
Fortune Cookie. Bad Omen?

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Just ate Chinese at work. Concentrated real hard when I picked my cookie from the pile. Left me sitting there thinking wtf? >:(:S

Keep your feet on the ground even though friends flatter you.

Anything that says... keep your feet on the ground... is kinda, i dunno... weird.

Reminds me of a time last year on the way out to the dz when a bird flew into my windshield and died. I didn't jump that day. :|

Okay. Weirdness over. :P:D:D

You may now return to your regularly scheduled post whoring. B|

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dude I am so fat I had a parachute blow up on me my sevententh Jump. I think we just have to remember what sport we love and manage the risks as well as we can and, you will be fine.

P.s. I am so not fat......I have the best arse ever on a man!!!!B|

Ahh, what a wonderful world.

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Reminds me of a time last year on the way out to the dz when a bird flew into my windshield and died. I didn't jump that day.

Last weekend in Deland, a peacock flew into a guy's windshield and died. The guy had to get a new windshield because of it too! I think he still jumped though so I think you'll be ok after getting that cookie. :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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OH STOP WHINNING!!!, let me tell you about my daily commute back from work:

Time: 1AM
Location: New York (Saw Mill road)
Weather: POURING RAIN, dense fog, thunder
Misc: Deer running around those roads, falling tree branches

And of course I always get fortune cookies reading: "SMILE!!! today you're the star" or shit like that.

How you guys doin'? >:(
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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OH STOP WHINNING!!!, let me tell you about my daily commute back from work:

Time: 1AM
Location: New York (Saw Mill road)
Weather: POURING RAIN, dense fog, thunder
Misc: Deer running around those roads, falling tree branches

And of course I always get fortune cookies reading: "SMILE!!! today you're the star" or shit like that.

How you guys doin'? >:(

damn. did you sit on your light sword today, kid? jeesh! :S:D:D lighten up! hahahaha.

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most certainly an omen;) but not necessarily a BAD omen.:P

you forgot to add the mandatory "IN BED" at the end.;)


Keep your feet on the ground even though friends flatter you. IN BED

Not so bad now is it??:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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I have a feeling that if I'd have gotten a fortune cookie yesterday the fortune would have gone something like:

"Many of the things you rely on in your workplace, like email and microwaves, will cease to work, leaving you with a cold uncooked hotpocket and no way to complain about it to your coworkers."


"Your mother's full of stupidjuice!"
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My fortune cookie said "fly to TX and spend the day with a hottie named Jeff"
You forgot to add the mandatory last part

I didn't forget. I figured you could just show me when i get to TX. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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sinvce this turned into a fortune cookie thread I have a good ( the best I've ever seen ,for the circumstances)

when I lived in georgia, I lived next to a few hotties.all college students living off their parents money. well the one I was really good friends with got into a fight with her parents and lost her job .
she was freaking abou thow she's pay rent bills etc.
So I took her to lunch at a chinese restuarant to listen to her whine and we were chatting etc,,,,her fortune read...


I cracked up...then I told her that I wanted my meal deducted from the "in bed" part:D
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DUH ..I was confused this didnt TURN into a fortune cookie thread, it began as one.

( i thought i was reading the throwing rocks at boys thread

You big weirdo. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Keep your feet on the ground even though friends flatter you.

Remember, all chinese fortune cookies should have the words "in bed." appended to the end.

Makes sense now, doesn't it? Nothing to do with skydiving. B|

Edit: Wow, i was late with this. Need more caffiene, obviously. :P
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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sinvce this turned into a fortune cookie thread I have a good ( the best I've ever seen ,for the circumstances)

when I lived in georgia, I lived next to a few hotties.all college students living off their parents money. well the one I was really good friends with got into a fight with her parents and lost her job .
she was freaking abou thow she's pay rent bills etc.
So I took her to lunch at a chinese restuarant to listen to her whine and we were chatting etc,,,,her fortune read...


I cracked up...then I told her that I wanted my meal deducted from the "in bed" part:D

Best one I ever got (in Chicago's Chinatown) was:
Your business will grow to enormous size

I kept it in my wallet for a long time.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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