
So Tired!--Need Help.

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I've been so freakin' tired the past few months and can't shake it. I've been getting my allotment of 8 hours of sleep and eating healthfully. Routine is the same....even cut out alcohol (which puts me to sleep very easily).

I have no trouble sleeping, but the days just seem to have no energy. In fact, I've taken to drinking caffeine to stay alert during the day (something that I don't like to do, and rarely do past one cup of coffee in the morning).

I do take vitamins....Iron, B-complex, E and C (natural and tested to absorb into the body readily).

Not sure what to do, or add, to make this lethargy go away. Any helpful suggestions?


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Talk to your doctor? Could be something as simple as thyroid problems, relatively common in women from what I understand, and easy to test for.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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You acid, alkalinity level is screwed up and you are dehydrated.

It takes months to get hydration to the correct level even when you are slamming water every day. Drink Lemon water between meals at least twice a day. Exercise.. Have lots of sex!



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Hey girl, not good. A few simple blood tests at the doc's office can point to your needs. You could be slightly anemic, deficient in some hormone, or any number of things.
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You acid, alkalinity level is screwed up and you are dehydrated.

It takes months to get hydration to the correct level even when you are slamming water every day. Drink Lemon water between meals at least twice a day. Exercise.. Have lots of sex!



?????? But I know you're bright enough not to listen to *that* advice....

I suggest, if you haven't had one, a good physical exam with blood work. Then go from there.

Rhino: get back over to SC where you belong....

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Talk to your doctor? Could be something as simple as thyroid problems, relatively common in women from what I understand, and easy to test for.

Was tested for thyroid before and always came out good.

Funny thing is that when they thought I had a hyperactive thyroid (was very thin and active when I was a kid) they were surprised to find out I was fine. My dad was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and had to have it radiated back when he was 20 years old.

It's a very good idea to have some new blood work done this year. It's been a couple of years since my last check-up. I've heard that things change when you get old. :S


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Excellent idea getting tested by your doctor. With all the range of possibilities chronic fatigue syndrome encompasses, what could be the root cause? Some food for thought on what it could be: unknown food allergies, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, chronic/borderline dehydration, sleep apnea, airborne/carpet fiber reactions, drinking water, pernicious anemia (B12 deficiency), adult onset diabetes due to hyperinsulinemia, hormone imbalances, poor intestinal flora due to antibiotics, etc., etc. Since CFS is so widespread, many doctors don't treat it as it should be--with alarm. If your doctor doesn't affect a change in your condition, DO seek another. A friend of mine fell under the curse of a great doctor (to them) but not the best one for treating the condition and they suffered for several years because of that. Put your health (and quality of life) first and seek the best, you deserve it!

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Excellent idea getting tested by your doctor. With all the range of possibilities chronic fatigue syndrome encompasses, what could be the root cause? Some food for thought on what it could be: unknown food allergies, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, chronic/borderline dehydration, sleep apnea, airborne/carpet fiber reactions, drinking water, pernicious anemia (B12 deficiency), adult onset diabetes due to hyperinsulinemia, hormone imbalances, poor intestinal flora due to antibiotics, etc., etc. Since CFS is so widespread, many doctors don't treat it as it should be--with alarm. If your doctor doesn't affect a change in your condition, DO seek another. A friend of mine fell under the curse of a great doctor (to them) but not the best one for treating the condition and they suffered for several years because of that. Put your health (and quality of life) first and seek the best, you deserve it!

Hi Ltdiver

ditto on what hip said:o

BTW nothing wrong with getting old:)

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is not synonymous with "being fatigued/very tired for months." Chroic Fatigue Syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion after 1) no other cause of fatigue can be found and 2) the fatigue has lasted for at least 1 year.

There are some test results/clinical findings that are consistent with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but none is diagnostic. Also, treatment is problematic, as it is thought that CFS has a viral cause. No treatment has been found to be uniformly effective, though a couple of treatments are effective for some people.

SO....ltdiver, please don't assume that you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There are other, more likely explanations. If a physician doesn't decide to treat you for CFS right away, he/she is probably doing the right thing.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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