
Legalize it! Heroin that is...

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There is no moral argument for legalizing hard drugs.

Rehab centers do no good for those who don't want help. So, funding from legal sales means nothing. It also does nothing to stemm the issue of when people run out of money to buy these "legal" substances. What happens then? Go rob/assault/kill a neighbor or store.

The article is full of crap too. It is very easy to overdose on Heroin even if a life-long user's experience would indicate otherwise.

This idea is f**k**g dumb, and hope the "chief" gets an ear-full from the community.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Have you ever seen someone selling illegal cigarettes from Mexico in a back alley? Convenience stores by the illegal cigs to undercut their competition. Have you ever smoked a cigarette that came from Mexico illegally? Its awfull. As if the habit was bad enuff.

Ever heard of anyone looking for illegal alcohol to save money? Me either.

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I do the safe stuff, like tearing ligaments skydiving and washing my prescribed Vicodin down with Sierra Nevada Pale Ales


O.D. O.D. O.D. O.D.

You should read the scrip for that vico, i'm sure it says not to mix with alcohol. For someone so willing to call other drug users stupid and then abusing scrips, ha!

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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There is no moral argument for legalizing hard drugs.

And you're arguing that there is a moral argument for outlawing them? What would that be if you don't ascribe to the "body is a temple" concept?

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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There is no moral argument for legalizing hard drugs.

And you're arguing that there is a moral argument for outlawing them? What would that be if you don't ascribe to the "body is a temple" concept?

The purpose of a Temple is to the dedication of the service of God.

Addiction to drugs is a dedication (sometimes involuntary) to the service of destruction of said Temple, usually in the effort to escape reality.

Aside from the twisted claim that drugs have enhanced our lives in terms of the arts, someone name one benefit of hard drugs in today's society.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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hookers are legal in nevada.....but yet all woman in nevada are not hookers.....and not all men in nevada use hookers. it's possible that people who don't use drugs wouldn't start if it became legal. i wouldn't ....... do heroin anyways.

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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... They're claiming the laws do more damage to our society than good. ...

*sigh* That is the same as saying that making these substances legal would benefit society. Again, I ask, what benefit would this have? Knowing the compulsive nature of addiction, the obvious health risks of the active addict, the obvious dangers of detoxification if an addict chooses to seek help...
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Altho I'm sure this won't be good enough for you seeing as you are the foremost expert on hard drug addiction I'm still gonna say it.

In the 1920's, alcohol was made illegal by Prohibition. The result: Organized Crime. Criminals jumped at the chance to supply the demand for liquor. The streets became battlegrounds. The criminals bought off law enforcement and judges. Adulterated booze blinded and killed people. Civil rights were trampled in the hopeless attempt to keep people from drinking.

When the American people saw what Prohibition was doing to them, they supported its repeal. When they succeeded, most states legalized liquor and the criminal gangs were out of the liquor business.

You have the illusion that there will be more users if its legalized and fail to see that its already readily available yet there are many of us that choose not to use. Now I can not speak for anyone else but the choice I have made is not due to the laws.

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Altho I'm sure this won't be good enough for you seeing as you are the foremost expert on hard drug addiction I'm still gonna say it.

In the 1920's, alcohol was made illegal by Prohibition. The result: Organized Crime. Criminals jumped at the chance to supply the demand for liquor. The streets became battlegrounds. The criminals bought off law enforcement and judges. Adulterated booze blinded and killed people. Civil rights were trampled in the hopeless attempt to keep people from drinking.

When the American people saw what Prohibition was doing to them, they supported its repeal. When they succeeded, most states legalized liquor and the criminal gangs were out of the liquor business.

You have the illusion that there will be more users if its legalized and fail to see that its already readily available yet there are many of us that choose not to use. Now I can not speak for anyone else but the choice I have made is not due to the laws.

You're missing something.

Heroin is a lot harder to create in one's bathtub.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Altho I'm sure this won't be good enough for you seeing as you are the foremost expert on hard drug addiction I'm still gonna say it.

I won't share credentials, but I can say I am well qualified.

What I am arguing (or discussing depending on your POV), applies to alcohol too. Legal substance or not, there are a great number of people whose lives have been horribly affected by addiction.

I'm not arguing that there will be more "users" of the substances. There are individuals that are predisposed to experimenting with these substances. Of these, there are individuals that are predisposed to varying levels of addiction, over varying periods of time. Heroin, nicotine, alcohol and cocaine in various forms or quantities are nearly instantly addictive in their nature, for different reasons, in the way they affect the body.

I am saying that the idea of subsidizing treatment with tax dollars is money wasted since recovery does not succeed unless the individual wants to clean up.

I am also saying that the idea of legalizing these substances will not eliminate organized crime, the same way that the end of prohibition did not. In fact, the drug cartels have resources that the American and European organized crime enterprises do not have. The end of prohibition did not end illegal shipments or importation of alcohol 100%. ATF's existence is tied to enforcing the regulated distribution of tobacco, which is not 100% contained.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I read a title like this and all's that comes to mind is, "Hey, how do I make a skyball".

Can someone explain that please ?

That's "speedball."

10 mg diamorphine (heroin), 100 mg cocaine HCl.

For a "Frisco speedball" throw in 500 mikes of LSD.

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I do the safe stuff, like tearing ligaments skydiving and washing my prescribed Vicodin down with Sierra Nevada Pale Ales

Uh, if you're doing Vicodin or ethanol, you are in no position to criticize anyone's consumption of a mind-altering substance.

Throw in tobacco, and you've pinned the meter, my friend.

Denial ain't a river in Egypt.

Blue skies,


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A simpler option maybe to flood the illegal market every few years with spiked heroin. This way users OD on mass and the demand for illegal drugs dies off. Simple. This is not a troll. I believe that this would be a short term pain for a few members of society but a long term gain for the majority.

I also agree that drugs should be legalised. There is absolutely no excuse for someone to say that they started using but didn't understand the risks. Now a days drug use education is so wide spread that everyone knows the dangers. I say "pays your money, takes your chance!"

Too much is never enough!

All right scud?

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In the 1920's, alcohol was made illegal by Prohibition. The result: Organized Crime. Criminals jumped at the chance to supply the demand for liquor. The streets became battlegrounds. The criminals bought off law enforcement and judges. Adulterated booze blinded and killed people. Civil rights were trampled in the hopeless attempt to keep people from drinking.

When the American people saw what Prohibition was doing to them, they supported its repeal. When they succeeded, most states legalized liquor and the criminal gangs were out of the liquor business.

You have the illusion that there will be more users if its legalized and fail to see that its already readily available yet there are many of us that choose not to use. Now I can not speak for anyone else but the choice I have made is not due to the laws.

This is what's it all about.

Only people who benefit from illegal drugs are those who produce and sell 'em.

Drug trade is second largest business in the world.
More money moves only in weapons, and that includes nuclear warheads, aircraft carriers etc.

Besides heroin is very cheap to produce and if addicts could buy their dose for $1 per day, then they wouldn't have to commit crimes to pay their drugs.

I support everyones choise to do harm themselves if they want to.
Skydiving is dangerous sport. Should it be illegal too?

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A simpler option maybe to flood the illegal market every few years with spiked heroin. This way users OD on mass and the demand for illegal drugs dies off. Simple. This is not a troll. I believe that this would be a short term pain for a few members of society but a long term gain for the majority.

I also agree that drugs should be legalised. There is absolutely no excuse for someone to say that they started using but didn't understand the risks. Now a days drug use education is so wide spread that everyone knows the dangers. I say "pays your money, takes your chance!"

Booze and tobacco make smack look like a gift from God.

Legalize it all and be done with it.

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Sometimes, I would have to agree with that. If heroin was legal, a guy I hung out with in high school may have gone to the hospital when he needed to instead of being paranoid of being arrested. He was stupid for doing heroin. He knew that. He knew it would eventually be the end of him. There's not a lot of support for those who want to quit (I'm not saying I supported his abuse), and arresting those who seek out help (or giving them the ultimatum that they turn over their dealer's name or wahtever) doesn't do much good either.

It's a no win situation. Legalize drugs, and you run the risk of people trying it because, "It's legal now!" Keep the drug war going on, and it does no good, and you waste a lot of money.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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