
Amphibious motorhome!

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That would be cool as hell.

I can imagine getting a bunch of people in there an not telling them it is amphibious. Then drive around to a lake and just drive on in.

"Dude, what the hell are you doing!?" :D:D

Also, I like this from the FAQ:


Why would someone want a motor coach that goes into the water?

Because you have a house boat and a motor coach all wrapped up into one vehicle. If you are taking a trip across country and you find a lake you can drive right into it, boat across it, and drive out the other side and then keep on going.

Because anyone who travels by road alot knows there are all those damn lakes out there getting in your way. And, if you could just drive right through them and add 30 minutes (because it would take so long to cross) to the trip, that would be so much better. :S:D

Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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>Because anyone who travels by road alot knows there are all those
>damn lakes out there getting in your way.

Right, and so often highways just end at the waterline and continue on the far end. I know I've been forced to take hour-long detours on back roads when I discover I-80 just plain ending in a lake.

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That is so kewl.
It would be awesome if you had a way to scuba from it.

Drive out in the lake. Do some scuba the drive back to the DZ. For a night Jump. Or Vise Versa.

BUT, knowing my luck I would run out of gass on the lake or worse yet. A storm comes in. OH DAMN!! Sink It. Can you imagine being in that on the bottom of the lake. [:/]
Bottomless Beers and Blue Skies!

* Brother_Brian *
D.S.W.F.S.B. #2

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didja watch the Monster Garage episode where they turned a "short bus" school bus into a pontoon party boat?

OK this is a step up but I actually saw it float and move through water on the telly! :P


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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