
Cheesy dumb movies

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Okay, I'm not talking about intentionally stupid flicks, but those that were intended to be taken seriously for whatever genre they were made.

So which movie left you with that Doritos Nacho Cheese taste in your mouth? The movie that you thought needed some wine to go with the cheese?

My nomination is Heath Ledgers : "A Knight's Tale"
Medival jousting set to Queen's "We will rock you", Lords and Ladies cutting a rug to David Bowie...yes cheesy it was...was it cheddar? Brie? No I think Cheese Wiz would be more appropriate.

Other contenders? (Attack of the Killer Tomatos doesn't count, it must be something that had a decent budget and had some known actors/actresses)

"Call me Darth Balls"

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Roadhouse had one classic scene...where the one bouncer is nailing the girl in the closet and tell's Swayze when he gets caught,"But I'm on my break!" and Swayze tells him,"Stay on it."

Battlefield Earth has no redeeming qualities. Signs at least was funny with the kids wearing tin foil on their heads.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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Signs at least was funny with the kids wearing tin foil on their heads.

Why is that funny?

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Hmm. How about "Cocktail." Big Budget, big stars, old lame-ass plot.

Poor boy meets rich girl. Fall in love. Rich girl's daddy upset. Boy wins. The end.

More lame ass? Maid in Manhattan. Poor girl meets rich man. Fall in love. The end.

Or, how about something by Michael Moore? Based on a true story.

Actually, anything with a ":" in the movie title. "Where you find a colon, you'll find shit."

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That may very well top the list....Didn't Burt Reynold attampt a cop movie with a small black kid....I remeber that being a pretty festering pile of dung. An old out of shape Burt, crammed into over tight blue jeans leaning on a small kid for comic relief.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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Lost in Translation.

Why did this movie get the nod from the Oscars? Could it be that the directorys daddy would never employ anyone again if it didn't?

I watched the whole thing waiting for something, anything, to happen. Hell the credits were better than the actual movie....

D.T. Holder

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Gotta agree with you. Bill Murray is normally great in anything he does...but nothing ever happened in this movie. He did a great job of playing a bored lost guy in Japan....However I think I could have pulled that off.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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Here is a movie that will be known for being cheesy as soon as it gets on the screen.


The actors they have chosen for the parts are just not believable. I saw a few of the previews and it just looks like it is going to SUCK and be cheesy
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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"Roadhouse" Patrick Swayze

"Battlefield Earth" John Travolta

I would say "Signs"; but I think it just sucked.

Blasphemy!!! how can someone not like roadhouse, that movie has some of the best quotes ever.

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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