
Any input on Meningitis?

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Sorry babygirl you're feeling like such crap:( Haven't had it so can't help ya in that department. I can, however give you tons of **VIBES&HUGZ** for a speedy recovery!
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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That sucks...make sure you have someone with you. My sister had it once...her fever got so bad that she started hallucinating and ended up taking a whole bottle of aspirin to get rid of the pain.

Thanks for the heads up! My Dad came down the other day and my Mom has been here. At least one of my roomies is usually here but they are leaving this weekend. Thank goodness my old roomie that I lived with for 4 years is coming to visit and take care of me :)

I'll be sure to only take half the bottle:P
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Thanks babe! Appreciate all the vibes and well wishes everyone is sending. I just got back from the doctors again. I spiked a nasty fever last night and woke up in a puddle of sweat. Got that all squared away and I'm going back to sleep!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I had Meningitis when I was 10. I was being treated for weeks for kidney problems( falsly) and the virus was not found until I was unable to move.

A doctor that was on vacation stopped by the clinic because he forgot something and joined the other doctors to a peek at me. They were ready to take me into exploratory sugery to see when my body was shutting down, they still thought it to be a kidney problem. He was in the room for five secounds and tried to neck trick. The fulid in my spine was so screwed up my neck could not be bent, trying to touch my chin to chest brought on the worst pain ever. I stil remember the feeling almost 20 years later. He diagnosed me with meningitis and I was admitted to hopital. I remember my parents telling me that the medicine may kill me ( penicillin) if I were alergic and the virus may not respond if I was not. I think they told me after but I was aware of how serious this virus was. And the spinal taps were awful. one entering the hospital and one leaving.

I spent 2 weeks in a hospital bed and recoved fine. I remember the pain trying to walk again but I made it.

Its good that they cought it early. Keep your spirits up.

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i had meningitis when i was like 1 1/2, lost all my hearing as a result. i had the bacterial form of it. you have the viral version so its not as bad. hope you feel better soon. :) (and if worse comes to worse, we could always use more really hot deaf chicks. hahaha i'm just kidding) :P:)

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Thanks for the input. The spinal tap sucked ass for me! Glad to hear everything worked out alright for you. I'm headin back to bed.

Rest up, my sweet friend. I was so upset when I read this thread, yesterday. That explains your short PMs where you told me that you had been sooo sick. Thankfully, you seem to be doing better, and I wish you a speedy recovery. I will be thinking about you, Paige, and sending you my love. :)

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Sorry I just now read this, don't keep up much on talkback. anyway, glad you're alright. I was struck 2 1/2 years ago and didn't notice it as quickly as you. Doctor wrote it off as a mild concussion. It wasn't until 3 days later that I went back to the hospital because i couldn't lift my head off my pillow. Brain was swelling so bad... anyway, no gory details but yeah the spinal tap sucked. Had vitamins and morphine injections for a week, and a few more days in the hospital before I could stomach food again and go home. Fun times and had to share :)


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I've been doing really well as of late. I'm excited to see so much progress so soon. The doctor said I was healthy to begin with and that helped in the long run.

I will be healthy enough to jump on Fri. as long as I get the okay from the doctor on Wed. Crossin fingers! He said I should be able to though.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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