got better, because my teaching and flying improved.

5. You strive to learn more about every aspect of the sport. You tend not to single out a discipline but embrace them all so there is knowledge in teaching as much and best as possible.

6. Shooting video can become monotonous (if your not careful) with tandems, but that usually forces a person to start new and creative flying techniques that improves skill and videos.

7. You become a connoisseur of jumpsuits, usually having at least one of each in your gear bag, and sometimes multiple types of one jumpsuit.

8. Skydiving never hits your home bank account, and that’s MAJOR points with the Mrs.

Don’t burn out!

1. Change it up, don’t do 50 tandems in a row. Swap around and fun jump. I know tandem masters that bring their personal rig to the DZ every day and as soon as manifest says there are no more tandems they pack up and leave.

2. The more sick of the sport your getting, the more fun jumps you need to insert in your daily dose. Find a balance.

3. Don’t be so bullheaded. If the DZO wants it done a certain way, and your not violating any safety regulations, then just do it. It’s usually not worth the argument. Usually the more corporative the Instructor is, the more leeway the DZO will give him with other things.

4. The best way to deal with a DZO that is nutzy is to get him (or her) out of the limelight). A serious adult discussion in the back of the hanger is generally more productive than something in the middle of the packing hanger. Remember, we’re all just a bunch of premadonnas!!!

5. Start something you’ve never done before, and be taught by someone with far less experience (than you, but enough to teach properly). It’s humbling and super fun, and earns the respect of a whole new generation of jumpers.

6. If you’re opposed to a policy or procedure, talk to other instructors discretely about it. See if they agree with you, then talk to the DZO (meeting), you may be wrong.

7. If you really feel uncomfortable doing something, just don’t do it. Doesn’t mean you have to quit. If you stay calm and rational most likely things get resolved in that manner.

8. If you are flipping out on manifest or packers all too often, time for a break. Again communication is usually the key here. It’s too easy to get nuts for another slammer of the day, or jumping your 10th, 210lb frat boy…

9. Give something back for free at the DZ. Personally, I give free coach jumps (I pay slot and all) and it not only makes the student fly better (because it seems that they are just fun jumping with a buddy, no stress), but it makes the day flow smoother.

I think the key is to maintain a healthy balance. Don’t just hang out on one side of the hanger. I’m talking about Instructing/Video v. all around fun jumping.

If anyone else knows any tips or tricks…by all means post um, or we may have an epidemic on our hands!!!

Know everybody. Learn everything.

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I go to the DZ to fun jump, but take all the work jumps that comes my way. Some days that means that only my Sunset jump will be a fun jump, but usually we start the day with something fun, work during the day, and get one or two fun jumps in at the end of the day. I'm a camera flier and a coach.

All video, well pretty much all video, of new students and tandems recharges the enthusiasm battery.

I'm an adreneline vampire. Feed me, baby!


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I'm one of those odd-ball types. I freak'n LOVE working with students! I also love introducing people to Skydiving. Even if they'll only do it once, they did it, that's better then most of the population.

Tandems freak'n motivate me! The energy they have after a jump, exploding from the nervousness they had before the jump...that's a freak'n drug man, I can't get enough of it!B|
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Great Post!

I have never burned out on teaching in this sport. Packing? Yes. After a while I burned out on packing parachutes all day long when everyone else was out jumping. And I felt the same way about being a full time manifestor if I was couped up inside all day. Terrible feeling :(

I have known instructors and videographers who would be the first to tell you that they don't "fun" jump. They always seemed to be the highest stressed people on the DZ. After a while you could tell they were not enjoying themselves or what they were doing. It was all about the $$$ at the end of the day.

I have learned enough about myself that I need to be in an environment where staff likes to get out and fun jump. To me, work in this sport is simply the amazing opportunity to introduce and share our world with its newcomers. Play in this sport is about getting out there and kicking some ass with my friends by crankin out some mega points. You just can't have one without the other.

And, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

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