
MFF-flat pack technique -other canopy

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So I know how to flat pack a 370sqft MC-4. Now can I take the very same technique and apply it to a ZP main 190. Specifically A lines on B-C on A and D-on C
"Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"...

Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT

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Yes, you can.

There is an AFF instructor down there where you jump that does it all the time, if he has quit complaining about it being cold out yet. He used to be a HALO instructor.

Ask anybody down there (more twards staff and all the other senior jumpers) theyll know who you're talking about.

But, he did mention to me one day that he wanted to learn how to pro pack again, because the flat packs take a while, and he prefered the pro pack sometimes.

You talking about that 190 student rig?
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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Im not in Yuma now. Im actually talking about flat packing my 190 main.. the one i will get after coming back from the"desert"
"Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"...

Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT

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Im not in Yuma now. Im actually talking about flat packing my 190 main.. the one i will get after coming back from the"desert"

yes you can flat pack anything. I know guys that flat pack stilettos and velocities - and usually quicker than most people can pro-pack the same canopy.

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Im not in Yuma now. Im actually talking about flat packing my 190 main.. the one i will get after coming back from the"desert"

Hrm, dolphin container huh... did ya find it at a dz in ohio or something like that?

And have a problem being a 'spinner' at HALO?

And Im probably coming back not too long after you, seeing as I know who YOU are.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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flat packing can be quick, efficient, AND trouble free.

only hassle is that it DOES take up more floor space than a pro-pack, and so, carry a packing mat and drag mat with you, so that you don't 'intrude' on the space of others..

i've been flat packing a PD spectre 210 for over
6 years... Never a cutaway:oB|;)

Only thing......
tha canopy better have packing tabs on it.... ( mine does )

or else the pack job, becomes Long and tedious...
I've had a few pack jobs ( ok more than a few ) done by the Pros... never a mal.....
BUT more than a few openings with line twists... on Paid -for pack jobs.

I no longer call it flat packing though,

I call it " Pre- Pro "...


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Now can I take the very same technique and apply it to a ZP main 190.

As others have stated, yes you can.B|

A little hint about parachute packing.
...if the lines are straight and the slider up, it WILL open.

The reason to take time 'flaking' the cells no matter what the packing method, is to minimise the wear on the canopy and to 'hopefully' get it to open flying straight.

...tuck, flip, roll, flop, whatever- what you are trying to do is get it out into the wind-stream in a fairly uniform manner.

I pack my 190's either PRO or Flat depending the bag/rig that particular canopy is going into, for some reason my flat packing fits easier into a smaller bag than my PRO packing.
(gotta sew some tabs on one of these days)

I admire a neat meticulous packer...but I'm not one, 'back in the day' some of us didn't even use bags on the canopy, just a strap around the nose with one line stow, pull the slider up and roll the tail & nose toward each other, then roll THAT mess up like a sleeping bag...coil the lines into the main pack tray, and close. Done in less than 2 minutes.

Wore stuff out a bit faster, and yeah there was the occasional slammer but I never chopped one packed like that.

The longer it takes to pack, the longer it takes to open...!:ph34r:

Note: I'm talking about 190's & bigger...99 foot toe stubbin' gully diggers have a more dynamic opening that's much more method critical....YMMV

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"Flat" is a poor name. There are (2 or more) pack jobs done while laying on the floor, "stack" and "roll" are 2 named packing methods.

You can pack any parachute any way. It is a matter of convenience and "cool factor".

Packing tabs are not required for either "flat" pack job, but make it easier.

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Note: I'm talking about 190's & bigger...99 foot toe stubbin' gully diggers have a more dynamic opening that's much more method critical....YMMV

Naw, I find that a PRO, flat, rigger roll, trash, or even a shopping bag work ok......:P
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Pack it the same as you did at Yuma. Remember a 9 cell will have a few more lines to count than a 7 cell. Either PRO of Flat packing, if you are buying a new all ZP canopy, get ready for some slippery fun. A hybrid will be easier like a PD Silhouette or similar. Get with an experienced flat packer to show you a few tricks to get it in the bag and have fun!
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The so called flat pack method has a great advantage, at the folding of the spread canopy, since you hold the canopy on the ground from the top and apply tension to the lines, the lines are more prone to stay in the middle where they are supposed to be to avoid a line over. OTOH the pro pack is a symetrical method and it is supposed to avoid off headind opening but the lines are generally quite more spread. With the pro pack method I have seen lines so spread that they were going around the edge of the roll and getting dangerously near the nose of the canopy. You can easily feel them if you put your fingers there but most of the time, people concentrate on a nice roll without thinking about what is underneath (the lines).
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i was taught to flat pack and have done 120 flat packs with no worries. everyone gives me shit about it but i tell them to get stuffed. They talk about how long it takes which is crap, i find i beat nearly every person that says that to me without rushing or taking short cuts.

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