
Shitty fucking morning

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1. Power spike scrapped radio alarm. Woke up, looked at my watch, relaxed. FUCK--I didn't reset my watch for daylight savings. Boss calls me wondering where I am.

2. The scar on my hand (5 stitch-requring cut) split open when the scab got wet. Bled all over the shower.

3. No time for ironing my uniform. It's bad, but not too bad where it'll be noticed. But I know.

4. Get 1/4 of the way to work, and then hit with panic attack as to whether I closed the garage door. Go back, check. It was closed.

5. Get to work, and there are no fucking taskers in my inbox. WTF?!?

Kill me.

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it saddens me to have to wake up and hear this news, or course it's noon here, i don't have to start my new job untill the 11th and it's sunny and nice...... could be worse...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Well if it makes you feel any better- I normally have off on Mondays- but my Manager scheduled a meeting for all my fellow Supervisors- so now I have to go in at 2:30-11 pm. Meeting starts at 7:30- and I'm sure the topic of conversation is going to be how we all suck.

The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.

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Well if it makes you feel any better- I normally have off on Mondays- but my Manager scheduled a meeting for all my fellow Supervisors- so now I have to go in at 2:30-11 pm. Meeting starts at 7:30- and I'm sure the topic of conversation is going to be how we all suck.

Put liquid laxative in the water cooler.

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