
Gun Psychobabble

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In other words, your dogs are deterenets, not defense. Cut that list to three. I have to kind of laugh at the pepper spray, but if it makes you feel better [and you don't mind a false sense of security] have at it.

But haven't you heard, there are too many guns, and a total breakdown is iminent. Everyone with a handgun is a boiling cauldron of homicidal rage. :S
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I'm just tired of the "who gives a shit" posts because, oh yeah, I do. That's why I post to lots of them. I guess the others posting to the thread care, as well.

If you [not you, others] don't care, don't post. Those are about as constructive as IBTL posts.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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With the number of gun posts you provide on a skydiving sight you might want to rethink your priorities, or look at what the good Dr. is saying.

I'm impressed John didn't respond to that. I would have had some colorful [read worthy of getting banned] responses for you.

Well, this here skydiving site, has this here section called Talkback, for these here nonskydiving type threads. This swill spewing wench is to doctors what Jesse Jackson is to reverends.

I post to gun threads almost as often as John. Are you going to personally attack me next? Suggest I have deep seated mental health issues worthy of psychological care?

If you don't like our posts, piss off. That or expect a critique of everyone one of your posts, each in a less-than-flattering fashion.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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In the last 35 years there was only one time where "they almost got me" and that wasn't in a high crime area . . . Then they crossed over to my side of the street and we kept on getting closer. The only thing that saved my butt was a guy came out of a office and got some stuff out of the trunk of his car.:)
Most of us can't/don't want to carry 24/7. 1 o-shit in 35 years isn't to bad. When this situation happened I was on a lunch break and went for a walk. Guns at work were a big no no. In hind sight what I should have done was try and get into one of the buildings before they got to me.

One incident in a 35 year period might indeed be called rare, but that does nothing to diminish the fact that one incident of a certain nature is all it might take. It could be a car accident of a severity that is survivable if a seatbelt is worn, but fatal without one. The rarity of such an occurrence is not a valid argument against protecting oneself from such an eventuality. Nor is it particularly wise, in my opinion, to by choice leave oneself dependent upon some deus ex machina to deliver one from harm's way. That is what people are essentially doing when they say, "Well, sure I could be attacked by a criminal, but hopefully it won't happen and if it does hopefully someone or something will coincidentally save me..."
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Hi Kennedy

Damn this is fun;) I'm sure a lot of this bantering is due my poor command of the english language. I was born and raised in the USA.


In other words, your dogs are deterenets, not defense. Cut that list to three.>>

Deterents and defense mean the same to me. First the bad boy's hear the barking before they even see the house (The dogs can tell) then if the the bad boys dumb enough:( to pass the no trespasing sign and get into my house I'm hoping they they get bit.

I'm the last house on a private road, my next door neighbor doesn't have any dogs. If I was a bad person I'd go hit my neighbor their easier.

>>I have to kind of laugh at the pepper spray, but if it makes you feel better [and you don't mind a false sense of security] have at it.>>

The cops use pepper spray it the bad person is on drugs some times it works other times it doesn't. Have you ever been pepper sprayed? I had a problem with my next door neighbor who's twice my size The police told me if I sprayed the guy it might just piss him off.

>>But haven't you heard, there are too many guns, and a total breakdown is iminent. Everyone with a handgun is a boiling cauldron of homicidal rage. :S

I don't know the exact stats for WA state but we have a high percentage of residents that are liscensed to carry. No requirement except some paperwork. But we also have a very low violant crime rate.:)
BTW the first murder in our little town in 10 years that occured last summer was a murder suicide. The husband was the shooter who also happened to be the chief of police of the city of tacoma. He was going thru a nasty divorce and Tacoma didn't want to get involved in a "civil matter" and didn't take away his gun.

The incident happened in a local grocery store parking lot at high noon on a saturday in front of his little kids. "Everyone with a handgun is a boiling cauldron of homicidal rage" not everyone just some folks. The X chief was a abusive control freak.

The civil disorder that concerns me is we're located in a earthquake zone that is more severe than california's.
Some people will do whatever they have to do to feed their kids & family. It will take a while before things get that bad IMO thats the time to bring out the hardware. I'm not talking pepper spray, or a dog bite.

The hounds will give us enough time to get the bad peoples attention before they get 30 yd's from my house. Hopefully I'll be able to convinced them to go to my neighbor's rather than bother me. If their really dumb and proceed than you gotta do whats necessary and kill them. If their dead they won't come back and their body laying in the road may be a deterent for the next guy. You know there will be a next guy.

BTW I don't have curtains on my windows and haven't locked my doors in 6 yr's. I'm not concerned about not having a loaded gun in my house at this moment.


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BTW I don't have curtains on my windows and haven't locked my doors in 6 yr's. I'm not concerned about not having a loaded gun in my house at this moment.

I guess I know who NOT to consult for personal security tips! This policy of yours, though quaint, is not exactly what I would call wise. Is there a benefit derived from leaving one's doors unlocked -- apart from not having to worry about losing one's house key -- that cannot be obtained when one does lock the doors?

Why only in the past six years? Were crime rates high, and then when they dropped you decided it would be fun to test how low they are by leaving yourself and your family vulnerable? If, by some craaaaazy never-will-happen-in-a-small-town-in-WA chance, some nut arrives at your house with a big knife, a crazed look in his eyes, drugs in his system and bodily harm on his mind, would it not be preferable that he have to pound on your door, giving you advance notice that he's attempting a break in? Oh, wait, that's why you have the dogs; I forgot. Those infallible mutts. Ya gotta love 'em. So much better to hope they get between you and the robber than to maybe meet the robber with a Taurus or something.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Hi Jeff

Whats your solution stay home, or pack a gun 24/7 when your not home.

I had a judo instructor that competed in the olympic's. He told us he wouldn't mess with a person with a gun.

I don't understand... your judo guy legitimizes my position: you don't mess with a person with a gun.

My solution, in fact, is to pretty much always have a gun available. It doesn't cause me any stress or trouble to have, and if I ever do come to use it, boy will I really have needed it.

You will find that most people who are licensed to carry a concealed handgun don't take the hypothetical use of it lightly. I would suspect that most do a good bit of soul-searching, and also tactical thinking, about when and if they would use a gun. I'm not the guy who would go running into a 7-Eleven from my parking space if I saw some bad-guy go in there with a gun tucked into his waistband. I'm no vigilante, but I sure as hell will protect me and mine, and for that it is most advisable to have a gun above all else (including judo, pepper spray, dogs, and begging/bargaining with/trying to run from your attacker).
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Hi Jeff

Have you heard of a guy by the name of Massad F. Ayoob.He wrote a book " In the gravest extreme" The role of the firearm in personal protection.

He's not a anti gun person he'a a nationaly known Gun expert, Police officer, insructor and expert court witness on the use of deadly force.

He also wrote other books "Stess Fire" volume 1 of gunfighting for police: advanced Tactics and technques .

I think he wrote another book on the tactical use of shotguns.

Rather than express our personnel opinions and go around in circles I'll defer to Mr Ayoob. His books are available at some gun store's if you want to know his opinion on when to us deadly force.

Based on Mr Ayoobs book you might be surprised to find out when " I sure as hell will protect me and mine, and for that it is most advisable to have a gun above all else" is advisable.


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Hi Jeff

You have your opinion I have mine. I respect your opinion and your right to carry and protect yourself.

BTW 6 yr's ago we moved out to the country. Before that we lived az house for 15 yr's that was located a couple of miles from the green river. Does that name sound familier? The green river murder was operating within a 2-3 mile radius from my house.

Hw was responsiable for killing at least 49 women. But he wasn't into home into home invasion and killing house wives. He picked up prostitutes off the street. We weren't concerned.

We flew on C-130's in viet nam as a loadmaster for 3 months and only wore our pistol twice. Once when the pilot asked me to and the other time we were transporting 150 VC prisoners with 1 Vietnames escort. The rest of the time I kept the pistol in our helmet bag and hid it on the flt deck so no one would steal it.

Guns are heavy to wear and a pain in the ass when your doing manual labor. I did check out a M-16 once when we were going to a place that required a fighter escort. Other than thos three times we never worried about it.

BTW The pilot did tell our VC "passengers prior to takeoff that if they even stood up in flight we would open the ass end of the plane release the pallets they were sitting on and eject their ass from the plane.

With the terrorist that the military has to deal with today they have U.S. army escorts when their transported and are secured to the pallets. If they move it would be a race to see who kills them first. Me or the army guy's.


End of discussion.

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I don't have curtains on my windows and haven't locked my doors in 6 yr's. I'm not concerned about not having a loaded gun in my house at this moment.

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report (UCR) statistics for Pierce County, WA, where you live, in the year 2002, the following number of crimes were recorded (Table 10):

Murder/manslaughter - 7
Rape - 104
Robbery - 145
Aggravated assault - 752
Burglary - 2,697
Larceny/theft - 7,101
Car theft - 1,677

Maybe you should start locking your doors...


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Whatever you do, don't look up where I live -- Santa Ana, California.

And, BTW, I feel like I don't need a gun in the house. I don't feel like I'm in much danger at all.

Since when is how you "feel" about your danger-exposure any kind of valid measure of whether you are actually going to end up facing danger?

Do you think that the average person who gets mugged on the street "felt" that way as he or she proceeded? Do you think the average person driving 75 down I-95 "feels" in danger, even wearing no seat belt? Do you think the average person who dies of smoke inhalation in their sleep as the house burns down "feels" in danger as they lie down in bed to sleep?

The problem with determining which security measures to take based on how in-danger you "feel" is that most people do not EVER "feel" in much danger. Danger strikes mostly when everything was perfectly fine just a moment before. That's when you will desperately need something (gun, fire extinguisher, seat belt, etc.) and if you did not prepare by getting these things ready when you were NOT in danger, you're gonna be screwed.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Whatever you do, don't look up where I live -- Santa Ana, California. And, BTW, I feel like I don't need a gun in the house. I don't feel like I'm in much danger at all.

Okay, close your eyes now and don't look!

Santa Ana, CA, 2002:

Murder/manslaughter - 23
Rape - 66
Robbery - 871
Aggravated assault - 970
Burglary - 1,225
Larceny/theft - 6,485
Car theft - 2,398
Arson - 159

Good luck!

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According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report (UCR) statistics for Pierce County, WA, where you live, in the year 2002, the following number of crimes were recorded (Table 10):

Murder/manslaughter - 7
Rape - 104
Robbery - 145
Aggravated assault - 752
Burglary - 2,697
Larceny/theft - 7,101
Car theft - 1,677

Maybe you should start locking your doors...

Hi John

Thanks for the numbers, pierce county covers a wide area including the city of Tacoma and two large military bases.

In our particuler area we do have a major problem with meth freaks and I.D. theft. Stealing mail :(& trash:o in rural area's is a major problem and almost a cottage industry due to the drug use. I don't know if this included in the larceny theft number.

Since we live 1/3 mile from the county road where our mail box is located and we leave out trash for P.U. I don't think even a special heavy duty welded steel mail box and post set in concrete would provide enough protection. Simple solution all mail (except junk)gets sent to a PMB or post office cost $100/yr . All out going mail gets hand carried to a secure location.

Trash: we burn anything with our personnel info on it. Once we found our trash can 1/2 mile down the road with it's contents all over the place. Including lots of dog shit:)
BTW we had a load of sheet rock delivered to our house today and the dogs started barking before the truck could see our house.

I grew up in the Bronx from personal experience I can tell you that a locked door will not slow down a intruder. They will just put the boot to it, Bam! door & frame explodes into the room I witnessed the explosion into the room. Same with locked windows glass cutter around the lock, what you doing in my apt?.

The people in the high crime area's in the big city have to use a higher level of security than locks to protect themselves. Bars on windows and a steel bar attached to the steel door and a steel plate in the floor.

Some of the crime stats you quote above can be attributed to family members, friends, or teenagers who know the victems family.

I'm more concerned about a meth freak or drunk driving on wrong side of the road than a home invasion:(

IMO The Mr Getz the NYC subway shooter that shot the 5 youth's. Was correct in what he did, he knew from past experience he was going to get mugged before the bad guy's started the actual attack.

His prosecution was a political decision in spite of the sullivan law. The civil penalties was a lawyer thing, thats the chance we all take when we go to "the gravest exteme" to protect ourselves.


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