
The Shortest Books Ever Written

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I've compiled a list of the shortest books ever written that I would like to see. Everyone feel free to add, as I'm sure there are many more out there. Just no stupid ones, although I probably have a few myself. And lets try not to do anything political. For instance, anything mocking Bill Clinton or George Bush can easily go both ways, so try not to make this a idiotic partisan thread.

"Things I Wouldn't Do for Money" by Dennis Rodman

"Human Rights Advances in China"

"My Plan To Find The Real Killers" by OJ Simpson

"Career Opportunities for Women's Studies Majors"

"A Mature Day in My Life" by Latrell Sprewell

"Detroit - A Travel Guide"

"George Foreman's Big Book of Baby Names"

"A Marxist's Guide To Running a Successful Economy"

"How to Have A Happy Home Life And Marriage" by Joey Buttafucco

"A Hiker's Guide To The Ho Chi Minh Trail"

"Asian Compendium Of English Pronunciation"

"The Nation of Islam Guide To Pork Dishes"

"Rapper's Guide To Class and Etiquette"

"Safe Driving, the Pakistani Way"

"Attractive Trekkies (A Pictorial)"

"One Hundred Years of Great British Food"

"Mike Tyson’s Guide to Modern Feminism with a special section: On Dating Etiquette"

"My Life On The Wagon, by Ted Kennedy"

"Great Moments In Scab Football"

"Stories of French Bravery"

"Supermodels of Wisconsin (A Pictorial)"

"The Women of IT (A Pictorial)"

"Business Management and Stockholder Satisfaction" by Kenneth Lay.

"Fortifying Your Country" by Andre Maginot.

"The Big Book of Amish Porn"

"Success: The Pauly Shore Biography"

"After Seinfeld: The supporting actor's guide to a successful spin-off"

"Masculinity and Manhood" by Carson Daly with foreword by David Beckham

"The DARE Handbook" by Rush Limbaugh
“If you hear a voice within you saying, ''You are not a painter,'' then by all means paint… and that voice will be silenced.” - Vincent van Gogh

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How to win friends - Darth Vader

Whole family recipies - Jeff Dahlmer

I'm ok, you're Ok - Chuck Manson

Three tracks in the Snow - Won Hunglo

Our Happy Family - Hillary Clinton

The hitchhikers guide to celebacy - Bill Clinton

My Modeling Career - Chelsea Clinton
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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"How to win friends and influence people in the African American community" by David Duke
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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"Humility After Fame" by Gary Coleman
"If it doesn't leave a mark, I didn't do it" by Todd Bridges
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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"Humility After Fame" by Gary Coleman
"If it doesn't leave a mark, I didn't do it" by Todd Bridges

"B-Ballin' and Shot Callin" by Gary Coleman
“If you hear a voice within you saying, ''You are not a painter,'' then by all means paint… and that voice will be silenced.” - Vincent van Gogh

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"Topics not discussed on dz.com"

"Best ways to gross out your friends" - Bill VonNovak

"Proper and complete care of your teeth" - Anonymous British Author

"Things to do besides postwhore on DZ.com" - Collaboration between Clay, AggieDave, jtval and Sunshine and Skybytch.

"Why reposting is a good idea" - Crazy Ivan

"Proper spotting techniques" - Skreamer

"Directory of hot porn sites" - Kallend

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"Pure Class - Guide to Fine Dining, Manners, Art, and Literature" by Anna Nicole Smith

"How to Fight Like a Man" by Oscar de la Hoya

"Pleasing Your Man" by Rosie O'Donnell

"Keeping the Band Together" by Yoko Ono

Trent Lott's Guide to Embracing Diversity

"Effective Communication" by Ozzy Osbourne

Christopher Reeve’s Guide to Mastering Dance Dance Revolution


"The Definitive Guide to Perfect Breakdancing" by Christopher Reeve

"The Winner Within" by the Chicago Cubs

"Crack Aficionado"
“If you hear a voice within you saying, ''You are not a painter,'' then by all means paint… and that voice will be silenced.” - Vincent van Gogh

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"Subtle Acting" by William Shatner

"Electrolysis for Better Living" by Robin Williams

Baghdad Bob's Guide to Media Credibility

"Soaring With The Eagles: A Guide To Flight Instruction" by JFK Jr.

Male Asian Pornstars - The Complete Listing
“If you hear a voice within you saying, ''You are not a painter,'' then by all means paint… and that voice will be silenced.” - Vincent van Gogh

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After lurking for a while on these boards, I've come up with the shortest book of all time:

"Effective Time Management: How To Stay Productive In The Workplace" by the Dropzone.com forum members
“If you hear a voice within you saying, ''You are not a painter,'' then by all means paint… and that voice will be silenced.” - Vincent van Gogh

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