
Surgery Recovery?

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Well, my doc informs me that I need to go in for bunion surgery on my right foot to solve some issues that it is causing. He says two weeks off my feet, six weeks before I am walking normally. The soonest they can schedule is mid November, and I want to be able to land on it for the Eloy Boogie at the end of the year. Anybody had to have this done? What kind of recovery period did you have? Really appreciate any info out there... damn, this sucks.:S[:/]

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All I know is that the "simple day surgery" I recently had really fucked me up. Instead of 3 days to get back on my feet and back to school, it took 8 days. Instead of things being nice and easy now, I'm still recoverying a bit. The longer recovery really fucked up my classes too, luckily my prof's are being cool about the make up work (yes they're required to provide the make up work, but some profs are dicks about it)...

Basically, if you can, I'd say wait till after the boogie.[:/]
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Not so painful right now, but the longer I wait, the worse its gonna get, and I have met the deductible for my insurance already for this year. If I wait until after the new year I start from scratch again... so its really best from a physical and fiscal point of view to get it over with.>:(

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Well, my mom had foot surgery for a bone spur (sort of like a bunion) and it took her a very long time before she was walking OK and pain free. So long she sort of regretted having the surgery but the chronic pain from her foot sort of forced that decision. I've known older ladies at work who've had bunion surgery too, and they've had fairly long recovery periods. But, these were older overweight ladies. (And my mom, in her 60s, not overweight, but not exactly in great shape either!) Since you're probably quite a bit younger than those people and in better shape, you'll probably heal quicker.

Can you schedule the surgery for after Eloy, just in case?

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an exgirlfriend of mine had bunions removed onher feet.... she was hobling around for a while but this is thinking back to highschool so a long time was maybe 4 weeks.... i'd say 6 weeks....... and it also depends on what kind of canopy you fly andhow good you are at flying it... canya land nice and soft on one foot if you have too.. cuz if you can you are golden....

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Six weeks brother, I'm out 5 months so far, and I've been jonesing everyday, Best part is I'm going back under the knife. 6weeks, I'll do it standing on my head. Enjoy your vacation it will remind you of how much you really love to jump. Good luck. Don't push your recovery time, let it heal.:ph34r:

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