
Thermobaric Ammo Developed; Soldiers Get Over/Under Shotgun Mod to M-4 Carbine

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Neato mil news...real sci-fi stuff, like the Colonial Marines used in "Aliens", almost...B|...I'm guessing this stuff will be used on the Bushmaster 25mm cannon mounted on the Bradley, but it would be wild if it was combined with the shotgun mod mentioned elsewhere on the page.B|

"The thermobaric round combines precision airburst technology with thermobaric principles to defeat enemy soldiers," he said. Defeat? How about vaporize? - heh

When the 25mm munition functions, it produces an initial explosion dispersing very fine metal particles that fill the surrounding air. Reacting with oxygen in the atmosphere, these particles self-ignite to create an overpressure.

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The Old Soviet Union has had that weapons capability for quite some time in a shoulder fired weapons system that saw extensive use in urban environments in the Bosnian/Serb engagements. It is extremely effective at destroying buildings/structures and the living tissue inside. Quite impressive to see in person.
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The Old Soviet Union has had that weapons capability for quite some time in a shoulder fired weapons system that saw extensive use in urban environments in the Bosnian/Serb engagements. It is extremely effective at destroying buildings/structures and the living tissue inside. Quite impressive to see in person.

What's it called?

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Im thinking that might just get a little banned by the international community same way that hollow point sniper rounds did.

I know the US doesnt always pay much attention (not starting trying to creat thread drift and ok that may have a lot to do with not signing up to the Hague Convention etc) but it may take the wind out of the invention's sails a little.

I guess though, you're only prohibited from firing stuff like this at people so you could always be like: "honest capt' I was shootin' at his webbing...";)

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Still too long and cumbersome in an urban environment, especially inside of vehicles. Ever try to index on something inside of a vehicle with an M4? It's one of the reasons why I have my team carry MP-5 Ks when in a vehicle and the MP-5 and MP-5SDs when in the house. For those Hallmark moments when we need to reach out and touch someone it's either the M-24/G-3 or the Barret for those really long shots.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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What's it called?

RPO-A Shmel Bumblebee is the name of an RPG round that has this capability. the other one escapes me at the moment but it looks like a cross between an AT4 and a Carl gustav. Further info on it:

The RPO-A Schmel [Bumblebee] was also widely used in the third battle for Grozny. Another veteran of Afghanistan, the RPO-A flamethrower is a shoulder-fired, single-shot, disposable weapon with a maximum range of 1,000 meters, a maximum effective range of 600 meters and a minimum range of 20 meters. The round is 93 mm in diameter. It has three types of projectile: thermobaric (RPO-A), incendiary (RPO-Z) and smoke (RPO-D).14 It weighs 11 kilograms (24.25 pounds). (See figure 3). The Schmel's zone of destruction is 50 square meters in the open and 80 cubic meters inside a structure.

The RPO-A is also a chemical troop system and is found in chemical troop flamethrower platoons. These platoons are attached to motorized rifle battalions as needed. In Afghanistan, RPO-A flamethrower platoons were permanently attached to motorized rifle battalions.

The RPO-A is best used as a bunker buster. It's two-kilogram warhead readily knocks out bunkers and strongpoints. However, when used against dispersed troops in the open, it will normally kill no more than one or two per burst. When the RPO-A is used against armored vehicles, it usually damages the vehicle, but the crew survives and is able to return fire. The Russians learned to assign an RPG-7 gunner with an RPO flamethrower gunner when operating as a "hunter-killer" team. The RPG-7 gunner stops the enemy vehicle and then the RPO gunner uses the RPO-Z incendiary round to set the vehicle on fire.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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The OICW is probably the ugliest weapon I've ever seen in my life. But then does anyone remember what the first gen night vision scopes looked like?

Now I can toss one on in front of my standard scope when ever I feel the urge and I barely feel a difference.

That airburst round scares the crap out of me though. Technology versus marksmanship. One is handed down with no effort, the other requires time and exertion.
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