
loud boisterious morbid 1st timers...and other DZ irks

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No kidding... let it die already! I've been reading this since it started and all I can see are egos bumping into each other. It goes from a good conversation to down right stupidity. If no one will reply to it anymore, then maybe this thread will die a nice little death. :S

Wait!! Wait!!! Don't lock this before I get my ego out of the closet and parade it around for a little while!!

I have FIVE...count them FIVE big old tandems going. Pull the cord? Please..on tandem #3 I was too busy looking at the hottie doing a back float under me. On tandem #2 I knew going thru that door made NO sense at all so I went out with my eyes closed. On #1 I was too stupid to know any better. On #4 there was that hottie again! And on jump #5 I finally gained a sense of stability in the air and figured out the way thats best for ME to hold my hands up.

I wouldn't tell anybody ANYTHING to calm them down. I don't know what they are going to feel going to that door and I don't want them freaking out and getting a hold of me on the way out and hurt me. OR land and find me and beat me senseless for telling them something that was MY truth, but not theirs.

Seriously, Superman. Its a great sport, but stay in your place. You may be enthusiastic, but never diss the guy behind you as you did in your first post. That says SO much about arrogance. Now you wouldn't want me with my 5 little jumps to tell you what I don't like, would you? Do you think because I've come down 2 times more than you I have the right to tell you what to say before you load or to snicker with other jumpers cause I was there your first time and I'm part of some 'secret club'?

If nothing else, think of it like this: nobody is going to want to jump with someone who 'knows it all'...you MAY even get yourself un-invited from your dropzone. Now all these good people want the thread to die, let it. But take it from someone with just 2 more jumps than you--there's no real good defense for arrogance at this stage in the game. Just have a lot of beer money and WAIT to see what you say on your first 100 SOLOS. Big blues~~April
(we now return you to our regularly scheduled hijack....BOOBIES!)

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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I really don't understand why people think it's necessary to put a MILLION stuffed animals in the back windshield. Are they all "special friends" or something?? :S :D I just have to shake my head when I get behind a carload full of stuffed animals!! :D:D:D

The spinning hubcaps are just silly. I mean, come on, silly. :D What the point? To distract other drivers while we stare into them and have some kind of hypnosis thing happen? :D

So many things in this world that I just don't understand. [:/]


Boobies?? I don't see any boobies...

hehehe!!!!!!!! you guys are too funny!!! this reminds me of my first and only blind date (a while back) ... i met him for dinner, then we were on the way somewhere else and he drove..
so i sit down and see this old stuffed dog sitting on the dashboard facing inward (it's not that small in size either)-- probably the one he had as a kid. so, i thought i'd give him the benefit of the doubt and ask about it... it had a name and a whole story behind it (i forget what it was--didn't interest me).:S bleh! no more "set ups" with men who have stuffed dogs staring me down all night. i don't get it either.... that and spinning rims! they look like they're going so fast but they're not even going the speed limit>:(:|
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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Heidi went out with a stuffed doggie man!!!!


Sorry Heidi, I couldn't resist! :D

The stuffed animals, spinning rims, loud THUD THUD THUD bass, there are so many things that just annoy the crap out of me.

What's your biggest "problem?" What is it that drives you insane when you're out and about driving and miding your own business?? I think mine is the loud bass in the "cool" cars that rattles my windows when I'm trying to chill out and relax with a little METALLICA!! :D

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Just kidding... sort of. :D

My CD case has all kind of music in it. Metallica is basically my favorite. But I have Madonna, George Strait, Dirty Dancing Soundtrack, Sublime, Korn, all kinds... When I have a bad day at work or I am frustrated about something I will sometimes put a Metallica CD in and BLAST it on the way home, on the interstate, driving 80 mph. It's relaxing just like skydiving is. :)

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My CD case has all kind of music in it. Metallica is basically my favorite. But I have Madonna, George Strait, Dirty Dancing Soundtrack, Sublime, Korn, all kinds...

I know how you feel; I have been known to dance naked to the Gap Band's "You Dropped The Bomb On Me" myself...
"I gargle no man's balls..." ussfpa on SOCNET

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Peace, and BOOBIES to all!!!B|B|

I think the rationale behind the spinners and tailpipes and spoilers on POS vehicles is: you can finance the rims(in some ghetto/barrio areas, you can actually rent the rims(???)) you can finance the pipes and the paintjob and stereo. . .but not the POS car. The car is actually the cheapest piece.:S

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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nono the shocker has nothing to do with dancing ;):P

Wouldn't it be funny if it did though! Imagine the shocker given on a dance floor when least expected...

Hey that's what skirts are for right?

(something is very wrong with me today. Sorry.)


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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nono the shocker has nothing to do with dancing ;):P

Wouldn't it be funny if it did though! Imagine the shocker given on a dance floor when least expected...

Hey that's what skirts are for right?

(something is very wrong with me today. Sorry.)

Next time I am in cali want to go dancing? :P

Greenie in training.

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You are BEGGING for another goggle photo...


"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Damn it, you didn't even mention me being with you on that 5th Tandem. That's the last time I pull strings and get you into the air at the biggest party in the world:P
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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