
Dating Prejudices?

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I have to agree with Nightingale here. I could not date a girl who is not serious about physical fitness. Period.

For myself this is very important because I am a very active backcountry skier, rock climber,ice climber, etc. all of which require a great deal of physical training. It has been my experience thus far, that my committment to physical fitness can put alot of strain on my relationships. Most of my girlfriends of the past haven't liked it too much when I have spent alot time training for a big climb etc. Go figure!:o

4+ days per week I am in the gym doing the hours of cardio and strength training demanded by these sports if one is to do them safely. It is this lifestyle that is pushing me to just simply rule out the girls who are "non-hackers!" And dammit I hate to say it, but there are alot of "non hackers" out there!! :P

Ha ha. Okay maybe i'm being a little too harsh, but it would be nice to meet a girl that I could share these common interests with.


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4+ days per week I am in the gym doing the hours of cardio and strength training demanded by these sports if one is to do them safely.

I NEVER worked out when I used to rockclimb. I just climbed somewhat regularly, but I pushed myself HARD every time that I climbed and progressed very quickly. It sort-of annoyed people that I have this natural ability to be freakishly good at climbing without even climbing too frequently. (Anyway, due to my health, I cannot push myself the way that I would like.)

I have to admit that I have never ice-climbed or back-country skied either, but I think that the fact that someone is willing to push themselves mentally and their bodies to the limit physically is what I respect/admire most...far more than just their physical accomplishments. :)

It is this lifestyle that is pushing me to just simply rule out the girls who are "non-hackers!" And dammit I hate to say it, but there are alot of "non hackers" out there!!

I don't know what that means, but I am guessing that I am a non-hacker. [:/] That's ok, I am sort-of spoken for by someone who has definitely assured me that he is fine with my level or non-level of fitness. It's good to know. Not every woman can be Rambo hiding behind a skirt. :P

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It is this lifestyle that is pushing me to just simply rule out the girls who are "non-hackers!" And dammit I hate to say it, but there are alot of "non hackers" out there!!

I don't know what that means, but I am guessing that I am a non-hacker. [:/]

I'm a computer geek.. so I know what "hacker" means to me.. but to JP.. the hottie climber that he is.. I'd bet it has to do with summitting something..

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To bad you're clear across the U.S........I know a beautiful young lady who is pretty much looking for the same thing......she's a skydiver, rock climber, boxer, "white water rafter"........working out is her life. She's intelligent also......speaks three languages and is a doctorial candidate. They don't make'em like her anymore.

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4+ days per week I am in the gym doing the hours of cardio and strength training demanded by these sports if one is to do them safely.


I NEVER worked out when I used to rockclimb. I just climbed somewhat regularly, but I pushed myself HARD every time that I climbed and progressed very quickly. It sort-of annoyed people that I have this natural ability to be freakishly good at climbing without even climbing too frequently. (Anyway, due to my health, I cannot push myself the way that I would like.)

I have to admit that I have never ice-climbed or back-country skied either, but I think that the fact that someone is willing to push themselves mentally and their bodies to the limit physically is what I respect/admire most...far more than just their physical accomplishments.



. . . . .geez sorry to hear about your health, that truly is a bummer. I wish you the best.[:/]

And I understand what you are saying about having a natural ability to be good at climbing!! In fact I'm jealous; I have been climbing for over 10 years now and I really sucked when I first started. I hate people like you!;) he he. just kidding. . .I don't hate anyone.

But to be honest with you ones ability to climb well is only a small part of staying safe in the mountains or on Yosemite style walls, especially when you are on the go for more than 12 hours without stopping. Fatigue can really screw your overall ability. Not to mention that sometimes you must move fast to avoid danger or exposure to the elements. This is why it is absolutely necessary to train hard.

It is this commitment to training that makes it hard to date someone that is not understanding of my interest in these sports. I agree with you about having respect for those who push themselves to the limit phyiscally, I think that's great. But it's hard to date a girl that is upset when I spend a few hours at the gym after work, rather than going straight to her house etc. And no, I'm not saying that every girl I date has to be "Rambo in a skirt". Nor am I saying that the girl I date must be "accomplished" in her pursuits. I understand that there needs to be compromise. I guess its just that some of my closest friends from college have girlfriends that kick ass and climb hard and all that, and it just seems that they have less waves in their relationships because they share these common interests. And ultimately that's what I'm starting to look for in the girls I date.

Since moving back to California from Seattle, I have not met many girls that are interested in fitness, short of the local "Newport Beach" chick that tells me "Oh yeah I workout!! I do Pilates for 30 minutes a day!" Arrgh. Pleeeaase!!

Okay, maybe I'm not looking for "Rambo in a skirt" more like GI Jane!!! :)

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you would've scored more points with either:

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."
"You should be kissed, and often, by someone who knows how."

witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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The second would have worked for me - but having never managed to sit still long enough to watch 'Gone with the wind' all the way through... I didnt know it!!:S

oops - well say it for me then!B|

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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I'm probably coming into this thread late. Lots of strange things happen at work near the end of a shift and one of my co-workers passed this website on to me.


I swore I'd never date, never mind marry, a co-worker, especially a nurse. Your schedules are never in sync, don't shit where you work, and the catty snickers as male nurses are a minority. :$ Also why would a guy want to date a woman that knows how to shove a cath up his penis? :o

I've been married to my wife, a nurse and co-worker, for 8 years now. She's the one that got me into skydiving.

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