
This is too funny!!!

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I am taking one of my co-workers to make his first tandem skydive tomorrow after work. (We get off work at 11am).

Well, he has now asked me every question in the book and is SERIOUSLY nervous as ever!!!! I am laughing at him continuously because I have never seen a grown man so scared before the day even comes!!!!

I keep hearing "Please, just if anything goes wrong, we can handle a broken leg because he can still make it into work". PUNKS!! :P They are all having fun picking on him. I know he will not back out, and will love every moment of it. I guess it's just the anticipation that is killing him.

I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow evening.

This is too funny! :D:D:D

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Hey..........if I was some "normal" guy that works in an office I'd probably be scared shitless too. I applaud people that can over come their fear. Of course.........I was walking around in Wal Mart Yesterday thinking to myself "What sad sad little people there are in this world." How do you live life where your peak of excitement is watching an action movie? :S:D I'd rather be the guy they make the movie about. B|

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I know what you mean....it is soooo funny to watch them all squimish and nervous. When my cousin came out to the farm to do a tandem she was so scared that at one point she had tears. I was questioning if she was actually going to go through with it, but she did. She had a blast, and is willing to do it again!

Have fun and let us know how it went! :)

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There are at least 6 people in my department at work that, for the past 2 years have told me from time to time that they want to try a jump.

They never do it... fucking pussies! :ph34r:
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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My dad went to make a first jump with my brother-in-law as the TM. It was videod, of course (as my bro-in-law said to the camera, "Damn shame Ross isn't here to jump with us", as it was spur of the moment decision).

As I'm watching the tape at my dad's house, he pauses it right as he is in the door and said:

"Son, you know me well enough that I don't get scared. points to the tv - That is ultimate pant-shitting fear in your fathers eyes."


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Oh to make the point a little better. I was in Wal Mart buying both clear (for night time) and shaded shooting glasses, a .223 bore snake, and a little squeeze bottle of Rem Oil (Good thing to have when you carry an M-4) All for my trip to Iraq. I'm sure glad I'm not one of those "Sheeple." B|

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A guy in my office wears a golf shirt with a skydiving embroidery on it to work sometimes. He bought it after his tandem.

I've got to admit, his tandem story is a lot more interesting than mine. Of course, I was really hung over during my first one so I probably didn't get the full effect.

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I've talked two very good friends into doing their first tandems....(both loved it )I love being on the plane with tandems , especially when its someone you brought with you ...I like watching people go through their whole first jump experience...good times :)

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Last summer I was in the plane when a friend of mine did a tandem. I went out the door right before they did. I'm still on student status so the instructor told me when to jump for proper seperation. So as soon as he says go I do a diving exit. My friend saw it and that is all he talked about for a week. Everytime he saw me he was like, "I can't believe you just jumped! you didn't hesitate at all." It was hilarious.
....so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

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I saw my first tandem jumper chicken out last week. Poor guy. Looked 19 or so. Tatoos, Earring, you know all the macho bad boy stuff in place. We had a light jump load so the jump seat was open. They let his girlfriend ride to watch her man jump. He was nervous throughout the plane ride, but when we went zero-G at 14,500, he WIGGED! Kicking, screaming "I'm not going!" and grabbing at any and everything. The grabbing quickly got everyone attention and we tried to keep our handles out of reach. Needless to say he got a plane ride down and looked totally dejected (especially when he found out it was non-refundable after getting in the plane). To his credit, he stayed around and watched for the rest of the morning. Maybe he will get the nerve to try it again someday.

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They ALL had a blast!!!

My girlfriend Lauren was the most relaxed...which was a surprise...she wasn't even nervous on the way to altitude!!! Her boyfriend Jason was sweating and you could see he was VERY nervous LOL!! We had way too much fun picking on him (because he was the one who had wanted to do it for soooo long). My coworker Michael absolutely fell in love. I think we have an addict!! He even bought his level 2 the same day!

I did a solo FF on the same load so i was able to exit right before the tandems. It was so much fun, and I actually experienced first jump jitters for the *beer* time because I was so excited for them all!!!


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Place the beer in the fridge by no later than 5:00 on Friday. I will be there. If you don't mind, I prefer it iced down in a big cooler right outside the packing room. A couple of sliced lemons placed on top of the ice in tupperware would be absolutely wonderful.

At sunset load, please put 1 or two in my equipment bag so I can have a couple for later. I will show you were I keep my stuff.


Thank you, and have a nice day.

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