
Remembering 9/11... check this out.

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I think he was referring to Japan. And I think, actually, we did use depleted uranium munitions.

yep, depleted urainium, or uranium depleted material, tomamto, tomahto, but they are not "nuclear". What we use DU for is because it is extremely dense, many more times then lead and we use them as the armor piercing sabot rounds in our tanks. But you get more irradiation from gloves that are used in the administering of cancer radiation treaments then in the rounds

While it may be true about the gloves, it in no way changes the radioactive properties of depleted U. And they don't scatter gloves all over the territory, they dispose of them very carefully.

Yep grew up near to it and Granddad was one of the design engingeers for the Starmet CMI company, 3 miles or so from mom's house

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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Just wondering........did Iraq sign the geneva covention?

Doen't matter, we did

Im curious as to why it doennt matter. Surely if some other country has not agreed to a set of rules they are not bound by them.....not on home turf anyway. If it really doesnt matter then the US can simply dictate the rules of any given situation to the rest of the world.

Just so you know, im irish and my country wouldnt have its independence had it not been for men who were called "terrorists" by the British.

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Just so you know, im irish and my country wouldnt have its independence had it not been for men who were called "terrorists" by the British.

Hmmmm.....I'm an American and the EXACT same thing is true for us. :P

Yeah I know.....but i thought id use a more modern example, as the american revolution has already been discounted due to the lack of internationally recognized rules of warfare of the period. And plus it gives me a sly dig at the brits;) Only Messing!!!!!

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Just wondering........did Iraq sign the geneva covention?

Doen't matter, we did

Im curious as to why it doennt matter. Surely if some other country has not agreed to a set of rules they are not bound by them.....not on home turf anyway. If it really doesnt matter then the US can simply dictate the rules of any given situation to the rest of the world.

Just so you know, im irish and my country wouldnt have its independence had it not been for men who were called "terrorists" by the British.

It really doens't matter if they did or didn't since we did we are held by the law, as in Vietnam, N. Veitnam was not a signer of thet convention, so they did not have to play by the rules, but we did.

And yes they are members, signed 14 Feb 1956

Well, I'm off to play some football with guys from the shift, cheers

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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Great Tribute and very moving. I will never forget. Some people just don,t get it. These terrorist hate our way of life, our freedom,and our beliefs. They want to kill Americans! They would love to kill even those who oppose our Govn't war on terror. It amazes me how a few (they are a minority) of Americans can somehow justify the WTC attack as something we deserved. These spinally challenged few will sit back and let other Patriots die for their freedom. That is okay however, because our Great Democracy allows this freedom. The righteous will prevail and God Bless America!

In Christ
Dave Smith

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Just wondering........did Iraq sign the geneva covention?

Doen't matter, we did

Im curious as to why it doennt matter. Surely if some other country has not agreed to a set of rules they are not bound by them.....not on home turf anyway. If it really doesnt matter then the US can simply dictate the rules of any given situation to the rest of the world.

Just so you know, im irish and my country wouldnt have its independence had it not been for men who were called "terrorists" by the British.

According to the US Constitution, any duly ratified treaty becomes the supreme law of the land. Hence the Geneva Conventions are US law.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The righteous will prevail and God Bless America!

This is exactly the kind of thinking that will lead our entire world to ruin.... and could easily be rewritten:
The righteous will prevail and Allah Bless Al Qaeda.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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The God of truth and light is a righteous and loving God. Those who believe in the truth do not seek to kill innocent people. Instead, seek to spread the good news of redemption and salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. The leaders of the forces of darkness and evil encourage death and suffering. They teach the quickest way to heaven is to die a martyr. Do you see the Rev. Billy Graham or Rev. Pat Robertson telling us to blow ourselves up in the name of Jesus; just to get to heaven? NO. Darkness is upon us and they don't want people to know the truth. They want us to believe there is no hope, no freedom and know way to the light. That is why they blow up innocent people. Those who know the truth also, know the light will overcome the darkness.In keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of the righteousness! 2 Peter 3:13

In Christ
Dave Smith

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Man, I shouldn't even respond to this, but, maybe if we'd all stop worrying about whether we call our god god, or jesus, or allah, or vishnu, or whatever, this stuff wouldn't be happening. People are people and it's bad for you to kill other people because you wouldn't want it done to you. End of story.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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The God of truth and light is a righteous and loving God. Those who believe in the truth do not seek to kill innocent people. Instead, seek to spread the good news of redemption and salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. The leaders of the forces of darkness and evil encourage death and suffering. They teach the quickest way to heaven is to die a martyr. Do you see the Rev. Billy Graham or Rev. Pat Robertson telling us to blow ourselves up in the name of Jesus; just to get to heaven? NO. Darkness is upon us and they don't want people to know the truth. They want us to believe there is no hope, no freedom and know way to the light. That is why they blow up innocent people. Those who know the truth also, know the light will overcome the darkness.In keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of the righteousness! 2 Peter 3:13

This is an absolutely hilarious parody! Truly superb!

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>Do you see the Rev. Billy Graham or Rev. Pat Robertson telling us
>to blow ourselves up in the name of Jesus . . .

From one of their favorite songs:

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.

Huh! A christian song telling true believers to die in the name of god, so they can be like Jesus himself!

>In keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new
>heaven and a new earth, the home of the righteousness!

Someone's coming up with a new heaven? I didn't get that memo.

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>Do you see the Rev. Billy Graham or Rev. Pat Robertson telling us
>to blow ourselves up in the name of Jesus . . .

From one of their favorite songs:

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.

Huh! A christian song telling true believers to die in the name of god, so they can be like Jesus himself!

>In keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new
>heaven and a new earth, the home of the righteousness!

Someone's coming up with a new heaven? I didn't get that memo.

Glad to see you didn't use any twisting of unsaid words.
It states in the song and the Bible that Jesus died to save us. In the Bible it does teach that Jesus let himself be the ultimate AND FINAL blood sacrifice, for there to be NO more blood sacrifices of man nor beast.
It also is taught that we (humans) will NEVER be as Jesus himself and not to think we will.
As your belief, none it can be seen as: If you study and understand "mostly" of energy. You should relize that no matter what, you will not try or concentrate hard and just become what you study.
I will never BE Christ, I will just try to understand his teachings. Learning his teachings doesn't make me a Christian either, for I can't concentrate and be come more than I already am too.
Strapping on a Bomb to kill others is inthe gospel.....oh wait, that really NOT in any Holy book of prayer. I'm AOH but not IRA.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Lets face it.....there are some people in the world we can do without. Some folks just need killing so the world can be a better place.

Hitler said pretty much the same thing...I believe he called it the final solution.
---you should seriously consider removing yourself from the gene pool---

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