
Bush Refuses to Sign Global Landmine Treaty..

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Yeah...now that SH is no longer raping the Iraqi women, the US men have a taken over and target their own.



dozens of servicewomen in the Persian Gulf theater say they were sexually assaulted or raped by other soldiers.

Over the past year and a half, the Central Command area of operations -- Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan -- reports 86 incidents for the Army, 12 for the Navy, eight for the Air Force and six for the Marine Corps.


I don't care if Bush was wrong about WMD's, the world is a better place without Saddam in power.

Please show me where anyone disputes that. I personally think the world would be a better place without GWB in power. Does that give me the right to send troops in to DC and bomb the Whitehouse?

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Did Bush steal your girlfriend or something?

No, but when his lips move I know not to trust what he says.

What did you think of his doubletalk on veterans' benefits?

I'm going to vote for him. Even if I don't agree with everything that he says, he won't change his mind in 10 minutes like your man Kerry. :P

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,...."

They lost those rights when they became murderous thugs.

Fine...prove they are murderous thugs according to the rule of law. Do you have some first hand knowledge about each of the individuals in Gitmo?

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No, but the federal government has. It's not rare that things that seem plain, aren't. Don't get all bent out of shape and go quoting what doesn't apply.
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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What law should be followed there? They don't qualify for POW status, so what international laws or treaties do cover them? [no malice, I really don't know]

I don't read malice in your posts.

The truth is I can't tell you what laws should apply. I do know in my heart, that these people are entitled to due process. I think even the most hard-core of people arguing the opposite, know in their hearts that this is true.

I know it is rude to answer a question with a question but to paint a very real picture... Are you suggesting that this is a lawless situation? And furthermore, do you understand the implications of making it so?... in terms of human rights and morality?

We as people will NEVER know who was in that camp. Does everyone understand that? Does everyone know what that means?

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Yeah...now that SH is no longer raping the Iraqi women, the US men have a taken over and target their own.

Misdirection, the cornerstone of liberal argument. You're still flaming Kev.

Not trying to misdirect at all....you claim justification for the invasion of Iraq because SH was raping and torturing people. Well, US soldiers and raping and torturing people in Iraq....so who invades to stop them?

It's only misdirection when you want to adhere to a double standard.

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It's only misdirection when you want to adhere to a double standard.

No double standard. Rapists, no matter who, should be punished to the full extent of the law.

What law applies to American Soldiers in Iraq?

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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It's only misdirection when you want to adhere to a double standard.

No double standard. Rapists, no matter who, should be punished to the full extent of the law.

What law applies to American Soldiers in Iraq?

Your asking the wrong person, but I believe that the military has their own legal system.

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"The truth is I can't tell you what laws should apply. I do know in my heart, that these people are entitled to due process. I think even the most hard-core of people arguing the opposite, know in their hearts that this is true. "

i dont think the situation is lawless and i dont not feel bad for them down there. They decided to attack the US and they now have to pay the price. I do no think what your saying is true. I think they deserve to sit in prison and rot but thats my opinion. Now what the goverment is curretly doing is gaining as much intel from them as possible sorting the average joe pow from the enemy comatant. That is why some have been released. And the ones that are enemy combatants will be but on trial before a militayr tribunial which i wish i could be on.

They are being treated extremly humainly, they are getting better treatmet then some of the prisonars within our prisions here in the US. They were involded in a terable act of terrorism and deserve to pay the price for it.

President Bush is not taking htese people beating them tourting them and doing all kinds of things to these people that violate the genevia convention. They get 3 squares a day, showers, climate controlled cells, prayer matts, books, karanns, and even have their prayers played over a load speaker just like in any major islamic town. Some of these guys probly have it better where they are now then wehtre they were 3 years ago.
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yes the military does have its own judicial system. It is called the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

And rape is an extremly bad charge to have brought against you. At leat 20 years in prision if i remeber correctly... i could look it up if needed.
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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President Bush is not taking htese people beating them tourting them and doing all kinds of things to these people that violate the genevia convention. They get 3 squares a day, showers, climate controlled cells, prayer matts, books, karanns, and even have their prayers played over a load speaker just like in any major islamic town. Some of these guys probly have it better where they are now then wehtre they were 3 years ago.

So says ____ ?

Fill in the blank. There is a reason the camp is in a land far far away... and it ain't for fear that America might experience some damage in an attempted prison break.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I don't care what "benefits" they are getting while they are imprisoned, they are imprisoned. How do you know some of these weren't just soldiers of the Taliban, which was the legitimate government of their country when we invaded, who were just doing their duty as soldiers when invaded by a foreign force?

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says a good friend who just returned from a tour of duty down there, says my cousin who is stationed there, says the video released my the DOD, say me. I am not basing my assumptions on just what he says. I am basing it on what i have seen, and what i have read and heard through my unit. Im not shootin in the dark here.
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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Did Bush steal your girlfriend or something?

No, but when his lips move I know not to trust what he says.

What did you think of his doubletalk on veterans' benefits?

I'm going to vote for him. Even if I don't agree with everything that he says, he won't change his mind in 10 minutes like your man Kerry. :P

WRONG!! Bush proposed reducing Veterans benefits on the VERY SAME DAY he was giving a talk at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, saying how veterans deserved the best care the country could give them.

Here's what he said:

Here's a report on what he subsequently did:

NOT taken from liberal sites.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Kev- just following orders does not mean what they did was right. If i order one of my troops to kill a civilain both me and him will be charger with murder and we would both be convicted. I know that doesnt work in your mind but that is what UCMJ says
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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>I dont think the situation is lawless and i dont not feel bad for them
> down there. They decided to attack the US and they now have to
> pay the price.

Are you talking about Al Qaeda or Iraq? We attacked Iraq, not the other way around.

>I think they deserve to sit in prison and rot but thats my opinion.

That violates the US constitution, which is more important than your opinion.

>Some of these guys probly have it better where they are now then
>wehtre they were 3 years ago.

Would you prefer jail to what you're doing now if the food was better?

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>Rapists, no matter who, should be punished to the full extent of the law.

Unless they are our allies, in which case we support their torture chambers because they are "allies in the war on terror."

I don't support this, nor do I believe that a majority of Americans. Without taking me back to the crusades, maybe you can name some rapists that America backs.

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If i order one of my troops to kill a civilain both me and him will be charger with murder and we would both be convicted.

And you should be. And if they have commited crimes, they should be as well. But the HAVEN'T been charged with any crimes or convicted of any, or given any representation. All things that you would have.

Has someone said that's what they have done? I haven't heard of any charges being brought against them other than that they were "enemy combatants".

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