
Tolkien woulda been a BASE jumper

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Just been watching that LOTR clip someone posted, remided me that when I watched LOTR, (all three in one sitting, I saw a lot of people falling off of cliffs and buildings.

I think if tokien was alive today, he woulda been a BASE jumper

(anyone knows exactly how many jumps were made? I think Gandalf did a few!?)

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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LOL...if you're thinking of the following:

1. Aragorn falling off the cliff attached to the Warg,

2. Denethor falling off of Minis Tirith, flaming,

3. Frodo ALMOST falling into the Cracks of Doom

Then it wouldn't be Tolkien who would be a BASE jumper...it would be Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, or Phillipa Boyens. All three of those were added for cinematic purposes and weren't in the original books.

I'm not judging that, BTW. I think the movies were wonderful adaptations, and unlike some fanatical purists, I understand that movies and books are two differnt media that have different requirements for greatness...

Here's an idea. read the books!
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1. Aragorn falling off the cliff attached to the Warg,

2. Denethor falling off of Minis Tirith, flaming,

3. Frodo ALMOST falling into the Cracks of Doom

Alas you forget about Gandalf jumping off Orthanc, Gandalf falling off Khazad-dum, the goblins of Isengard getting flushed off the giant hole around Isengard, and of course, Gollum falling into Mount Doom.


Then it wouldn't be Tolkien who would be a BASE jumper...it would be Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, or Phillipa Boyens.

Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't Viggo Mortensen playing Aragorn, not Peter Jackson?:P

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Alas you forget about Gandalf jumping off Orthanc, Gandalf falling off Khazad-dum, the goblins of Isengard getting flushed off the giant hole around Isengard, and of course, Gollum falling into Mount Doom.

More Hollywood license. In the books, Gandalf did not jump off Orthanc. He was rescued by Gwaihir, the swiftist of Eagles, because Radagast the Brown (another wizard) had all the animals out looking for Gandalf. Gwaihir spotted Gandalf on top of Orthanc, flew down, had a short chat with him, then bore him away.

Gandalf did fall of Durin's bridge with the Balrog, but survived by falling in water (yeah, right :S), but he didn't fall off Khazad-dum, although he cast the demon off the mountain to it's demise (and left a nice scar on the mountain, I might add).

Tolkein was an english gentleman that taught languages at Oxford. His hobbies were taking his dogs for walks in the woods and looking at trees. I'm sure the concept of falling off cliffs was terrifying to him - nearly everyone that made any sort of fall in the books died from it.
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How was that being cynical? I was just pointing out a fact.

I said I loved the movies, didn't I?

As for Viggo being the actor...the original post seemed to be talking about the creator of the books, so I mentioned the creators of the movie.

meh. Feeling snarky today. :ph34r:
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Gandalf did fall of Durin's bridge with the Balrog, but survived by falling in water (yeah, right ), but he didn't fall off Khazad-dum

IIRC, Durin's bridge IS the Bridge of Khazad-dum, and hence he fell off it. Do you remember differently?


He was rescued by Gwaihir, the swiftist of Eagles

"Right you are, Ken" - MXC, sorry, couldn't resist...
And in the movie, Gwahir rescued Gandalf... but Gandalf took the plunge to give the elusion to Saruman. I know it is Hollywood (or New Zealand) make-believe, but it still looked cool...

I think Sir Ian McKellon had a hardon for flailing his body needlessly in that movie... plus, I don't think he has ever fallen, and fallen, and fallen some more, then hit splashdown at terminal... but then again, he was a wizard - rules of nature do not apply to him...

Did anyone miss Tom Bombadil in the movie? I would like to see him battle a bunch of ghosts in the Barrow Downs...
I was also expecting to see the return of the hobbits to a razed shire, then see one last battle scene... but alas, Mr. Jackson didn't think of that.

One other concern about the final installment... I thought that Pippen killed a troll by himself in the book and Merry helped kill the witch king... why was that part of Pippen's journey forgotten? That would have made much more sense than Legolas taking down an Oliphant by himself...

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I agree with you. Despite reading the books three or more times in my life ... I actually liked the movies better.

The Bridge of Durin was inside the mountain, part of the mines of Moria - I think of it as deep in the base of the mountain. The bridge spanned a very deep chasm that the dwarves speculated was endless. Gandalf and the Balrog both fell off together (or rather Gandalf was dragged off), both survived by falling into water at the bottom of it. Then Gandalf chased the demon all the way up to the very peak of Khazad-dum - quite a bit higher than the bridge. There, they battled, and Gandalf cast it off the mountain, where it was broken by the fall and smote the side of the peak.

Personally, I'm glad they left out Tom Bombadil. Somehow, the vision a brightly-colored chap with a peacock feather in his cap that skips through the forest singing "tra-la-la-lala" would have been too much of a contradiction to the otherwise gothic movie ;)
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The Bridge of Durin was inside the mountain, part of the mines of Moria... Then Gandalf chased the demon all the way up to the very peak of Khazad-dum...

I don't recall that particular mountain ever being named. I remember the Bridge of Khazad-dum being a narrow stone bridge that crossed a deep chasm, within the Eastern gates of the dwarf city. I know the the mountain that Khazad-dum was inside was called Caradhras. I recall that Gandalf "smote [his] enemy upon the mountainside," (movie quote) but I don't recall a name to the mountain.

Much like yourself riddler, I have read the books many times, and am reading Fellowship to my boy at night... that doesn't mean that I am right and you are wrong, just that I perceived things differently. Truce, I hope.

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