
Computer peeps, How to get web hits?

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Is there anyway to get your site up (preferably high) on the search engines with out paying the outrageous fees everyone seems to want?:S

Right now it does not show up at all

Flying Hellfish #31
"I'm not allowed to talk about it till after the trial"

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One of the ways google ranks sites is based on how many other sites link to yours. Get your URL out there. My site isn't indexed by google, and yet it still comes up very high on searches for skydiving videos since it gets links from so many sites. As google's "spider" looks at web pages, it comes across links to my site.

I purposely stopped google from indexing my site to limit hits... not exactly an issue faced by very many sites. :)

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what about when people are not doing searches by the stie name? how do you get other search strings to show up, like michigan skydiving?

Flying Hellfish #31
"I'm not allowed to talk about it till after the trial"

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Computer peeps, How to get web hits...
Right now it does not show up at all

Step 1: Have a free porn site with some cute college chicks
Step 2: Have a free porn site with some cute college chicks
Step 3: get a shitload of hits due to free porn.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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what about when people are not doing searches by the stie name? how do you get other search strings to show up, like michigan skydiving?

Everything you ever wanted to know about the subject can be found here:


Long story short, add meta keywords to the head of your html document, but add them intelligently -- use words that also appear in the body of your pages.

Also, make sure your html validates, otherwise some spiders will give you a lower score.

And while they may not keep people at your site, boobies will at least get them in the door :P

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It only costs a couple hundred bucks a year MAXIMUM to pay for "paid inclusion" into the major Search Engines.. that hardly seems outrageous to me.. but when your on a tight budget I can understand the feeling.

There are several factors that go into the entire process, for instance:
(free lesson for anyone reading)

Make sure your website is on a reliable server.. if there is more than 99% downtime, DUMP IT

ALSO make sure your IP address, the server your on is NOT sitting on the same server as other "NOT QUALITY" websites.. as a spider won't visit that server anymore if it doesn't like what it finds. In other words, only trust reputable hosts who are willing to verify the integrity of the rest of the server to you.

By the same token, when choosing a host provider, ask how often the spiders already visit the server, ones that have frequent visits create a better chance for you to be seen sooner.

Make sure there are no broken links in your site, and make sure all of the pages load correctly.

Optimizing your page is as simple as sticking to the point. Decide a theme for each page and don't vary. Go back through your text, remove all of the "the, and, or, is, was, of" words as you can.. this applies to saturation.. you want less of the words that have nothing to do with your biz, and more of the keywords you want.

Do NOT include links that GO OUT of your site in the first page... refrain from this whenever possible.

Word style plays a part.. certain heading styles on keywords in your page will help draw spiders to those keywords you want to focus on.

The worst thing you could do is try to cheat.. never simply repeat words, always create content based on your keywords..

never have images without image tags if placement is important to you

use keywords in image file names whenever possible

Content is the key... add information as often as possible... say at least once every 2 weeks.. a page, an image or two.. something to continue the growth of your site...

A search engine spider works logically, if your site is changing, is of content people are looking for, works well, focuses on the topic at hand and is following the rules.. then you will do well.

Of course, that's just a quick overview from a paid professional's opinion.. The situation has changed alot in the last few years, and paid inclusion has pretty much taken over. Its relatively inexpensive to do and is much better than the game that SEO used to be. It's now a matter of wether or not the market is saturated in your area and if it is then it's a matter of having a quality website.. just as it should be in my opinion!

oh, and as you can see by the link previously posted.. Meta Tag Keywords have been abused so much that they are hardly looked at anymore. While important to have.. they aren't as useful as some would still hope. Dam spammers gotta ruin it for everyone!!!!

Happy to help, hope I did.
Pink Suits, Blue Skies & Fast Tunnels,
Dawn Suiter

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Not sure if this article will help in anyway. Also I beleive there is a way to force google to find your page when certain search terms are entered. I cant remember what the method is called.


Every time I speak somewhere people ask me about Google, about spoofing Google, and manipulating their search results through a variety of methods, most notably through an abundance of links. Google has always measured links in its weighting algorithm. What people link to and what they say in their links are major factors in how Google organizes its search results.

Links can be the deciding factor as to whether or not your site ranks higher than your competitors, in some cases. Link analysis is probably more important in Google than in any other engine in determining results because in many categories, very few pages have many links. In this sort of situation, even a few links can boost a page near to the top. The trap many website operators fall into is depending on links alone. More traditional measures, such as the content in the words, page format and the tagging on the pages themselves still count for a lot. How else can a spider, bot, or person know what your site is about?

If you understand this and also understand that most people don't, you won't be surprised to hear about people manipulating links to place high in the rankings in Google. Kind of like putting all your eggs in 1 basket.

It seems as though every week there's a new scheme being passed along (pssst buddy wanna hear a secret.....) in newsgroups, in spam mail, and in local webmaster meetings. However, anyone involved in search engine marketing knows people and companies who have created entire networks in a variety of formats involving interlinked websites in attempts to influence Google, or to spoof its ranking algorithms. For every new initiative tried, (by which people try to scheme their way to the top) Google responds by identifying what it considers valueless link organizations and putting a downwards adjustment on their influence in the overall rankings.

So the moral of the story is, if you want to spoof Google, optimize your site so that there are no issues for the search engine to fight around and build real, valuable, reciprocal links for your site. Don't join link farms!

If you want help from an outside source, great! Find one that uses a methodology similar to ours: use relevance when building links, and don't accept just a bare bones link without any reference information attached to it. The other thing to remember is everything you do right for Google will probably be right for most of the other engines, and the other engines are still used by people too.

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