
Who be drunk??

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We can't have that now can we....... here's my AE PlatinumCard number..... 3722-077583-54001 Exp. 07/02
Go buy a case....... Oh, and pick yourself up a new truck while you are at it. Don't worry babe, there's no credit limit.
"hurt me baby"

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Why ask?...... you already have me wrapped around your little finger.......what ever you want. By the way, can you have someone stop by the house and have them take these handcuffs off, I really gotta pee......
"hurt me baby"

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hey fruce i'll take a rig too. =c)
Embarassing drunk stories.. hmm so many. Here are some highlights:
At the Thanksgiving Boogie in NC we were tired. I guess I had the wrong tent, cuz someoen woke me up and asked who I was. oops
Last summer I woke up one morning at the DZ to find my shirts hangign outside on teh deck. I'm nto sure how they got there, when they got there... I asked a few people and they just laughed, saying , "Dude, if you don't know..." huh.
Supposed to do night jumps on New Years Eve at ZHills. 'Nuff siad, we were plastered by then and all of a sudden I hear TK makign this announcement over the PA telling me to come to the briefing. I stumbled into the briefign and tried to explain why I would not do a night jump. In the state I was in, he made me talk about my night jump expereinces and safety ideas. I have no idea what I said, but people were laughing.
I also have a bad habit of dancing on bars and doing acrobatics. This past weekend it was impersonating teh Cypres ad with the ankles around the shoulders.

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I'm beginning to see that I'm not the only chick who has a tendancy to get naked and dance on tables, and bars lol I'm seeing that alot of skydiving chicks are the same. We must really be the most exciting people in the world lol...no wonder why the boys love us all so much hahahaha

BITE ME.... :P

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maybe it's a "we know fruce" thing... anyone who knows fruce gets the urge to dance naked on bars? hmmm i think he would like this theory.
WHY are you looking for your CD? dont' like the live version? =c)

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Theory?……… Why Stacy, you should know better!. Fruce and naked chics dancing on bars go togther. It is “The fruce thing”. The challenge has always been what to do with the girl scout uniforms afterward…..
“hurt me baby”

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Alcohol seems to be a popular topic, so just out of drunken curiosity, what’s the dumbest thing you’ve done because of being totally shit-wasted?

A few years ago we had a reaaaally interesting time after being weathered out.. The clouds moved in, the wind picked up(30-40mph), and the beer light came on around noon.. By 5pm we were all pretty trashed..
I won't go into details, but the incident involves a ratted out old (read: unairworthy) student canopy, a 4ft by 4ft board with wheels attached to the bottom(not sure where we even got that), 4 people on said board, a runway, high speeds, and lots of road(runway?) rash.. Oh, and lots more beer of course.. :)I know a couple of the people on here jump at the DZ it happened at.. A small Cessna DZ.. I refuse to specify the DZ, so as not to incriminate some of the (not so) innocent persons.. The DZO may or may not "remember" said incident if asked.. :D

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when i come and visit can i have the privlage of singing with you?.......i'll scare all the other jumpers away so we can get on the first 5 loads in the morning. they will just remember me singing and not want to come back to the dz! :-)

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I'm beginning to see that I'm not the only chick who has a tendancy to get naked and dance on tables, and bars lol I'm seeing that alot of skydiving chicks are the same. We must really be the most exciting people in the world lol...no wonder why the boys love us all so much hahahaha


BITE ME.... :P

OK, got drunkl, and decided to go old school befer passingk out. is 2001 old skool nuf? :)
Hooos dis playmat chik, and where''d she go ta?

See ya'll in th morn..............
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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