
For the Queensryche fans...

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Looks like I am going to miss them in concert for the first time in about ten years when they pass thru Chicago on Saturday. Oh well, guess I will pick them up in October somewhere else in the Midwest. Has anyone see this show yet? Is it any good?

Did you guys know there is a new CD with the original line up coming out on Tuesday the 22nd?

For those of you who don't know - Chris DeGarmo is a pilot and that is why they have so many song about the sky....and of course that is where I got my DZ.com name from....
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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to hell with QR! they've been going down hill since Mindcrime..Empire had its moments but...

Fates Warning and Dream Theater are playing on that tour too!! what are you nuts?? go go go!!
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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to hell with QR! they've been going down hill since Mindcrime..Empire had its moments but...

Fates Warning and Dream Theater are playing on that tour too!! what are you nuts?? go go go!!

I'll agree on Hear/Frontier and Q2K (Kelley Gray? blech), but Promised Land is a great cd. I'll pick up Tribes when it comes out next week just to see if they are back on track.

Yea, I would love to see Fates Warning and Dream Theatre (or QR jr as I call them). However, I am still unemployed and going to Rantoul. Can't spend the cash, plus I have to be somewhere Sat Night anyhow.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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QR jr?

lol.... have you seen them? they absolutely slay QR, have since their first album while QR was busy selling out..of course they'll never be as commercially successful because they are far to 'prog' for the mainstream.. Fates may be more easily accessible (more melodic) but they wont have the mass appeal either.. bands that write 12 min songs just dont fit will into radio play rotations, that rehash the same 6 sounds...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Sorry but they suck and always did.

are you kidding?? the first 3 albums are epic!

Take hold of the Flame?
Roads to Madness?
The Lady wore Black?
Queen of the Ryche?

they once had the fire...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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QR jr?

lol.... have you seen them? they absolutely slay QR, have since their first album while QR was busy selling out..of course they'll never be as commercially successful because they are far to 'prog' for the mainstream.. Fates may be more easily accessible (more melodic) but they wont have the mass appeal either.. bands that write 12 min songs just dont fit will into radio play rotations, that rehash the same 6 sounds...

Haven't seem them in concert, yet...but I will. My brother is a huge Dream fan and got me hooked on them. Still, as much as you can hear a Floyd influence on QR, you can hear the QR influence on Dream. I'll make sure to catch them the next time they are in town.

Dream and QR have never really been radio friendly. QR was forced by their label to make friendlier songs for radio, thus the reason for Empire. Promise Land was their breakaway from the studio again.....I guess since I have hung out with QR on a bunch of occasions I see them in a different light.

Still, I don't think I have seen a concert as well done as the LiveCrime tour.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Sorry but they suck and always did.

are you kidding?? the first 3 albums are epic!

Take hold of the Flame?
Roads to Madness?
The Lady wore Black?
Queen of the Ryche?

they once had the fire...

You may want to check out their website then - they have remastered all their CDs and have put bonus tracks on all of them.

The stuff up to Mindcrime is pure classic.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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to hell with QR! they've been going down hill since Mindcrime..Empire had its moments but...

Fates Warning and Dream Theater are playing on that tour too!! what are you nuts?? go go go!!

FATESWARNING noe exit album was KICK ASS

"enter young man welcome
cast your dreams and show you waht is real....."
i forget the rest!
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I have to say that their music was really great up to (and including) Empire, plus a few good tracks on Promised Land... and then they went downhill from there. However, their first few albums are just amazing.

I saw them in concert once (Empire Tour... but the show was really about Operation Mindcrime). This was one of the best show I have ever seen.

Anyone wants to guess where I got my user name from?


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Actually, if I remember correctly, Chris DeGarmo was still with them on Promised Land and left afterwards. His replacement was definitely not as talented (he could play all right, but the writing was not as good). Chris de Garmo was writing a big portion of the music at the time.


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Well I have to say that I prefer Queensryche's music to Dream Theatre, but I would not go as far as saying that they are a cheap imitation. DT are extremely talented, their music is just a little harder to appreciate.


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DT are extremely talented, their music is just a little harder to appreciate.

exactly much more musically complex (QR never really went down that path) and therefore less marketable.

wonders if all the QR fans who think DT is a 'rip off' also thought QR was ripping off Maiden at the time they started?
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I am curious to see if Queensryche fans also like Crimson Glory. Transencence is one of my favorite albums of all time. I heard a few weeks ago that Midnight might be returning for a new album.

BTW, I am on a roll, 4 post in one night for me... at this rate I might lose my Newbie status before next year!!


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I see dream theater every chance I get. Just a few weeks ago in Orlando, and couple of days later in Clearwater. UNBELIEVABLE every time I go. Queensryche is good, but so was John Denver. Each one in Dream Theater is amazing.-Tony
My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

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they use to say that about mike patton(?) the singer to faith no more;)
and MR bungle

However, Patton did not grow up with opera vocal training like Tate did.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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they use to say that about mike patton(?) the singer to faith no more;)
and MR bungle

However, Patton did not grow up with opera vocal training like Tate did.

Tate has been chain smoking for the last 10 years, and his voice shows it..

Both Bruce Dickenson and Rob Halford slayed him when i saw them together in vegas...and they both have 15 years on him...

Patton cant hold a candle to any of the 'trained' types, that was record company hype.

listen to

Worl Dane (Sanctuary & Nevermore)
Ray Alder (Fates Warning)
James LaRue (Dream Theater)
John Arch (Fates Warning)
John Olivia (Savatage)

also anyone whos on the fence about DT needs to listen to TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA they are many of the same musicians..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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