
Any ALIAS fans?

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I'm probably the biggest fan of that show. Jennifer Garner is definitely on my "no questions asked" list!

So what is up with Vaugh's wife's family, man????? I hope htey figure out that psycho soon!!! Although that would kill the season...


Did I just kill another thread?

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LOVE that show! Jennifer Garner is amazing! I have the biggest straight crush on her.

Yeah, Lauren thinks she's secured Vaughn, but we all know she'll get hers, don't we? Sydney is gonna shove that annoying little overbite down Lauren's throat before too long. Yay!

Reminds me of that psych test: A woman meets the man of her dreams at her mother's funeral, but he leaves before she finds out how to contact him. A week later, she kills her sister - why?

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Yeah, Lauren thinks she's secured Vaughn, but we all know she'll get hers, don't we? Sydney is gonna shove that annoying little overbite down Lauren's throat before too long. Yay!

Yeah, I can't wait to see that showdown... I hope there are bikinis and jello involved....

Did I write that out loud? LOL

Did you know that Micahel Vartan was actually raised in Paris? If you speak french, his accent is almost perfect.


Did I just kill another thread?

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Did you know that Micahel Vartan was actually raised in Paris? If you speak french, his accent is almost perfect

Ya - thats why alot of stuff is 'staged' in France, and thats why he took a job as a french teacher during his 'time off' while Syndney was gone.

Not to spoil anything - but watch the coming episodes - Sydney gets a new family member! ;)

The episode DVDs ae great for giving you some cool insight into the show.

Arianna Frances

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Did you know that Micahel Vartan was actually raised in Paris? If you speak french, his accent is almost perfect.

He's sooo yummy, I won't hold that against him...

Just kidding. I was raised in Germany myself, and was told the same thing about my German accent this weekend. It was really nice to hear. :$:$


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Huge fan, need to make sure you don't miss any episodes, though.


Not to spoil anything - but watch the coming episodes - Sydney gets a new family member!

Oooooh -no one say another word about it!!! That's almost too much. Now I really can't wait for Sunday.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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unforutnately, you'll have to wait a while longer...
next episode is in two weeks :(

OK. Whew. I can deal. Soon, my ADD will kick in, and I won't be able to distinguish two weeks from forever. No use hoppin' around that long, so I'll bide my time, and

ooh, hey, something shiny...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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1st season was awsome. New, inventive, unexpected.

Now, its more and more a soap with less and less beleivable twists (I know the 1st season needed a lead of faith to beleive the premise, but still... SPOILER you send the guy's wife on a mission where she could interact with him? come on....)

Still, enough babe-factor to warrant continuing viewing.....:ph34r:

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nah - the second season was much better. The interaction of Syndney's mom made the second season VERY fun to watch.

Out of the first two seasons, season 2 is my fav to go back and watch.

I wish she was coming back (Lena Olin), but apparantly she's having too much fun in Sweden or something ;)

Arianna Frances

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You're totally right about the second season!!! I love Lena Olin in that role.

What's cool is that every caracter has some sort of secret side that you have to discover. It's a very well written show, but I can see how it might bug some people... I for one was so happy when they decided to do another season after rumours of pulling it last year....

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I just hope they stay true to their writing..

I don't want to witness the day they 'jump the shark'...

It'll be a sad day in TV when that happens... Similar to when it happened on X-Files, I cried that day :ph34r:

Arianna Frances

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They sort of explained that on the last show didn't they? Isn't it some sort of bio-nuclear-mass-destruction-melt-your-insides virus that could kill millions?

Then they confused me when they said it was Irina's greatest legacy....

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Damn myself for reading these spoilers. I've only reached the episode where she does a semi-nude arch off a balcony (mega jealous of that arch) and stabs vaughn in the appendix.

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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