
I gotta post this!

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ALso the confidence he gives to every jumper that he jumps with is amazing to watch. People that normally won't even try doing blocks, let alone verticals, go out and kill it just because he said they can do it! It's creepy mind control or something.

Got some of that at the last big way camp I went to. I was in the base that funnelled... and then the base that went off aircraft heading... and then he took us aside and drilled us and told us we'd go up on the next jump and OWN that exit... and we did.

Dan's an awesome coach, besides being an awesome person. You guys are lucky to have him there!

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It's creepy mind control or something.

Ok, for some reason, that was hilarious to read.

Anyways, I agree with what you say about Dan. I've jumped with him before... he did my first 2-way with me for my license ( I didnt even know who he was, I told him I didnt think I was allowed to jump with him cause I didnt have my license :$ :D ) and he boosted my confidence. I was nervous as hell. I learned how to track properly, I was still arching when tracking, and he told me to de-arch and ever since then, my tracking has been great. He told me about eye contact and Im getting better with that too. Overall, he's just a great guy and has a lot to offer the skydiving community! Kudos to Dan ( who the hell says Kudos anymore? :S )


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I learned how to track properly, I was still arching when tracking, and he told me to de-arch and ever since then, my tracking has been great.

That is true. You do track very well. Fine tune it a bit and you will rocket across the sky. Close your legs more.


He told me about eye contact and Im getting better with that too

That is what we where talking about on Sunday. That is why you where able to turn 8 points on that jump with Tony and I. Wow, you must be special. Less then 40 jumps and already turning points with B.C. and Tony Domenico not to mention me. You must be cute or something! ;)

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