
Skydiving Posters

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-- "If Bill Wilson stamped 'combat' on a crowbar, I'd trust it in a fight..."

Man, just what does your sig line mean?
the only Bill Wilson I'm familiar with is the AA founder and I cant for the life of me figure out why he would be stamping "Combat" on anything :S

My mighty steed

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-- "If Bill Wilson stamped 'combat' on a crowbar, I'd trust it in a fight..."

Man, just what does your sig line mean?
the only Bill Wilson I'm familiar with is the AA founder and I cant for the life of me figure out why he would be stamping "Combat" on anything :S

thanx for asking, I was wondering that very same thing.

Anyhow, call and ask Performance Designs, or mail them a nice letter. They have a few letter sized brochures about the sabre, stiletto, and my favorite, rickster and the velocity that he used in Crosswinds. They are up on my walls.
They also have nice posters (i'm sure you have seen them around the DZ's) of the Matrix looking one, and the sunset swoop - MY SPORT ATE YOUR SPORT FOR BREAKFAST - a kickass looking picture, my favorite.

Anyhow, I love PD pics, and they are all up on my walls.

Hope it helps!:)

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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