
Audible altimeter w/ logging

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I'm pretty sure I've read all the posts about neptune, pro-track, alti-track and skytronic audiables, but I'm not able to find enough information on how do they store jump data.
What I'm looking for is (in order of importance):
1) A device that will record hight/time data.
2) A device able to export/download data to paralog for further analysis.
3) audible alarms in freefall and under canopy.

1 and 2 are a must, #3 can be archived via second device (optima, etc.)

I'm pretty sure neptune can do all of the above, but the unit got some bad rep as far as it's software goes (buggy software with random errors, ranging from wrong jump profile tagging (deployment altitude etc.) to deviations in measures height). On plus side neptune seems to have loads of functions, alarms in freefall and under canopy, can download into paralog, is more robust and waterproof.
According to gear section reviews Neptune is as average as it gets. About the same nuber of votes for all marks with average being... well... average. Lots of people complaining about battery life, unit not working (switching off), etc.
My visual alti will always be analog needle, so don't care much for neptunes big screen altitude display.

Pro-track also seems like very good choice. Software is (in contrast to neptunes) bug free, unit is very accurate and can export to paralog. It does not have canopy alarms tho, but has a "siren like" hard deck alarm which people seem to like.
I couldn't find any information whether pro-track records enough data so paralog can create skydive profile out of it (nice colored graphs showing altitude vs. time, speed vs time, etc.).

Alti-track looks really good option to go along with optima (or any other audible only alti), but software-wise it's only compatible with jumptrack, which (as already mentioned) was not recieved well and is described as "leaving a lot to desire" when compared to paralog. Also using M$ Access to manage database is a big minus.

Skytronic GFX... is really not that popular or so it seems. It's not listed in the gear section, only couple of threads about it being not-so-good. It is listed as "supported" on paralog website, it has freefly and canopy audible alarms... But I was also unable to determine if paralog can generate skydive profiles out of its data.

If there are any protrack/paralog or skytronic/paralog users out there, a comment on protrack and skytronics compatibility with paralog is greatly appreciated.

So far I'm leaning towards pro-track, but I don't know if I'll be able to analyze jump profile in paralog (can't find out how much data pro-track logs; entire profile or only average speeds, time in air/under canopy, jump #, etc.).
If there are any other skydiving geeks out there that like to play with toys and apply numbers to just about anything in life, please comment on what you use to log the data. Audible function is not absolutely required and I'd rather go with 2 units (one being really good jump logger and second being really good audible) than 1 that is not very good in any field.
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I've got an Altitrack and it has tons of features. Logs all kinds of useful data. Will also playback any jump stored in it for training. One downside is that the software doesn't come with it but looks like it does some neat things. Check out some of the screen shots and info on the L&B page. I haven't used Jumptrack but will be buying it soon for lack of a better option.

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I think you have pretty much answered your own question(s) in your post. However, one thing you didn't mention that is worth mentioning is that the Pro-track will only log up to 119 seconds and then it stops logging. It has to do with the way the memory is allocated for each skydive. The Neptune on the other hand does not have this issue and for what you are looking to do, is your best option.

Another thing to consider is that you will need to purchase the PC cable from L&B to be able to download data from the Protrack. With the Neptune and Paralog all you need is an IR port and the two will communicate.

Alti-2 works directly with the programmer/inventor of Paralog so the two interface very well. L&B is not as forthcoming with sharing their logger protocols so any L&B device other than protrack will not interface with Paralog or any other non L&B software.

Keep your Neptune software up to date and change the battery as needed and you will find that it works for what you want.If you have issues with it, Alti-2 is fantastic about customer support and takes care of customers needs/issues. The same can be said about Paralog(Klaus) at taking care of it's customers.
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Another thing to consider is that you will need to purchase the PC cable from L&B to be able to download data from the Protrack. With the Neptune and Paralog all you need is an IR port and the two will communicate.

or if you're willing to wait until the end of the month, the Neptune 3 is supposedly now in production, and should be arriving in gear stores soon. It joins the post-1999 world with a brand new mini-USB port!! :D;)
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