
Death is soooo final.

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I don’t know why but I find myself very affected by the recent death of a former co-worker. Death isn’t new to me; the first person I ever knew who died was my paternal Grandfather. He died when I was only 6, and my paternal Grandmother died when I was 9 – both from natural causes. I used to hang out with a group of guys in my early 20’s, but they’re all dead – most of them due to complications from HIV; I think I’m the only one alive from that group. I’ve had a couple of friends die in car accidents; a stepsister who committed suicide; a brother-in-law who committed suicide; a sister who died of an accidental overdose. Aunts and Uncles have died from ailments from cancer to heart attacks. Most recently, with in the last 5 years, both maternal Grandparents have died from natural causes. Some people died young, some after a long life. Some died quickly and unexpectedly. Some died long slow deaths. Some died peaceflully. I've sat at bedsides as loved ones slipped away; I even got to hold my Grandmother’s hand as she took her last breath.

The point is I know a lot of dead people, and I’ve seen a lot of death from many causes so why am I so affected by Rob’s death? I didn’t know him that well. I knew him in passing at work, and we hung out at some of the same night spots, but that was about it. So why am I so affected? Maybe because he was young and successful with his whole life ahead of him. Maybe because his death was sudden and unexpected. Maybe because he was handsome and intelligent and I had a crush on him. Or maybe because death no matter how it comes, is so final.

Rest in Peace Rob you’ll truly be missed.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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I've also been affected by the deaths of people I barely knew.. it does make you realize that life .. if not fragile.. is certainly not a permanent situation.

You sound like this girl I know.. she'll start telling a story about someone and at the end say.. "they're dead now". Kinda weird...

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I tend to shy away from the subject when ever I can Keith. I have seen far too mny friends and relatives die.. as do we all if we survive. I try to remember the good things about those who have passed, and cherish those memories. It comes to all of us no matter who we are... good people and bad people die everyday. Remember the good.

Cherish those who are still here and never take them for granted because one day they too will be gone..

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Dude, I've only had a couple of people's death really affect me, and for weird reasons, myself. The best friend of my wife's uncle died a couple of months ago, leaving a wife and two kids under 6 years old. With my situation, it really hit home.

Sorry, Keith. I'm with you on that one...[:/]

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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