
Dead Like Me?

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I was cruising through Best Buy on Saturday evening and saw the dvd set of season one of Dead Like Me. It looked interesting, so I took a chance and bought the set.
Holy Crap! This is brilliant! How did this show slip under my radar before? It is funny, intelligent and incredibly well written and acted.
It was a crappy weather Sunday so I watched the whole season in one day. It was awesome!!!!!!!
Pete Draper,

Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

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i watched the first episode but thought it was a bit childish, does it get better?
A really good show that i like at the moment is the 4400, the second season should be good.
If you want something really cool to watch, try the mini series called 'taken'.
That is well made tv.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Dead Like Me Rocks! It's like if Touched by An Angel had a funny uncle who cusses and stuff at the family reunions...

The pilot was 2 hours and wasn't as clever as the 1/2 hour episodes. Disk 1 contains only the pilot (and a bunch of special features) - disks 2-4 each have four episodes on them.

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Don't be afraid of death,
be afraid of the unlived life.

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Craichead and I missed the first season but discovered it this year. We watched it religiously.

It has a short season, and the second season is now over. Showtime has replaced it with HUFF, staring Hank Azaria. Its on the same Sunday night slot... Very well written, well acted, well produced.

We live by Showtime. They rock.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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A few years ago, just before it came out, I was in a focus group about the show. They showed us all sorts of designs for ads and how they were going to market the show.

It was really amazing to see it being advertised less than a year later, and to see what they had chosen, and to know what other ways they had considered doing it.

I liked the show, but no longer have Showtime so haven't seen it in quite a while.
Killing threads since 2004.

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Looks like the show got its own appointment via sticky note.

Just read today that they let the contracts expire for everyone on the show and there is no effort by Showtime to pick it up.

Too bad, it was a great show.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I was cruising through Best Buy on Saturday evening and saw the dvd set of season one of Dead Like Me. It looked interesting, so I took a chance and bought the set.
Holy Crap! This is brilliant! How did this show slip under my radar before? It is funny, intelligent and incredibly well written and acted.
It was a crappy weather Sunday so I watched the whole season in one day. It was awesome!!!!!!!

wow...i dont even buy dvds of movies i have seen or know let alone box sets of tv shows i have never heard of before....impulse buyer are we?:P

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