
naked risers on wings containers

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Does it ever seem that there is a lot of exposed riser on wings containers? I've never jumped a wings container, and I'm not questioning there credibility, my question just comes from an observational stand point only.
I've looked at them and it just seems that from the 3 rings to where the riser cover starts there seems to always be around maybe 5 inches exposed to the elements of freefall.
I've never heard of any problems resulting from it... just a curious thought i guess :P

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I'm guessing this may depend a lot on rig size? Or yoke size? Because on my Wings there is only about an inch of riser exposed - basically just the part that has the binding tape wrapped around it horizontally at the very bottom of the riser.

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FYI - the toggles are what you need to 'cover' with a riser cover. The riser itself being exposed to the elements is of no consequence unless they being to pull lines out of the container.

Provided that a riser cover keeps the toggles covered up, there's nothing wrong with the bottom of the risers being out in the open. One end is attached firmly to the three ring, and the other is pinned under the riser cover.

I've got an Infinity with an extended yoke, and I have at least 5" of exposed riser before the riser cover and have had no problems in 1000+ jumps.

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Average height, with a smaller rig.

The problem with small rigs on average or above average sized people is the yoke is always in the same place, and they just make them shorter and shorter. The obvious problem is the hackey moves further and further up your back.

Another problem I have is that I jump a camera suit with a full wing. In addition to the hackey moving up, so does the lateral. Seeing as the wing needs to go over top of the latertal, this cuts into your wing. Also, with a full wing, I prefer to not have to reach too far up my back to get to the hackey.

So I had the rig built with a longer yoke. It lowers the hackey and the lateral, making more room for the camera wing, and less reaching for the hackey. As a bonus, it keeps the rig down on my back, and makes for a more comfortable cushion for leaning on in the plane.

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Sounds like you bought a Wings with an extra-large yoke, but it arrived with standard-sized riser covers.

Not all manufacturers redesign main riser covers every time they design a different size of yoke. That is because tolerances on main riser cover tuck tabs are only 1/8 of an inch and it can take a half-dozen tries before you get it right, then some field rigger "invents" a new way to distribute bulk in the reserve container and it throws off all your hard work.

There is only a slim chance that exposed main riser ends will interfere with a deploying reserve, but you have to make a long series of mistakes before you go to that scenario: not deploy main canopy, but pull cutaway handle, have risers shake loose from 3-Rings, pull reserve ripcord handle, etc.
That chain of errors rarely happens in the real world.

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