
EMS - You rock! .

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Last night I was driving back from a little town by Huntsville -

And this set of headlights about a half a mile infront of me ( last Night ) starts flashing and then shines way up in the air and then shines out into a pasture - Oh fuck, i said, and hit the brakes slowly and there wre about three cars in front of me doing the same thing. . .

I had just witnessed a head on collision - driving nort or west on Highway 30 from Huntsville.

I tell you what, EMS - You guys rock!

So the Firebird was true to it's name and started burning right away - the guy driving the 18 wheeler grabbed a Fire extinguisher out of his cab and two or three other people pulled the guy out of the car - I half ran to the other car that had settled into a ditch on the side of the road.

By blood turned cold and I heard the first sounds - *sigh* at least they were alive - but the screams - *sigh* I have never felt so helpless in my life.

The engine block of the Honda was pinning a girl in her seat - basically it was in her lap, and she was under the steering wheel with her head half out of the window. All I could hear was the passenger, he was moaning and yelling - I didn't know what to do - I don't think they would have heard me if i were to speak to them. I looked in, Both were breathing and yelling and asking me to get them out - All i could do at that point was to try and comfort - there was no effect - they were definately in shock.

I turned my attention to (I found out later the older couple were a pastor of the local church and his wife) Took the pulse of the guy on the ground that had been pulled frok the burning Firebird, he was ok, but his leg was badly broken. His face ws swollen, but it looked like he was going to be ok, he was somewheat coherant.

(Deep Breath) Ok, what's what's your name - he told me - (Whew - Good Sign) - Where do you live - ok - Lie still buddy, you don't want to move - yeah I know you r leg hurts but you can't get up right now - (another deep Breath) - ok can you see my fingers - how many? Great!

Then he repeated the same questions over and over -
1 What happened - You were in an Accident
2 Are the other ones alright - We think so - it sounds like they will be( but I really didn't know - It was bad)
3 is my car ok - Don't worry about your car - lets worry about breathing deep and relaxing
4 my leg really hurts - well it looks like it might, but don't try to move it.
5 do my parents know - the pastors wife called them

OK - deep breath - I go back over to the other car -
Flashlight now -
OOh Boy - the steering wheel is pinning the arm of the the passenger back behind his seat at a very odd angle - and you can tell te car is basically resting on the driver.

I try to talk to these people - they aren't understandng me - so i leave them with someone else that continues talking to them.

EMS - Hero's all of them - finally show up - I asked if there was anything i can do - He said yes - go get the flashlight and some gloves out of the truck - and I did - *sigh*

OK - this guys leg is real broke - like in several places - so i hold it as he splints it - real wioerd feeling - cuz its like jello, but a little firmer. Then I have to hold his head still and lift it as we put the back board under him - He took it really well - gritted his teeth and growled a bit - but other than that was a real trooper and cooperated very well.

So we talked to him and talked to him, and answered the same questions over and over and over again, but it was helping him focus - and that was helping the EMS tech - so whatever it took.

The other truck got there and they excised the passenger rather quickly - and he was even boarded and in the Ambulance before the other guy with us - quite a feat considering where he was and all. Compound fracture of the Femur from the looks of it and a bunch of other stuff wrong with his legs - but he was going to make it.

The dribver was a different story - before we could get her out Life Flight had to get there. The pressure on her lower half was immense - the tecks were afraid that she would arrest as soon as the pressure was taken off. (whew)

So, we (the five of us) put the guy we were helping in to the ambulance as Life flight arrived. and off the y went - but the driver told me they were going to Bryan - instead they went to Huntsville. I had already called his Parents and said they woud be taking him to Bryan! Shit - So I called them back and expained my appologies to thier answering machine, i felt like such a lout.

So the Life flight gets there - and the Firemen are using the Jaws of life - Incredibly usefull tool that thing is -

I was tasked with holding the strecher and staying out of the way - Gladly - So the pilot of the life flight comes up and tells me that the situiation is not good and that i sould be prepared for her not to make it, (in a round a bout sort of way) so i said ok, and still held the strecher. Switched to holding the O2 bottle and keeping out of the way from everyone working on her whaen they finally ggot her out and on to the board then thestecher. *BIG SIGH* She made it . She was ok, at least as ok as you could expect.

W/ out going into too many details - her leg was in bad shape - but it looked like she was going to be ok. I think she had a splint on her arm as well.

And for the good , not happy, but good enough ending to this story - They were all three reported stable this evening.


Hats off to you!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Turtlespeed, You rock for doing what you did. Sounds like you did a great job too.

I was at the seen of a car vs pedestrian accident and had no idea what to do except to designate one person to call 911. We put pressure on a bleeding headwound and found a medic alert bracelet, but I really felt helpless and unsure of what to do till the EMTs got there.

That was a horrible feeling, so I took an EMT course. I learned the basics which really helped put the incident behind me, and made me feel like if I'm ever in a situation like that again at least I will have some idea of how to help till the professionals get there. I would highly recommend it to everyone. It's a step past First Aid and CPR which don't quite teach you how to approach a major accident.

Now that I started talking about it here is a brief list of the steps that I got out of the class. Maybe someone will get something out of it.

Think of your and other rescuers safety first. The last thing the emts need is more patients. Think of traffic, downed power lines, fire, chemicals, and whatever got that first guy.

Airway- is air able to get to the lungs
Breathing- Are they breathing?
Circulation- Heartbeat?
Dangerous Bleeding- Stop any huge loss of blood
EMS- Make sure 911 has been called

Leave them where they are unless they are in danger where they are (fire traffic etc) or unless you have to move them to address the above ABCs (ie, move them to be flat n their back for CPR, you might do damage by moving them, but they will be dead anyway without breathing)

If they must be moved just try to keep the back, neck and head straight in line like it is once they get put on the backboard. This is to prevent any further damage to the spinal cord.

Try to have them keep their head still. Get any info that the docs might meed if they were to lose conciouness later. Name, who to notify, any special medical concerns, alergys to meds, last time they ate or drank anything, etc

I don't know if that helps any, but I would love to hear what a real EMT thinks.

Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?
Spelling and grammar errors are left as an exercise for the reader.

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Yep, EMS are cool (saved my life once), but Turtle you're a hero to those people. Takes bravery and strength to get involved in something that bad for people you've never met.

I hope you're around if I ever get in a bind! ;)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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