
jumping with contac lenses

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I don't wear 'em, or glasses for that matter but do a search. A few people on here have already talked about their first times jumping in contacts. Some report difficulties judging the flair due to the change in perspective. I believe it was even reported that there was a noticable difference between wearing contacts versus glasses.

From what I've heard, there is no problem wearing contacts under a good pair of goggles. You'd be perfect in a full face.


My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I think I'm an anamoly. I do carry extras just in case, but I've never lost one on a skydive. I have 1100 jumps and all but 3 done in contacts. The only time I lost a contact was on a 14 second delay with no goggles on a base jump, and I just lost one. I also reguarly jump in sunglasses. Mine are just glued to my eyes apparently.

Glasses on the other hand I've lost 2 out of the 3 times I've jumped with them :)

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I too wear contacts, have been looking for aages for a pair of good goggles/sun glasses that were tight fitting enough so i can wear my contacts (lost a lens a few weeks ago wearing those cheap & nasty clear plastic flimsy things most DZs have) Yoinks advice about taking a spare pair is a good idea!!

Recently bought a pair of Adidas climacool goggles/sunglasses & they are the dogs bollocks! B| Can wear em either with the head strap (supplied with them) or use them as a normal pair of sunglasses. Very wide field of vision, & they come with a clip on ventilated foam attachment which lets air in & stops them from fogging up. Lenses are interchangeable & you can get clear lenses (so ideal for dusk/night jumps).

They're a bit pricey but I highly recommend em :)


edited to add (i forgot this) its also possible to get prescription inserts made that sit just inside the lens meaning you wouldnt have to wear contacts at all. Probably wouldn't be cheap tho!

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hey i ALWAYS jump with my contacts & i know how freaky it is to lose them during freefall! :S

i'd recommend those goggles that DON'T have the little holes all along the tops/bottoms... obviously, they don't fog up that quickly but that was the only time i've ever had my contacts fly out...
i jump in the kind that are all plastic except for the tiny little hole on each side where the plastic is bent :) hope this helps!

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