
Steve Moore Colorado Avalanche

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I do agree he should be suspended. for how long, i cant say. i think they should compare it to other investigations they have done for similar circumstances and judge accordingly. But, i have to say, all the extra people jumping on could not have helped the situation either, and who knows, maybe some of the damage was done then.

Bottem line is that seeking retribution is part of hockey... it always has been. thats why the goons get to play too. (even though bert is not a typical goon, lets not forget is performance in the past years being one of the top goal scorers in the league) I dont believe he intended to do what he did. nobody in their right mind would. It was a game with a lot of emotion and the refs did not control it whatsoever. in fact, they made it worse... i was there, i saw it.

if you get a chance, check out the stats on NHL.com and you can see the calls made against us.

it was a very frustrating game.

Lets not forget Linden becoming the highest scoring player in canuck history... yay linden!

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Intent to injure? So, what you are telling me is that the presence of a weapon means intent to injure?

Not always so. Just like a punch to the face is not always intentional.

What we have is Bertuzzi's conduct showing a clear intent to injure. He did not accidentally contact Moore. That Moore was hurt was not aan accident. The only thing unintentional was probably the broken neck.

So, breaking this down, you have the following from this situation:
1) Intent to harm Bertuzzi (admittedly not as badly, but it's like a guy saying, "I didn't mean to kill him. Just rough him up a bit")
2) Bertuzzi's act
3) Resulting harm

That's all you need.[:/]

Edited to add: Retribution is a part of hockey. The international quotient of the game is pain. But, like football, things can go too far.

Goons have always existed in hockey. Always will. But the goons have always limited their actions to the game. Bert's move was extracurricular.

Scott Stevens is a goon, too. Yet, I think he has only had two or three elbowing penalties in his entire career! He is an enforcer, and a clean one.

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I finally saw the video of this incident. It's sickening. Bertuzzi is 6'5" and 240-250, he sucker punches Moore from behind, lands on him..intentionally, I think...and I think tried to hit him again based on the video from the angle right in front of Moore.

It was a cowardly chickenshit act. I think Bertuzzi should be suspended for a year....and if there is a lockout next season and I think there will be, that shouldn't count. So, I see him back on the ice in the fall of 2006 at the earliest....if he isn't in jail longer than that. Because I also think he should serve time. That totally crossed the line.

Nothing I like better than a good hockey scrap but that was an assault, a vicious mugging and Bertuzzi should pay a very heavy price.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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It wasn't an accident. It was planned out - the entire series of events. There was a BOUNTY put out by the very player who followed through with it. Trust me - when I was growing up I had a huge anger issue and it almost got me sued for a lot less than what happened to Steve Moore...

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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Bottomline - "It was a cowardly chickenshit act."

Amen. At least be a man about it and wait until Moore is facing you to beat the piss out of him - if indeed that is what hockey is all about, according to one poster in this thread.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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"Outside the Air Canada Centre on Wednesday, two fans waited along with reporters, who interviewed both in the absence of any other news.

One wore a Canucks shirt and hockey gloves with a sign taped to a hockey stick that said "Colin, Ernie says free Bert.""

Man I swear if I was there I wouldn't learn from Bert and I'd smack that dood from behind... Yah, lets free bert uh huh ;):|

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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Wow - I was just on www.cancuks.com - looking at their discussion forums. They are actually debating the difference between a fractured neck and a broken neck - those people hold this game in way too high regard. Get a life people and realize what the fuc$ happened.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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Well the jury is out and Bertuzzi has been found guilty. He's been suspended for the remaining regular season games as well as the playoff games and his eligibility for next season must be determined by Commissioner Bettman before training camp commences next season (which could be a mute point if the expected lockout materializes). Plus the Vancouver Canucks have been fined 250k.

More about this whole thing can be found here.

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The whole display was sickening! Clearly out too injure Moore! The individual that did this should be arrested for assault, and possibly attempted manslauder!
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

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I think the punishment is just - it shows the league is aware of its current situation and where it needs to start working to move towards.

On another note, I saw Berts apology and while its a no brainer that he should feel as bad as it seemed he did, I am thankful that he really does seem extremely sorry for what he did. I've gotten caught up in bad situations but it doesn't define who I am, hopefully this won't end up defining who Bertuzzi is either. My best wishes to Steve Moore, Todd Bertuzzi and their respective teams.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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